zero escape birthdays

999 Nine Hours, Nine Persons, Nine Doors (The infamous elevator scene (fandub). After Seven explained all of that, Junpei wondered what the experiment had to do with the Nonary Game and Zero, but he was unable to see any connection between the two events. Carlos still feels bad about what he did and Akane theorizes that he was controlled by a parasite. Dio is also easily the game's most profane character, and he doesn't stop being this even around Quark. After the Second Nonary Game, Junpei became cynical and says he's "done with playing the action hero" because he "grew up". Decision Game: Heads or Tails Pick the correct coin; and Pick the wrong coin. In 999, he is a college student who was kidnapped by Zero and forced to play the Nonary Game (specifically, the Second Nonary Game) with his bracelet number being 5. Junpei has slightly disheveled medium-length brunette hair, brown eyes, and a slim build. "So this time's second Zero and that Brother guy are connected?". As Dio thought they had no use for it, he told them the deactivation code for bomb #0, since Phi had asked him about it earlier. We don't really get much info on these in the games so I thought we could try to figure it out, We don't know their heights, though. After listening to Zero's announcement about the Nonary Game, he and the other players decided to split up temporarily to investigate the sections of the ship they were able to access. He quit school and joined a small detective agency in hopes of finding information on Akane, risking both his life and his morals dealing with the dirty, dangerous criminal underground. One instance was in the K END, where K forced him to the ground once Sigma had deduced that he was the killer. Junpei investigates the 1st class cabin and casino with Snake and Seven. K states that Zero knocked them out and killed them, while they were asleep. If Junpei chose Door 5 earlier, Clover also tells Junpei about her brother's car accident and that his left arm is fake. What the hell do we do?! He mentions that he has lost his "hot-blooded hero" attitude, becoming more of a realist who has lost faith in humanity. Junpei concluded that the body in the shower room was the fourth executive Nijisaki and that all of the murders so far were of the people who were involved with the creation of the First Nonary Game. They start talking about different substances and their freezing point and June mentioned that there was a type of ice called Ice-9 that freezes and melts at 96 degrees Fahrenheit. Yoshimasa Hosoya (Japanese) Liam O'Brien (English). It is later revealed that Dio, while not the mastermind behind the game's events, is in fact its secondary antagonist; he is the leader of the Myrmidons, the military branch of the religious terrorist group Free the Soul, and he is working on behalf of the game's/series' main antagonist, Brother. Junpei notices something in Clover's pockets. He heard the door slam behind him and Junpei left June to go check it out. As the room became quiet, they heard a pounding noise. He said that the picture is of his deceased sister who died 9 years ago. He has also begun to plan his wedding with Akane, intending to send invitations to Aoi, Carlos, and Maria. He blames Quark for betraying Tenmyouji and that he should watch his grandson more closely. ", "It looks like the poison got to her faster", "We'll have to make the decision ourselves!". On the cyan door routes, in which backstories are revealed after the first, On Luna's route before the second Ambidex game, Dio says that he has a lot of Gentlepoints, which is a reference to the. After Carlos calms him down, Akane explains that she signed up to stop a dangerous plan by Free the Soul. Overview Zero Escape: Virtue's Last Reward is an adventure game by Chunsoft developed for the Nintendo 3DS and PlayStation Vita. Quark was very happy to see him, but quickly ran to the doctor for help since Tenmyouji obtained a near-fatal fever and almost died. Ace and Clover wanted Door 1, Seven and Lotus wanted Door 2, and Santa and June wanted Door 6. A drawer underneath the computers opened up, revealing a picture of the four Cradle Pharmaceutical executives. Dio would have tortured her with his knife or murdered her by stabbing or a throat slitting. Dio came from the 4th generation of the Myrmidons. (Not sure if crossposts are allowed but). Just glance down Oh crap, she turned around! Seven stated that he has been inside this ship before, in the very same room. His mission was to infiltrate Rhizome 9 on the Moon on the day the Nonary Game: Ambidex Edition took place, and participate and win the Nonary Game. Junpei typed in the code, and the three rushed down the central staircase to meet up with the other players. With one last threat of pulling the trigger, he ran out of the room to go to the chapel. She asked if Junpei was sure if it was the left arm and he confirmed it. Junpei screamed out her name, and suddenly, a Soporil bomb exploded, knocking Junpei out. The doll turned out to be a "voodoo" doll, a fact that Junpei was not aware of when he bought it. After the hologram recording ends, Tenmyouji collapses to his knees and cries. Santa