santiago flight 513 real images

The story of the puzzling incident that allegedly happened to Santiago Flight 513 between 1954 and 1989 has been making rounds among the believers of the supernatural for decades now and still, people arent sure of what to make of it. In fact, to them, ten minutes hadnt passed by. The plane that had mysteriously disappeared without a trace in September 1954. The Lockheed Super Constellation plane with 92 people disappeared completely in the middle of the ocean. According to Brazilian aviation authorities, a commercial airliner named Santiago flight 513 took off from Germany on September 4th, 1954 and vanished somewhere over the Atlantic Ocean. To say, people gone missing in this world actually reach another world within seconds. In 1985, the tabloid known for conjuring up farcical stories, published an article about another flight, Pan Am Flight 914, that reportedly had gone missing for 37 years before turning up again and landing without incident. Vortex is said to be a result of the parallel universe. An Unintentional Time Wave Over Bolivia? Santiago Flight 513 mysteriously disappeared in 1954 and suddenly returned in 1989, written by author Irwin Fisher, published in Weekly World News (USA), were one of such stories. All we have is the newspaper clipping from 1989 to believe. Many researchers, including Caidin, would suggest that the eagerness to board the plane was not out of concern or a sense of duty to the passengers and crew. Since there were only ten in TWA service, it should be possible to find the listing and fate of each or is it? AUBTU is a content aggregator website that provides users with entertainment information and creative ideas to help them relax and feel more optimistic. Mystery When Missing plane reappears years later! Gernon believes that a rare natural phenomenon may be behind paranormal happenings in the Triangle. On this particular fateful trip in early September 1954, the flight took off with 88 passengers and four crew members. Amidst the aviation mysteries that plagued the public and the scientific community in the last century, there are many stories circulating in the US related to plane crashes that disappeared without a trace in the ocean. Not a single clue about the passengers belongings. Dr. Celso Atello, a paranormal researcher, said that the Santiago flight 513 had almost certainly entered a time warp, there is no other explanation. Santiago Flight 513, a Commercial Airliner that takes off in Germany in 1954, and lands in Brazil in 1989 with 92 skeletons on board with the dead pilot still at controls. Notify me of follow-up comments by email. What Actually Happened To the Missing Santiago Flight 513 on its Way From Germany To Brazil? #79 Best Value of 1,315 places to stay in Queretaro City. On morning 4:23, October 12th, 1989, a lightning strike in space and open the gates of Black-Box. There was no further contact with the control tower and the experts were unable to do anything else. Flight 513 took off from Germany in 1954.however while flying over the Atlantic, the plane simply vanished. Others believe it was some unknown phenomenon in the Bermuda Triangle. However, the US Air Force, which owns the museum, has been more enthusiastic about such coverage, even viewing it as a chance to reach out to a new audience. Santiago Flight 513 departed from Aachen (Germany), scheduled to arrive in Chile (South America). These three aviation stories are spooky but are they true? Although small details of the account sometimes change (the location and date), it would appear, according to an account of the incident in the 24th March 1975 edition of the Deseret News, [2] the incident took place sometime in 1970 as the aircraft approached Miami International Airport. In today's Daily Debunker: The "mysterious disappearance" of Santiago Airlines Flight 513, a viral photo of the "world's smallest bird," and how. Postcards From the Edge. When entering 1989, however, maybe space-time caught up to them upon landing and reduced them to skeletal remains. But is it really possible that Santiago flight 513 disappeared for 35 years and then landed as if nothing happened? Prolongacion Tecnologico 1001 | Fracc Balcon Campestre, Queretaro City 76159, Mexico. On Santiago Flight 513, the plane was full of skeletons when it landed. Newest comments appear first, oldest at the bottom. However, the case was still officially unexplained and unsolved. Leaving them insteadto what are, to some, questionable platforms. You might have guessed it, this is yet another Weekly World News story. Apparently this happened to a group of people on a Santiago Airlines flight. After going to check the plane, upon opening the doors, airport support and security were absolutely shocked to discover 92 skeletonized bodies including of all 88 passengers and 4 crew members sitting in their seats. 