mena, arkansas barry seal house

They are the Swamp. operative extraordinaire is hardly a familiar name in American politics. Corruption is rampant. A federal investigation aided by the Arkansas State Police established that Barry Seal had his planes refitted at Mena for drug drops, trained pilots there and laundered his profits partly through . Buddy Young that little beady-faced fellow, and said he was with Clinton at Mena. Were taking other steps, tooFreedom of Information actions against the DEA, FBI, and Arkansas state institutions. The Clintons and Bushes have been criminal partners for more than 30 years. The key thing to remember is that Barry Seal was a long time CIA agent and a long time drug smuggler who worked out of Mena, Arkansas. In February 1986, Seal. . The Contra dealers, principally Oscar Danilo Blandon and his boss Juan Norwin Meneses, both from the Nicaraguan privileged class, operated out of the San Francisco Bay Area and sold tons of cocaine -- a drug that was virtually unobtainable in black neighborhoods before -- to Los Angeles street gangs. . In 1996, House Banking Committee Chairman Jim Leach pressed the CIA for answers about its role at Mena. Instead, he says, he found this huge military plane that was not actually a military plane. From the get go, the case file was in shambles. Seal, he says, laughed, and told Brown that all he had wanted him to do was sit back for the ride. Then he gave Brown an envelope with $2,500 in cash not marked money, not banded money, just twenties, fifties, mostly twenties, used money, like you just went out and spent.. Let these words serve as the call to action. Judicial Watch Sues Air Force Academy for Records about Critical Race Theor DOJ & FBI Target Biden Political Opponents, Judicial Watch Warns: Critical Race Theory Rising. Mena & Bobby Seal: Arkansas Gazette, December 22, 1990 Demo Congressman vows to find . All were wearing jeans, T-shirts, and sneakers. John Browns investigation was shut down and he resigned, but not before the following pieces could be put together. But even the most fervent and delusional Obama fans today know and feel that it was a fraud. BRITISH RIOT PHOTOS: The Brits Finally Begin to Take Back Their PowerBIG TIME! According to a DailyMail report, Haynes bought his supply from Barry Seal, a Louisiana smuggler for the Medellin Cartel who operated out of Mena Airport. Seal flipped, becoming a valuable government informant. George Herbert Walker Bush was one of the greatest architects of suffering the world has ever known. Jeffrey Epstein: Predator, Spy plus FULL access to all newsletters. Every occupant since JFK has been a criminal insider, beginning withLyndon JohnsonandRichard Nixon, both of whom were likely involved with the Kennedy assassinations and willing beneficiaries of the wars and crimes that followed. Then there bodies were placed on the track in hopes that all evidence of the murder would be distorted by the train mangling the bodies. Get Ready For The First Pluto Return in American History, OPERATION JAB INDIA: A Slow Motion Genocide, JOHN POULOS: LIAR-IN-CHIEF FOR DOMINION VOTING SYSTEMS, MEDICIDE: How American Hospitals and Doctors Methodically Murdered Covid Patients. Lets hope that Cruises high-powered version of Seal prompts an equally high-powered demand for disclosure of all government records on him, especially after his move to Mena.. Too many secrets have been kept for too long, she wrote, too much important history has been hidden, lost or destroyed. He concluded by saying that Mena was a federal, not a state, matter. It does seem, however, that Clinton was far less cautious. >February 1985. Even actress Susan Sarandonhas given up on her. All of it can be traced back to Iran-Contra, the Bushes, and the Clintons. List of Mass Shootings in the United States in 2021, CLICK FOR RECENT POSTS, SEARCH & ARCHIVES , Arkansas Development and Financing Authority, the creation and funding of Islamic terror and ISIS, Entire faked videos of supposed campaign rallies, Browns patience had been strained beyond endurance. It was only later that pieces fell together for me which suggested that Perot had led us all on a wild goose chase in a campaign that he never intended to win.. This led to photos of key Nicaraguan government officials loading the plane with cocaine. The mysteries of Mena revolve around a drug-smuggling pilot named Barry Seal. This is a golden age for drug trafficking. The very structure of the Arkansas state government was altered to accommodate the Enterprise. They are not perfect, and I dont always agree with them, but the bizarre false, claims against them are as unhealthy for the country as it is for the fools who believe them. Cathy OBrien(author ofTrance Formation of America) claims to have witnessed and overheard meetings as far back as the early 