then asked himself if he is White or Black Santa. Clover thanking Junpei for giving her hope. Published Jan 21, 2022. Although Dio is not mentioned in the game, it is indirectly revealed that Dio was just a pawn of Brother, whose true name is Delta, in order to help out with the AB Project. Despite this, Dio is still determined to accomplish his goals and will resort to the extremes to achieve them - even if it means suicide. Young Junpei and Akane in 2018. The only person Dio did not willingly Betray was Luna, unless she was already dead, because he views her as beautiful. Brother is an esper who knew that Radical-6 would be used in the Nonary Game: Ambidex Edition, so Dio was infected by the group before entering Rhizome 9. Though Clover does try to seduce Sigma, he picks ally, resulting in Tenmyouji having 8 BP. He would hide the bombs on his back and the detonator in his hat. Nine Hours, Nine Persons, Nine Doors endings, In the timelines where Dio fails to kill Akane (Cyan door), Phi knocks him out and Akane removes her bracelet using. Dio and K dead in the Rec Room in Luna END. Tenmyouji raised Quark on the post-apocalyptic planet. After a couple of seconds, the 9th Man soon realized that the DEAD inside the door wouldn't work with just himself so he begged Junpei and the others to help him escape before it was too late. Zero indeed does set them free, but not before putting everyone to sleep, causing them to forget the recent events. He lacks a job and employment prospects. After leaving the PEC, Dio opens his AB gate early. They concluded their investigation and finally found the way out. She offered her hand to Junpei, and insisted they go through Door 9 together, since she had picked up the number 0 bracelet earlier (4+5+0= 9). Tenmyouji agreed to this, but insisted that Quark would come with him. Junpei Tenmyouji ( Tenmyouji Junpei) is the protagonist of Zero Escape: Nine Hours, Nine Persons, Nine Doors and a major recurring character in the Zero Escape series. His first name is revealed by his childhood friend Akane Kurashiki before the codenames are established, so the other players of the Nonary Game simply call him Junpei, though Akane calls him Jumpy (or Junpei-kun in the Japanese version). The keycard had the words "Bottom deck library" and remembered what Seven had told him about ALL-ICE. Using her amazing programming skills, Lotus brute forces a computer and helps her group escape. The Zero Escape series is a trilogy that consists of 3 games: Zero Escape: Nine Hours, Nine Persons, Nine Doors. Dio is the only male character in the game to be paired up with Sigma. Free the soul 999 zero escape Clock. He slipped the 2 and 6 papers (from the vote) out of Junpei's vest pocket, exposing that he cheated. They realized that they needed a key card to escape and started their search of the room. They quickly headed back up and exchanged information with Lotus and Santa, who had found Door 1. He was very strict raising Quark because he wanted Quark to be strong enough to live on his own. Junpei's decapitated head and dismembered arms. Lotus proves her computer programming skills in the laboratory. After Sigma, Phi, Diana, Akane, Junpei and Carlos escape from the shelter, Sigma starts to work on the AB project on the Moon. He went back, only to find both of them dead in a pool of blood. Junpei chose to enter Door 1 with Ace and Clover, which lead to the Chart room. He also turned towards drinking to block out the pain and memories. They walked in to find a dead man dressed like a captain. We had kids around 8 years old and adults who were early 20s and late 30s. Akane then walks away, but not without faint tears in her eyes. An old woman appeared in the hologram, who Tenmyouji recognized as Akane. Junpei asked Clover if she thought the corpse is Zero, and she said that she thinks one of the players is Zero. They say they signed up separately, however. In round 2, Dio and Phi betray Luna and reach 9 BP, enough to escape. WebHowever, The Red Queen has heard of Alices arrival, and shes not happy about it. Once they headed downstairs, June's fever returned, and she collapsed. Clover decided to finish up her story about the experiment that happened on the ship. Phi and Sigma with a knocked out Dio in Dio END. He tells the story of a woman being murdered since she chose another path due to a snail, stating that 'life is simply unfair'. Dio was unconscious and had been handcuffed to a sink pipe in the Infirmary. Afterwards, Junpei went to get June. When she returned to Junpei, the culprits were gone, leaving Junpei covered with bruises all over his body, especially his face. After a virus outbreak which killed the majority of the human race and years of struggling to survive on a post-apocalyptic Earth working as a garbage collector, Junpei became very bitter about life and was rather stern and grumpy, not trusting others easily and lacking patience. In C-END: 1 (the timeline leading to Virtue's Last Reward), it is shown that Junpei died during the C-Team execution, but another Junpei from a different timeline arrived into the Virtue's Last Reward timeline using the Transporter. Junpei collapsed to the