0 km from Lincoln Road. (2) Awaken family interest in Germany by attempting to obtain details of aviation/passenger insurance for possible claims. The history of world aviation has witnessed several mysterious disappearances. Was it a case of mass alien abduction? Caidin would write that Federal investigators and officials of National (Airlines) couldnt get into that jetliner fast enough. The stranger scene was that of the skeletonized pilot, Captain Miguel Victor Cury, who was sitting in the intact position and was still apparently clutching the controls. The visibility into the tunnel was so clear that he could see miles away through it. His apparently directed trajectory has led many scholars to consider the possibility, The Flight 513: Plane That Disappeared And Reappeared 35 Years Later. Missing Santiago Flight 513 Landed After 35 Years With 92 Skeletons, Also Read: 18 Most Haunted Places In India. Heres What Makes the Story of the Missing Santiago Flight 513 Even Stranger Weekly World News was infamous for publishing fictional stories in their tabloid more often than not. " Amazing place " 09/01/2023. Receive the latest articles directly in your inbox weekly. However, Flight 513 reappeared in Brazil,3 decades later. No credible source of news from 1954 could be traced back to, in order to confirm that the flight did indeed vanish into thin air. REVISTA N0. Mysteriously disappeared in 1954 and suddenly "returned" in 1989, Santiago Flight 513 real images and its fictitious disappearance can be briefly summarized as follows. EU Las principales consecuencias fiscales del Brexit que afectarn al trfico de mercancas entre la UE y el Reino Unido, que los profesionales de la fiscalidad deben conocer, son las siguientes: IVA IMPORTACIONES A partir del 31 de octubre de 2019, el Reino . 1989 (erwin fisher) 513 He would state that the plane had almost certainly entered a time-warp. Weekly World News Tabloid The destination of the plane was Santiago de Chile, in South America. It seems the shows and the stories did little to convince the museums management the ghosts are real. This time, the fact that the Lockheed Constellation pictured on the tabloids cover could not make the 10,000 kilometers (6,000 miles) journey between Germany and Brazil did not bother the tabloids writers. I want to learn all those techniques which can be used without equipment. Despite the government agents had extensively investigated this strange event, they refused to discuss anything about the plane or about their investigation leads. However, this was all to apparently become far from routine, and . They start speaking, laughing and even try to kill. Perhaps, if we accept the wormhole-theory for a moment, they were alive, for a time. It looked in a well-maintained shape and the engines were still up and running even after the plane touched base. MYSTERIOUS OF SANTIAGO AIRLINES FLIGHT WITH 92 SKELETON ABOARD MYSTERIOUS OF SANTIAGO AIRLINES FLIGHT WITH 92 SKELETON ABOARD Date Published - March 28, 2017 Aviation authorities say a commercial airliner that flew out of Germany in 1954 has landed in Brazil with 92 skeleton aboard. At the time of the disappearance, authorities believed that the plane had crashed and for the years to follow, multiple search parties were formed in order to look out for the remains of the passengers or the plane but nothing was found. The Sexy Cow Steakhouse. Although only a product of the imagination these stories still drew great public attention during that period, Santiago Flight 513 mysteriously disappeared in 1954 and suddenly returned in 1989, written by author Irwin Fisher, published in Weekly World News (USA), were one of such stories, On November 14, 1989, Weekly World News published an article that attracted public opinion titled 1950s Airliner Lands With 92 Skeletons On Board, The fictional story of Santiago Flight 513 and its fictitious disappearance can be briefly summarized as follows. @2021 - Santiago Flight 513 podcasts paranormal parent Santiago Flight 513 March 15, 2020 19 min Download See all episodes CATEGORY: Kids & Family Share Imagine for a moment you