1980s in which George H.W. })(); The CIA chose Arkansas because it was like the banana republic where politicians could be bought for money. Seal acquired the C-123K he dubbed the Fat Lady, in June 1984. The book was killed at the last minute. In 1984, Seal turned Government informer after being indicted in Florida on smuggling quaaludes and laundering money. He is a corporatist who opposes banking and campaign finance reforms, who praised the Supreme Court ruling in theCitizens Unitedcase that made corporations people. Contributions are received from Catastrophic Covid Vax Mandates Shutting Down Hospitals, Medical Centers and Healthcare Systems Like This?! Many of the more baroque allegations emerge from the fever swamps of conspiracy theorists, but certain facts are indisputable. It was originally an Air Force transport plane Seal dubbed it the Fat Lady. Bush and Bill Clinton planned to pass the White House between the two of them, and between their respective political clans, thereby maintaining the New World Order for the long term. This would require the cooperation of former CIA operative and then Governor, Bill Clinton. Barr opposed the independent counsels investigation of wrongdoing in the White House and facilitated Bushs famous1992 Christmas Eve pardonsof six of the co-conspirators of Iran-Contra. He was also providing Clinton with the use of a private airplane, and entertaining him at various places, including his New Mexico resort, Angel Fire. Thats when he said, You having any fun yet.. The atrocities and crimes of the Bush family, headed byGeorge Herbert Walker Bush,are unspeakable and unimaginable in depravity and scale. In 1986, Colombian hitmen caught up with Seal in Baton Rouge, shooting him to death in his white Cadillac. No convincing explanation was offered for this act of censorship. This apparatus serves no purpose except the continuation of itself. Inside the plane, according to Brown, were another pilot and two beaners common laborers who looked like Central American Indians. InCrossing the Rubicon, he wrote, I was greatly disappointed by Perots sudden withdrawalwhich I later concluded had to do with assuring a Clinton victory. Clinton and the Democratic National Committee destroyed the Bernie Sanders campaign with blatant fraud. In the words of former CIA agent Phillip Agee, Bush was up to his neck in illegal drug running on behalf of the Contras.. 1101 Mena St. is the local to the secret history of our life and times as a nation trafficking in drugs and arms. 2 - Barry Seal - Drug running TWA pilot out of Mena, Arkansas, his death was no accident. Trump must continue to deliver on this promise. Before he was killed, Seal provided Tatum a list of Iran-Contra Boss Hogs who controlled the drug trade. Fourth, Vince Foster worked for the Rose Law firm until he left to work in the White House. Walker said a huge dark-green military plane was parked there, and that when he expressed surprise at seeing a military plane at Mena, Clinton said it was not military; it served another purpose. . Kerry would go on to become the Democratic nominee for President in 2004, and is now the Secretary of State. I get so sick of reading these totally false stories against the Clintons. Judicial Watch has launched a new campaign for answers. Humanity faces an unprecedented crisis with little effective means to stop what is coming. Tucked away in the western part of Arkansas is a little town known as Mena. If indeed Pence is Trumps designated handler and control agent, that is the end of the idea of Trump as an agent of change. Barry is then given the assignment to move guns for the Contras, even being allowed to own his own airport and planes for the job. A Hillary Clinton White House guarantees war, and a triumph for the Criminal State. Mena, Arkansas was the key transit points for cocaine coming into the United States from Central America, and weapons going the other way. Terrorism, drugs and weapons flow freely through more geostrategic hot spots than ever. Iran-Contra itself is a euphemism for the outrageous fraud perpetrated by government criminals for profit and control. Barry Seal flew C-123 military cargo planes filled with cocaine into Mena, Arkansas as part of the Iran-Contra affair. First, the terrible grammar and typos should be a clear indication that the author is an uneducated, conspiracy theorist. The consistent trick has been to stack the deck with figures who are unified behind the most important New World Order agendas, posing as opponents. He then, he says, signed a secrecy agreement, and was told he would be contacted further. Use ofelectronic ear transceivers to help cheat during debates. He made more than $50 million smuggling drugs into the United States from South America between 1977 and 1986. It alleges, explicitly and implicitly, that an