floor, bleeding, and his vision began to fade. Clover then opens it, and Tenmyouji counters to Sigma, saying that HE didn't open it, so didn't break his promise. They could be his. Like the other players, he wears a bracelet on his left wrist. Junpei stood there in utter shock, not being able to move. They found that in order to escape the room, one of the three players had to be a subject in a brain experiment. Zero Time Dilemma Sigma X-Passes Clock. Ace, Snake, Clover, and Seven went through Door 5 while Santa, Junpei, June, and Lotus went through Door 4. Junpei learns of prosopagnosia from Lotus. During his search, Santa stopped him and insisted that he should take a 4-leaf clover bookmark that he had found in the sofa. And I believe Lotus is 40. After betraying Tenmyouji in the first round of the AB Game, Dio's BP becomes 6. As Junpei screams in pain and bleeds to death on the floor, his body writhes in agony, shudders and twitches, spasming as he goes into shock. Junpei wants to vote for a team, saying that they have to vote otherwise they die. She revealed that the Nonary Game was played on the ship. Seven tried to open the coffin by force but fails to. He was also once romantically involved with an unnamed woman, but this "corrupted" him, and he joined the mission to show Brother he can redeem himself. Santa asked if they had ever heard about the tale of two Santas. [1] He also tries to keep the other participants' BP as low as he can possibly get by instigating them to betray each other, resulting in both parties gaining nothing. Lotus insisted that they had to move on and came up with a proposal: one person had to stay behind, while the other six split themselves between Door 7 and 8. This began a search for Clover. While they were searching for a way out, Junpei confronted Snake and asked him to tell him about the experiment that happened 9 years ago. Afterwards, the group went to find the others. Seven checked Clover's pulse, but it was too late. Quark wondered if Tenmyouji adopted him out of love, or only for the sake of working for money. Drunk on life!" The driver for all Investors is the continuous search for investment opportunities. Dio was supposed "to do something even more messed up to Clover". However, he was knocked out by a flying kick from Phi, which was possible due to the Moon's weak gravity. I'm not sure but if (to her knowledge) it's December of the next year after 999 then maybe she did just turn 20. However, deep down, Junpei retains several aspects of his old self including his sense of humor, fun and enjoyment. Apparently, his jokes only result in leaving him with no friends, other than Akane. One of the comments Junpei says in the 3rd class cabin is "And that's why I have no friends.". At the end of the game, Junpei and Akane plan on marriage once their work is complete; Junpei joins Akane's organization Crash Keys to locate a religious fanatic who plans on eliminating all life. A-Are you Junpei: N-N-No! Whether she's lying or not, I'm not sure. Reunited with Akane, the two used to be connected by strong bonds, but ever since being assigned to Team C in this game, they always have conflicting opinions. Tenmyouji reaching out to Akane's hologram in Phi END. Age After the vote where Carlos chooses to follow on his note and vote for D-team to be executed and Q-team goes against the note thus executing D-team, Junpei is likely killed in his sleep by Mira, who is unaffected by the bracelets and is thus not asleep. By KinxxdleShop. Among other things in the room, there was a desk, in which Junpei found a pocket watch in one of the drawers. Akane intentionally let Dio into the Nonary Game: Ambidex Edition, as a sense of danger would help Sigma and Phi learn how to SHIFT. WebThe game begins on 31 December 2028 with your first decision game. He appeared to have been killed with the axe that was placed right next to him, and he was wearing a bracelet with 0 on the face of it. To their surprise, they meet up with the other players back in the hospital room. With one last desperate charge, Junpei tried to save Snake, but Seven restrains him and dragged him out of the incinerator. He says he knew who killed Snake and Clover, which got the other players' attention. Ace concluded that she might be the one who murdered the captain in his office, as none of the players could have accessed the room before they came in. When he reached B Deck, he encountered seven other people. Junpei and the other surviving players (true end). While escaping, he talks about Charles Darwin's survival of the fittest theory and how it applies to the Nonary Game. In another room, another child (now called A), was blindfolded and put into a reclining chair. Quark *Akane Kurashiki (fianc) * Santa acknowledged that Zero never said there was only one Door 9 and Junpei realized everyone had been tricked and that there had been a way to save everyone, had they been alive. The two eventually took on normal behavior, and Lotus found it only more difficult to talk to them about it. He started carrying a picture of Akane with him. The two remaining kids had no relatives known but their names were Aoi and Akane, Akane being the girl that