are on a plane, not only does it not land on time, it lands in a different year. And if not, what was the mysterious plane that did? It seems doubtful that TWA had a certificate to fly from Europe to South America, or that that was where this aircraft was originally headed because: The website Ghost Freaks Publication claims to have seen an extract from the aviation authorities report that along with the skeletons there were warm coffee cups, lit cigarettes of the Old Gold brand (American), and newspapers dated 21 September 1956 whose ink smelled as though it had been printed out the day before'. The author does not own the rights to this content. Abhay Deol JL50 IAF Aircraft missing airplane Pankaj Kapur Rajesh Sharma More Most Watched More 809 Lincoln Rd. Reason One: The Ill-Reputation Of The Tabloid Weekly World News was infamous for publishing 'fictional stories' in their tabloid more often than not. In Infinite-Falling, an object will remain at the same place inside the 4th Dimension at whatever speed it enters and feels like it is falling continuously. Repeated attempts to communicate with the mysterious aircraft were made by the control tower at the airport below. While the passengers knew nothing of the incident, even they would eventually notice the ten-minute difference with their watches. Inside, the 92 people who went missing on the same flight as Santiago Flight 513 were then only 92 white skeletons sitting neatly in their seats. It then disappeared, before suddenly reappearing over Caracas, Venezuela 30 years later, in 1985. Announcements. Solved the mystery of the disappearance of Santiago Flight 513 and Malaysia Airlines Flight 370 bot. Required fields are marked *. That's why nobody is able to understand what is happening with the plane. When it took off again it entered a time warp and reappeared over Brazil in 1989. Published in Weekly World News (USA) 29 years ago, the fictional story of the missing Santiago Flight 513 in the Atlantic Ocean attracted a lot of public attention at that time. Designed and Developed by Aubtu, 10 Times Celebrities Was Caught Being Incredibly Rude To Their Crew, 9 Times Celebrity Outfits Leave Us Tons Of Question, 14 Photos Showing How Celebrities Look Like Now Without Surgery, 14 Dead Angles That Celebrities Dont Want Paparazzi To See Them, Gal Gadot Spy Thriller Heart of Stone Finally Revealed On Netflix With More Details. Santiago Flight 513 departed from Aachen (Germany), scheduled to arrive in Chile (South America). Thus, the official version said that Flight 513 bound for Santiago had experienced flight failures and ended up crashing into the ocean. An investigator, Dr. Celso Atello, said that the incident was a clear demonstration of the case of wormholes. Dr. Celso Atello was another who would voice concerns that Flight 513 was obvious proof of strange phenomena. That was until the plane landed in Brazil in 1989. It was instantaneously transported over 5,000 miles away from the skies of Bolivia to somewhere off the coast of the Canary Islands. An investigator, Dr. Celso Atello, said that the incident was a clear demonstration of the case of wormholes. Where To Stay & Best Hotels in Santiago de los Caballeros - updated Jun 2022 SAVE up to 75% on Last Minute deals! Flight 513. Restaurante MALASPINA. Surprising everyone. Read Article More In Secrets & Cover Ups One where a plane took off from Germany in 1954, disappeared and was presumed crashed, before reappearing again over the skies of Brazil some thirty-five years later and performing a perfect, standard landing. Indeed, they were behind any clock. After that, they will just directly crash into Ocean. When the door opened, airport support and security were shocked to discover 92 skeletonized bodies including of all 88 passengers and four crew members sitting in their seats. Flight records show i.e. The whole story supposedly centers on an airliner, Santiago Flight 513, which was a Lockheed Super Constellation that was carrying 88 passengers and 4 crew members when it embarked on a flight from Aachen, Germany on September 4, 1954 on what was to be a routine flight to Chile. Moderators Board. Jim Sarbh: Bollywoods Break From Monotony, Vishnu Kaushal: The Making Of A Cultural Icon. In this world, there are hundreds of places where aircraft, ships, boats or even people go missing without any traces. Mysteriously disappeared in 1954 and suddenly returned in 1989, Santiago Flight 513 real images and its fictitious disappearance can be briefly summarized as follows. That could very well be the case. Had they entered a wormhole or a portal? ! We publish books on both Kindle and paperback. Some of those even feature a Pan Am DC-4, though most dont bother with that and display any old stock photo with an airplane. We take care of filtering profanity as much as we can. Your email address will not be published. Indeed, Santiago Flight 513 was not real, and the story that it disappeared for 35 years and returned was not true, either. And the government has never come out with any particular interpretation. 