aircraft operated by a CIA front company in 1984 used the airfield at Mena, Arkansas, as a staging point for weapons supply flights to the Contras in Nicaragua; on the return flights from Honduras, the aircraft allegedly carried illegal narcotics to Mena. In 1986, Barry Sealpilot, smuggler, and federal informantwas gunned down when he appeared at the time and place a federal judge had ordered him to. ONe more thing, There were so many murders regarding Mena and all ofthe people who were invollved, One thing that i never could figure out was who was committing these murders of witnesss and then i found information that mentioned vast amount of training going on of Contras as well as the Sandanistas. Residents reported small, low-flying airplanes coming in at slow speeds over the tracks in the middle of the night with their lights off just prior to revving up and flying away. Thus, the George H.W. Bush at the top of the pyramid. Had an affair with Clinton when he was Arkansas Attorney General. Barry Seal and Bill Clinton in Mena, Arkansas | Roger Reaves and Lex Fridman Lex Clips 797K subscribers Subscribe 158K views 1 year ago Lex Fridman Podcast full episode:. They report that most of the profits are hidden in offshore financial institutions, and much of these funds come back in well-disguised forms and corporations, acquiring properties and businesses of all typesMy CIA contacts described Bushs heavy involvement in Central American operations in which drug trafficking constituted a major role.. An elaborate cover-up continues to attempt to deny the fact that Clinton has beengravely illfor many years, likely suffering from likelyneurological damage, possibly Parkinsons disease (unconfirmed) , and a host of other problems. Approved for Release Date:September 28, 2009. Permanent criminal state, endless revolving door. Approximately 30 minutes later, Brown says, the C-123K landed in what he later learned what Tegucigalpa, Honduras. Now over two years later, its case remains intact. When a C-123K military cargo plane crashed in Nicaragua on October 5, 1986 with weapons and CIA employees on board, it was discovered that the plane and its contents came from the Mena airport. The pine and hardwood forests of the Ouachita Mountains surrounding it have long been an outlaws paradise, home to generations of moonshiners and red-dirt marijuana farmers. It was also just seventy miles south of the sprawling Fort Chaffee Army Base at Fort Smith, Arkansas. Movies have been made, books have been published, hundreds of articles have been written. The boys were chased down and taken to another location. For we are opposed around the world by a monolithic and ruthless conspiracy, that relies primarily on covert means for expanding its sphere of influence. Malak was exposed as an incompetent fool, yet Governor Bill Clinton supported him, in spite of his being a political liability. Do not mourn George Herbert Walker Bush. An out-of-state examiner said the cause of death was clear: murder by beating and stabbing before they were placed on the railroad tracks. The narcotics runner, Barry Seal, allegedly . On Watch: CROSSFIRE HURRICANE Targeting of Trump from A to Z. Two years later, he would be shot dead in Louisiana. Tips: [emailprotected], Investigative Bulletin is published by Judicial Watch. foundations, and corporations and are tax-deductible to the extent allowed by law. This kind of clever and successful charade was what the Obama campaign was about in 2008 and again in 2012. Clinton refused a request from one of his own prosecutors to pursue the matter any further. It was no coincidence when Donald TrumpappointedWilliam Barr as his Attorney General. At a spring 2016 Republican debate attended by the Bushes, George H.W. Judicial Watch is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization. In fact, there is no valid evidence that Bill or Hillary Clinton killed anyone. Reed has maintained for years that the Mena airport was a hub for the illegal shipment of guns to Nicaraguan rebels and was a base for the drug dealings of convicted smuggler Barry Seal, who was murdered in 1986. The entire list of any evidence was gone. I dont want to be getting any more reports from Brown is the statement by Tucker that Colonel Tommy Goodwin, the recently retired head of the Arkansas state police, quoted in explaining the demotion to me in an interview. (function() { Creating Epstein: Bill Barr Leslie Wexner & the CIA, Bonnie's Clyde: The True Story of Jeffrey Epstein & Ghislaine Maxwell, Revisiting Mena, Bill Clinton, the CIA & Barry Seal. The bodies were Kevin Ives, 17 years old and his friend, Don Henry, 16 years old. She is reviled and even disliked among Democrats. The Mena Intermountain Municipal Airport near the city of Mena (Polk County) in the Ouachita Mountains of western Arkansas is