had died during the experiment. In a manner of revenge for that incident, Junpei jumped forward, snatched the kitten, gave it to Akane, and fought the five students all by himself. He realized humans weren't as beautiful as he thought and seeing all of this darkened Junpei's outlook on life and humanity, taking a severe toll on his mental and emotional health. The second layer is a light gray sleeveless zippered hoodie. When Quark decided he should come back and apologize, it started raining. After reading the contents, Junpei requested that everyone follow him to the large hospital room. As she ran past him, he noticed something that looks like a big wooden stick, sticking out from her collar. Akane was perceived as "strange" and even came across as "scary" to some. In three of the routes, Dio proudly says aloud the bomb passcodes and confesses to being a Myrmidon just to rub it in people's faces, unaware that he is giving them the information they need to defeat him in the other timelines. To guarantee that he would get his way, Junpei had multiple papers so he can switch out his choice after seeing the voting results. He expresses disappointment that no one seems to grasp the essence of the games and offers one last chance for them. Sigma also had a condition: if Tenmyouji revealed sensitive information that could disrupt the Nonary Game to the other players, both him and Quark would die. Characters in the Zero Escape series. They went back up to inform the others and then discuss their options of who was to go into which door. The voice in the speaker introduced himself as Zero, the captain of the ship they were trapped in. Junpei is based on the "Challenger" Enneagram of Personality, much like how Junpei is the protagonist of the game and how he seeks the truth. He wears a red coat with gold cuffs, a black top hat, gray pants, and black boots. After the incident, the two then moved to a hill and looked over the town, talking about what happened among other things. He was one of Left's clones, who were created by a man called Brother, the leader of the religious organization Free the Soul. They rushed to to the Mercury elevators to see where they led to. Clover was about to reveal her name, but Ace interrupted them again. Does Virtues Last Reward deal with a lot of sci-fi Press J to jump to the feed. He had no knowledge of his adoption until he was seven, when he began to suspect that Tenmyouji might abandon him once he was able to live on his own. This made Junpei's vote the tiebreaker. I was sent here from far away to save mankind." They move up to the top floor and Snake starts talking. He comments she must have seen some pretty awful things over the years and may no longer be human. Akane crying outside the hutch of dead rabbits. Carlos is forced into a decision, with Junpei telling him to vote for Q-team and Akane telling him to vote for D-team. During the message, Akane acknowledged Tenmyouji, knowing that he was in the room with them. Snake suggested that the bracelet's value was not actually 0. Santa forced them through the door and after nine seconds, it closed, leaving Junpei, Clover, and Seven alone in the chapel. The first layer is a red long-sleeved shirt. Clover then said that finding a way out first is more important. Junpei is covered in bruises after being punched in the face for trying to protect a kitten from being immolated. Akane tells Junpei that their childhood memories together made her very happy and that they were like treasures to her. Junpei tried to stop him but to no avail. This Junpei's memories were erased by the bracelet drug at the end of the game when Akane forcibly injected him with it. Junpei opened the door and they found themselves in a huge library. Junpei found a message scrawled on the back, revealing to him that Ace was Hongou, the creator of the Nonary Project. Junpei is bilingual, fluent in Japanese and English. When Junpei examined the monitors, he pressed a button to try and get something to happen. While they were investigating the Confinement room, Seven started to feel dizzy but regained some of his lost memories. Dio about to be kicked unconscious by Phi. However, it is extremely unlikely considering that Tenmyouji is next to her, and that Free the Soul practices sexual purity and is meant to "divorce the soul from lust", and that Dio already got into trouble for being involved with a woman earlier. They split up to try to find him, with no results. In 999, this was as simple as choosing one of two doors to go through. After he refuses to answer Sigma's questions, Sigma goes to ask Quark who is behind the partition with the old woman. The stench in the room had become unbearable so they left to go back to the hospital room. He is a member of Team C with Akane and Carlos. Suddenly, he spotted a small circular window nearby and concluded that he was on an early 20th century ship. Lotus left immediately, but a pipe near the door had burst, closing it, and the handle became frozen from the inside, locking them. It is stated by Uchikoshi that he also happens to be a sneaker head. Dio keeps the fact that he is part of Free the Soul extremely private. He had killed