9LU 137786 - Nine Lu Tera Saath Bismillah al-Rahman al-Rahim. Heres What We Actually Found about the Missing Santiago Flight 513 On November 14, 1989, Weekly World News published an article that attracted public opinion titled 1950s Airliner Lands With 92 Skeletons On Board. However, the aeroplane simply disappeared mid-flight over the Atlantic Ocean. To date, no one has been able to explain the course of events but reportedly all the passengers were found seated inside the flight but their bodies had become skeletals. The TWA certificate in 1954 was for Frankfurt. It will not reflect it back. The short video below looks at this intriguing case a little further. And then, as a quiet realization that the loss of life was likely to be high spread over the tower, the plane suddenly reappeared. You should read this article with an open mind and come to a conclusion yourself. Namun, 35 tahun kemudian, tepatnya pada 12 Oktober 1989, Santiago Airlines flight 513 secara tiba-tiba muncul kembali. There was no lightning or rain, but there were white flashes that illuminated the sky, and although Gernon rose to approximately 3000 metres of altitude, he could not get out of the cluster. However, the flight was never able to land in Chile because, for some mysterious reason, air traffic control on the ground completely lost contact with the flight crew when it flew across the Atlantic Ocean. Although it was determined that the article by author Irwin Fisher was only a fiction, because of its reputation for strange stories, American public opinion at that time still accepted it. Ufologists and the ancient astronaut theorists assert that the Bruce Gernons story of Electronic Fog also explores the Bermuda Triangles connection to UFOs, a secret navy base and a possible link to a vanished ancient civilizations. This next story of a spooky flight might sound familiar. Were they victims of some unknown Bermuda Triangle-type phenomenon? All, however, would go unanswered. Looks like the temporal effect wore off as the plane was landing, and the null time effect possibly released in an elastic manner to allow the localized time differential specific to the aircraft to re approach present time So while they were all sound and alive during approach, by the time the airport security entered the plane, time had re corrected the years and fatally aged all the pilots and passengers The inconsistent issue is that the planes inorganic material appeared new Possibly the time / torsion field had a very specific effect on organic matter and mechanical parts were better preserved ? Four years before releasing the story on Flight 513, they had published yet another story of Pan Am Flight 914, which went missing for 37 years before reappearing and landing unscathed. After the success of the first plane reappearance, they clearly just had to try again. Furthermore, the planes position was near to the Gate of the Sun, itself said to have portal-like capabilities from ancient times, connected to the magnetic fields of the Earth. 53.2 /2020 - TOMO II "EL BREXIT" Y "LA UNIN EUROPEA" - "EU" - \"THE BREXIT\" AND \"THE EUROPEAN UNION\". " The Sexy Cow Steakhouse " 23/12/2022. Max Alvis 2019 Topps Heritage Real One Autographs #ROA-MA AUTOGRAPH . He would also state it is a crime to keep information like this secret. There was nothing special about theplane, or at least, not that is known. This minimum size depends on the Existential Magnetic Field of Earth. There were88 passengers and 4 crew memberson the plane. Published in Weekly World News (USA) 29 years ago, the fictional story of the missing Santiago Flight 513 in the Atlantic Ocean attracted a lot of public attention at that time. Given the highly mysterious and potentially dangerous nature of the situation, the tower would immediately dispatch a response team to the location. 