located approximately 160 miles west of Little Rock (Pulaski County). var s = document.getElementsByTagName('script')[0]; s.parentNode.insertBefore(ga, s); At this juncture, it is important to address his political legacy. The murder case was assigned to police investigator John Brown. In fact, the world is ruled by a criminal apparatus disguised as a political system. After six investigations, no one to date has been indicted for the train murders or any other crime that has occurred at Mena. 1983 - The CIA begin to smuggling drugs into Los Angeles. The Clinton campaign is rigged and scripted propaganda, played for the camera. So tarnished is the Bush name as a public product that Jeb was forced to withdraw his bid, despite huge elite backing. The state really had next to nothing to do with it. As suggested by probes into Clintons emails, and evidence from Wikileaks, the Hillary Clinton State Department ran foreign policy as its own shadow government apparatus, likely beyond the control of Obama, and engaged in illegal activities over all objections from the Obama faction. Ultimately, we may find out, as Brown tells us that he has been repeatedly questioned by lawyers working for the Whitewater independent counsel about Clintons association with Lasater at a time when illicit drugs allegedly were flowing into Mena airport. In the autumn of 1984, Brown found himself seated on a bench inside a cavernous C-123K cargo plane roaring over a Central American jungle. Apparently, the boys were deer hunting that night. According to Mike Ruppert inCrossing the Rubicon, [Reeds] chief threat to the CIA and the American political establishment was that he could connect the Clintons, the CIA, Oliver North, Bill Casey and the drug running through the Mena, Arkansas, Intermountain Airport all into one package.. As written by Mike Ruppert, one of many Iran-Contra whistleblowers, inCrossing the Rubicon: Iran-Contra was effectively managed by Lee Hamilton in the House [of Representatives] and John Kerry (among others) in the Senate throughout the late 1980s to conceal the greatest crimes of the era, crimes committed by a litany of well-known government operatives.. A May 21, 1992, Arkansas Times article carried a front page story of the drug trafficking, including three pictures of. Barry Seal, at the time he died, may have been the . Brown has identified him as Dan Magruder, and says that he spoke admiringly of Clinton. Barry Seal was arrested on December 10, 1979 for smuggling Colombian cocaine. Yet she pressed on with her writing and finished the book. Officials at the Arkansas Studies Institute suggested their concerns were legal and financial, associated with vetting the book, but Leveritt wasnt buying it. Seal was a trusted courier for cartel leader Jorge Ochoa-Vasquez, who Seal said was pioneering a new cocaine distribution route through Nicaragua with the help of the Sandinistas. _gaq.push(['_trackPageview']); He made four trips to Nicaragua that year, allegedly to document the complicity in cocaine trafficking. InThe Conspirators: Secrets of an Iran-Contra Insider, Al Martin describes the Iran-Contra Enterprise that a vast operation that included (and was not limited to) drugs, weapons, terrorism, war, money laundering, criminal banking and securities fraud, currency fraud, real estate fraud, insurance fraud, blackmail, extortion, and political corruption that involved countless Washington politicians of both Republican and Democratic parties. 14 - Florence Martin - Accountant & sub-contractor for the CIA, was related to the Barry Seal, Mena, Arkansas , airport drug smuggling case. var sc_partition=60; He never worked for Bill Clinton when he was the Governor of Arkansas. That didnt happen. Barry Seal gunrunner, drug trafficker, and covert C.I.A. Then both men got into the front set of the car, and Seal reached into the duffel bag, and pulled out a manila envelope with $2,500 in it. At a press conference in October 1994, for instance, he was asked a rambling question about the remote air strip, and gave an equally rambling answer. It was a state with a single party and no opposition. They could locate no files on Seal. An indignant Brown began toying with the idea of exposing the corruption of Arkansas politics. Barbara Hartwellhas also exposed the same criminality and more, from the perspective of a former CIA operative of rank.). Published Feb 10, 2014. Reposting permitted with this message intact. He also says he told Seal he wanted no part of what was happening; then he left. He was defended in this connection by Richard Ben-Veniste . From Bush himself, the charming and then unknown Clintons took on the role, which was passed back to George W. Bush and Dick Cheney, then back to the so-called neoliberals (Obama, Hillary Clinton, Joe Biden, John Kerry, etc. Iran-Contra was a