her because she knew information that would blow Ace's cover. Junpei looked very serious and told Akane something she would never forget - something which made her feel some sense of relief. The third and top layer is an unbuttoned cyan vest highlighted with red along the pockets and buttons. Seven and Junpei were thinking that it could be Allice's coffin. He watched as the killer (Ace) left before dying. June decided to cut into the conversation and told them that carbon dioxide goes through sublimation. Junpei chose Door 6 with Santa, Ace and June. Junpei chose to go through Door 6 with Santa and June, and Ace came along, as that allowed them to enter, while Seven, Lotus and Clover went through Door 1. Junpei and his group rushed down the long hallway behind the door and authenticated at the DEAD with only a few seconds to spare. Zero III says this even when Akane is not killed (cyan door routes), which may make it seem like a continuity error. Junpei pushed him aside and opened the coffin himself. Like the other players, he wears a bracelet on his left wrist. Zero Escape, formerly released in Japan as Kyokugen Dasshutsu (Japanese: , lit. Junpei also noticed that it would be too obvious if the dead man was Zero, as the clues in the room felt too contrived. If Carlos follows up on his note and votes for D-team, and the other teams follow the note too, Zero states that since they voted, they deserve a 'reward' and the memory loss drug will not be injected, so that they can feel the potential guilt of killing a team. Voice 5 minutes before the vote, Junpei realizes that they can go against their note and vote for Q-team to get their x passes, while Akane insists that they stick with spreading the votes. During Zero Time Dilemma, hardened by the events he underwent in his detective profession, Junpei is almost unrecognizable to Akane, and some of his behavior disgusts her. Seven soon told his story as a detective who had been investigating the disappearances of children nine years ago and how he was involved with the Nonary Game, Seven told them that there were four children found trapped in the incinerator, with one of them being Akane who had died. ago. Dio suffocated in the treatment pod in K END. Occupation They split up and Junpei headed to E Deck to continue his search for Clover. Junpei questioned this, but Ace assured him that he'll show him later. Eventually, he got intel from his detective firm that Akane joined the Mars Mission Test Site (Dcom) experiment and he used "force" and "coercion" to force his way in. They walked in to find the other four players in the room: Ace and Lotus next to Door 9, Santa sprawled on the floor holding his stomach, and June leaned up against the wall, exhausted. He is sadistic, as shown when he gleefully murders Tenmyouji and Clover in the Luna route, and does the same to the old woman, and laughs aloud with joy when he threatens to murder eight others with the bombs. Santa told Junpei they were playing the Nonary Game to get revenge on the executives and to save Akane from dying in the past. According to the answers, as the AB Project had succeeded, Akane no longer saw him as a threat, and it is implied he was released. While there, he learns about the pressure of the facility from Luna. The X-passes from the 6 deaths are entered after Zero announces them and the door opens. In order to get the True ending, Junpei must go through Door 4, accept a clover bookmark from Santa, listen to a conversation about ice in a freezer instead of leaving, go through Door 7, ask Seven if he knows about Ice-9 when the opportunity arises, give Clover the clover bookmark when prompted (to prevent her going axe crazy), then enter Door 1. A crying Akane being comforted by Junpei. The two of them shared a short, but emotional heartfelt conversation. Soon after, Alice is found dead and Clover tells everyone that she will kill the rest of the players if no one admits to causing her death. Junpei also has black pants and black shoes with a gumsole. Junpei quickly recognized it as the man in the gas mask he saw in his apartment. Junpei and the group running up stairs (true end). Akane confronts Junpei about him wanting Carlos to vote for Q-team but he brushes it off, not thinking of it as a big deal. Mira then likely dismembers him and puts the parts of the corpse in the pantry. One summer in 2018, Akane and Junpei were tasked with taking care of the school's pet rabbits, but one day, all of the rabbits in their hutch were brutally slaughtered, having been slashed to death with a knife. He now wears a black v-neck t-shirt. Junpei looked around and found that all of the puzzles in the room had been reused from earlier areas. Virtue's Last Reward Cube Escape: Birthday - Unblocked Games One example of this trait being exemplified was when Akane had her intense fevers and to Clover after Snake had disappeared and was thought to be dead. After Clover calmed down, Junpei and Seven told him everything that had happened since he was gone. During his time since joining it, Junpei has kept close contact with Carlos and his sister, Maria. 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zero escape birthdays