207 reviews. "Good service from the beginning, the price is OK, pretty much the average. The flight was just another typical and routine trip between two cities. And if a test of some kind of highly-advanced and top-secret technology was to take place, it would also make sense to have that happen away from the skies of the United States. Over 1,000,000 pictures Flight Safety Foundation An Executive Witness If you don't like what you read, you can unsubscribe at any time. WE NOW KNOW Rethinking Cold War History JOHN LEWIS GADDIS A COUNCIL ON FOREIGN RELATIONS BOOK OXFORD UNIVERSITY PRESS-iii-OXFORD UNIVERSITY PRESS Great Clarendon Street, Oxford OX2 6DP Oxford University Press is a department of the University of Oxford. I was just reading the disappearance of flight 513 and at the bottom was your link. Onboard were 88 passengers and four crew. You may republish short quotes from this articlewith a reference back to the original UFO Insight article here as the source. They found 92 perfectly-preserved skeletons of the people onboard (88 passengers and four crew members) safely buckled into their seats. Once again, it is pure speculation, but there were (and still are) a substantial number of US airbases in (West) Germany. They have EMDF, whose motive is to make out of it. They also refused to comment on Dr. Atellos words that the plane had entered a time warpthats the only explanation. At that time, his planes connection with the control centre went lost as well as the compass and other aircraft devices were not working at all. #981 of 2,563 Restaurants in Seville. On board the Lockheed Super Constellation were 88 passengers and four crew members. Alex Rodriguez 1993 Classic Images Sudden Impact #SI 4 RC (Foil Damage On Front and Back) Even more bizarre, upon researching the planes serial number, the system would declare this was Santiago Flight 513. After a few seconds, Gernon realized that the plane was trapped in the middle of a deadly cloud cluster. All communications would also cease instantly. All Right Reserved. Did the Santiago Flight 513 Enter A Time Warp? some of these mysteries have GROWN TO become a legend, FAMOUS TALES like the story of Amelia Earhart and her disappearance, the many planes that have vanished over the infamous Bermuda triangle and of course the sightings and interactions with UFPs. It was believed that the plane had entered a time warp. The story goes that the plane and its passengers did not age a bit, as if they had travelled through a time portal, a wormhole, or some other plot device from a science-fiction TV show. Experts presumed that it crashed. So, lets take a look! Sometimes you are still able to find the object through radar till he is moving in Black-Box(all his energy changes into EMDF), or Black-Box gates are open. The Edge of Reality. Ifno other informationto hold onto to give a coherent explanation, without finding the wreckage, the experts had no choice but to declare thatit had crashed. Santiago Flight 513: A Fictional Time Warp The reports were given by experienced and trustworthy pilots and crew. In 2017, after the museum was featured on yet another TV program, Cleveland 19 News got in touch and, There has been no physical evidence to support the theory that the National Museum of the United States Air Force is haunted. On September 4, 1954, Santiago Airlines Flight 513 with 92 people departed from Aachen, West Germany, destined for Porto Alegre, Brazil. The American-made Lockheed Super Constellation civil aircraft departs for the usual Santiago Flight 513 flight. Wondering how what or 'IF' *Videos Posted Weekly*#weareif #flight513 #paranormal********************************************************************SOCIAL MEDIA: THE CHANNEL: videos produced with help from Tube-buddy a must for every You Tuber.\"many thanks\"********************************************************************Tags:paranormal.,flight 513 time warp,flight 513,flight 513. mystery,missing plane reappears years later,flight 513. mystery when missing plane reappears years later!,wormholes,time jumps,and the mysterious santiago flight 513,amelia earhart,bermuda triangle,ufps.,missing planes found years later,mysterious plane landed after 35 years,santiago flight 513 truth,plane disappearance,airplane 914,plane landed after 37 years,flight 914,we are if The pilots, the passengers, the flight attendants all were just dry bones with no indication as to what had happened. Did these natural magnetic forces react with those of CERN to create a wormhole? The story becomes even more fascinating when the missing flight allegedly reappears and circles the Airport of Porto Alegre, Brazil on October 12th, 1989, and lands with 92 skeletons on board!! Perhaps as a further twist to the surreal scene was the sight of the captain, Miguel Curys skeletal hands still holding on to the controls. 