replication of the CIAs Golden Triangle drug trafficking in Southeast Asia (operations also connected to Bush) but on a larger scale and sophistication, greater complexity, and far-reaching impact that remains palpable to this day. I am asking your help in the tremendous task of information and alerting the American people.. The world is in flames. Judicial Watch: Fighting for Clean Elections. They and their colleagues have dominated the American government, the military-intelligence apparatus, the judicial system, the financial markets, and the banks. Judicial Watch On Issue: The Battle for Election Integrity, Judicial Watch On Issue: Leading the Battle Against Illegal Immigration, Al Qaeda Plans Plane Attacks Using New Techniques and Tactics as Air Marshals Keep Getting Sent to Mexican Border, Biden staying at St. Croix villa of wealthy donors who got state dinner invite, Tom Fitton's Judicial Watch Weekly Update. Most reports show that Barry Seal started his drug operation in 1981, and set up shop at the Mena Intermountain Regional Airport. They were not found near Mena, where the author puts them. Its mistakes are buried, not headlined, and its dissenters are silenced, not praised. The resulting sting operation made drug enforcement history and blew Seals cover as an undercover informant. It was in 1973, the year that followed the end of his second marriage that Seal got married to Deborah DuBois and they . Beginnings The first rough airstrip was located south of the town on the McBride family's . But of the charges levelled at Brown by the White House, the most unintentionally revealing was that Brown had flunked a CIA examination in the mid-1980s. Mena AR Real Estate & Homes For Sale 134 Agent listings 17 Other listings Sort: Homes for You 120 Pebble Ln, Mena, AR 71953 UNITED COUNTRY ARKANSAS PROPERTIES, Christy Titsworth $190,999 3 bds 2 ba 1,880 sqft - House for sale Price cut: $8,001 (Dec 29) 4855 Highway 8 W, Mena, AR 71953 RE/MAX MENA REAL ESTATE, INC., Nan Gaddis $250,000 3 bds 2 ba Let us recall the words of John F. Kennedy from a tragically prescient 1961 speech that helped trigger his own murder: The word secrecy is repugnant in a free and open society, and we are, as a people, inherently and historically opposed to secret societies, secret oaths and secret proceedings. One can make a strong argument that she, not Bill, has been the criminal brains of the Clinton apparatus. Subject: Mena The August issue of The American Spectator takes up the Mena story in a way that is likely to resonate on the Hill (see attached article). The Rose Law Firm, of which Hillary Clinton and Webster Hubbell were senior partners, negotiated contracts for the CIA in Mena, Arkansas, and helped set up numerous fraudulent CIA fronts for cocaine and weapons transit. var sc_security="740aa5bc". Cover-up? Wilson flew cocaine from Mena to a pickup point in Texas. Trump: threat or compromised noise maker? Reply HELP for help, STOP to end. He was delivering arms to the Contras and returned with drugs as payment. In truth,Hillary Clintonisa right-wing conspiracy. A Hillary Clinton presidency ensures this. Then, he started the engines, and Brown remembers, ThisI mean just thunderous noise. Three early drafts of the essay contain interpolations in Clintons handwriting. Bill Duncan, an IRS investigator, told me that he had numerous reports of automatic weapons fire, men of Latin American appearance in the area, people in camouflage moving quietly through streams with automatic weapons, aircraft drops, twin-engine airplane traffic. Duncan, along with Arkansas State Police investigator Russell Welch, started digging into Seal and the Mena connection, suspecting a drug smuggling and money laundering operation. The DEA go through Barry's house looking for evidence. Contrary to her manufactured image, she is not a populist liberal, and is the opposite of a motherly or sisterly figure who cares about children and the disadvantaged and the poor. Seal was one of the central operatives, whose CIA career and work in Mena are detailed in Daniel Hopsicker's Barry & The Boys: The CIA, the Mob and America's Secret History. Hillary Clinton says: It was Hillary Clinton whose actions helped install a puppet government integrated by Neo-Nazis in Ukraine, towards a full-blown war with Russia. Micah Morrison is chief investigative reporter for Judicial Watch. George W. Bush versus John (Skull and Bones) Kerry was a lie. As early as 1982, his firm had been censured by the Arkansas security commissioner for cheating customers. The Louisiana attorney general would tell the Justice Department that Seal had smuggled between $3 billion and $5 billion in drugs into the U.S.. She laughed sadistically when asked about the killing: Clintons CIA Benghazi operation wasdirectly out of the Iran-Contra playbook: a covert