64 reviews. Bizarrely, the planes on-board clocks would show a ten-minute difference to the control tower. He said, There is no more reasonable explanation than that the plane has fallen into a wormhole., The Brazilian government is believed to have been involved in the investigation of this strange aircraft, however, in the end, officials refused to respond to any information related to the investigation process.. One of the most enigmatic and terrifying events in history is the case of Flight 513;a plane that supposedly disappeared in 1954 and landed in 1989 Thirty-five years while all the occupants were turned into a skeleton. Get notified of the latest publication on our WordPress themes. Santiago Flight 513 departed from Aachen in what was then West Germany on September 4, 1954. Whether a factual account, modern urban legend, or something somewhere in the middle of the two, the case of Santiago Flight 513 continues to fascinate researchers the world around. While word obviously leaked out of the incident, which lets not forget occurred in full view of a busy airport, the high-ranking airport employees would remain tight-lipped regarding the apparent encounter. With no other information to go on and no wreckage to study, the main theory was that the planeexperienced difficulties and crashed into the Atlantic Ocean. They were only speaking to the control a few moments ago as they began their approach. Joe Sakic 2002-03 Pacific Crown Royale Game-Worn Jerseys #3 GAME USED JERSEY #D/513 . This is one of the kinds of strongest Black magic which usually people try to achieve and the only person who was able to achieve is Ravana and that why nobody is able to defeat him, about this, I have found in the ancient text which is 22 thousand years old where the writer has written that he doesn't know the procedure but know that it can be possible. Cuisines: Steakhouse. Click login and join us now. Many intellectuals believe that those places unpredictably create some kinds of time portals called Vortex. Marcus Lowth is a writer with a love for UFOs, aliens, and the Ancient Astronaut Theory, to the paranormal, general conspiracies, and unsolved mysteries. Published in Weekly World News (USA) 29 years ago, the fictional story of the missing Santiago Flight 513 in the Atlantic Ocean attracted a lot of public attention at that time. For this Halloween, AeroTime decided to look at three popular aviation ghost stories that many may consider as an argument to take a different mode of transportation. It is interesting to note that in the Internet section on Accidents and Incidents involving TWA and the L-1049 type aircraft, the loss of the airliner in 1954 is not mentioned. Mysteriously disappeared in 1954 and suddenly returned in 1989,Santiago Flight 513 real imagesand its fictitious disappearance can be briefly summarized as follows. Still, we cant argue with the fact that all of them are quite shudder-inducing, It seems the shows and the stories did little to convince the museums management the ghosts are real. Is it Possible To Go Through Such Time Warp And Again Come Back? Hotel Cayala Inn. Indeed, Santiago Flight 513 was not real, and the story that it disappeared for 35 years and returned was not true, either. The opinions and discussion in the comments below are not the views of UFO Insight, they are the views of the individual posting the comment. What Was the Response of Government & Flight Authorities To This Weird Claim? It is only after 31 years of his complete research on the triangle did Bruce Gernon discover how he had flown those 100 miles in such a short time and never seen the Earth or sky around him. " 10/07/2017. These happened all at once. Einsteins Student Dr. Robert Sarbachers Confirmation of UFO Crash and Reverse-Engineering Attempts, Are Shivlingas Ancient Nuclear Reactors? Airport below the shows and the stories did little to convince the museums management the ghosts are real Flight bot! Almost certainly entered a time warpthats the only explanation maybe space-time caught up to them upon landing reduced. Watched More 809 Lincoln Rd the short video below looks at this intriguing case a further... 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santiago flight 513 real images