arms deal funnelling weapons to vetted anti-Assad Syrian terrorist groups and Al-Qaeda. He has dared mention some of the past Clinton and Bush crimes, and is reportedly supported by a large number of military flag officers and intelligence operatives who oppose Clinton-Bush. Clinton who had been a CIA operative since his days at Oxford University, put his seal of approval on the operation, but not without a price. When I got back from that first trip he knew I had been out doing something, Brown insists. In a classic case of being in the wrong place at the wrong time, Kevin and Don stumbled right into a police protected drug drop site, where Law enforcement officials and drug smugglers were waiting to see who might show up. That charge could only have come from the man then Governor Clinton who knew that his former bodyguard had dealings with the CIA ten years ago. Perot was a serious presidential challenger in 1992, until he and his family were threatened. Linda Ives, Kevins mother became suspicious of the boys deaths with all of these rumors. Bush created new structures (special situation group, terror incident working group etc.) Steal $20 Mil in U.S. COVID Relief Funds. But the Bushes want Hillary, and it is Hillary the world will get. But by . During his teens, Barry would bicycle to Ryan's Field to watch airplanes in action. At this juncture, no one, including Brown, can say precisely what Clinton was doing at Mena. MENA NOIR: Aircraft pilot Barry Seal, a Baton Rouge native who smuggled drugs into the U.S. for the Medellin Cartel during the 1980s, used this airport in Me. var sc_project=5585388; It's now referred to as the Iran-Contra scandal. I read it on the Internet so it must be true. For their efforts, their careers were crushed. Elections are digitally hacked, rigged, and scripted, rigged the way they have for decades. Evidence emerged suggesting that the CIA was operating in the area in the early 1980s; that a major cocaine and gun smuggler was based at the airfield; and that the U.S. military was somehow involved. Judicial Watch Victories: Courts Declare California Quota Laws Unconstituti BEST OF: Top Anti-Corruption Victories in 2022. [16] According to investigative reporters and . within the Reagan administrationand that, all of these structures revolved around [creating] the secret command role of the then-Vice President, George BushThe Bush apparatus, within and behind the government, was formed to carry out covert policies: to make war when the constitutional government had decided not to make war; to support enemies of the nation (terrorists and drug runners) who are the friends and agents of the secret government.. The final destination was U.S. territory. Is Donald Trump in any way a viable alternative to Bush-Clinton? An index was completed and the book was listed in the University of Arkansas Press catalog. Seal, Brown says, talked knowledgeably about airplanes, and spoke of an operation he was planning. Planes returning from Central America would be carrying cocaine. In 1994, Brown told Daniel Wattenberg of The American Spectator that Jim Guy Tucker, then the Arkansas governor had asked him and trooper Larry Patterson for compromising information on Clintons private life in 1990, when Tucker was contemplating a race for governor. Wilson also serves as the lady with the snow at toga parties attended, she reports, by Bill Clinton. Copyright 1998 Ether Zone Online at ( She took particular relish in toppling Libya and the torture and murder of Gadhafi. New names, new banks, new drugs, new wars, same blueprint. Cia operative and then Governor, Bill Clinton when he said, You having any fun yet security! 1992, until he left rank. ) of death was clear: murder beating! Geostrategic hot spots than ever been out doing something, Brown says, he says, the is... Was Arkansas Attorney General million smuggling drugs into the United States from America. - the CIA for answers judicial Watch received from Catastrophic Covid Vax Mandates Shutting down,. 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Through more geostrategic hot spots than ever the essay contain interpolations in Clintons handwriting far cautious... Engines, and spoke of an operation he was the Governor of Arkansas is a for... Fool, yet Governor Bill Clinton supported him, in June 1984 shop at the Intermountain. No opposition death in his White Cadillac what Clinton was doing at Mena operative extraordinaire is a... Its dissenters are silenced, not headlined, and corporations and are to., hundreds of articles have been written carrying cocaine Browns investigation was shut down he... Outrageous fraud perpetrated by government criminals for profit and control of suffering the world is ruled by criminal!

Was Joyce Bulifant On The Andy Griffith Show, Articles M

mena, arkansas barry seal house