mark radcliffe purdue pharma

Joining her as a relator is Steven May, a former Purdue employee who worked under Mr. Radcliffe. Radcliffe requests that if the Complaint is found insufficient on this ground, that he be granted leave to file an amended complaint. The two attorneys claim in a response that Purdue Pharma has failed to meet its burden for showing that fee-shifting is appropriate and that the judge who dismissed the earlier lawsuit ruled at least part of the complaint passed muster, but it fell outside of a six-year statute of limitations period. 1971), and Coleson v. Inspector General of the Department of Defense, 721 F. Supp. Green involved a general release between an employer and a terminated employee, who later filed a qui tam suit against that employer. United States ex rel. The Fourth Circuit does not have any analogous case law interpreting Rumery. at 961 (applying the three-part test in United States v. Kimbell Foods, Inc., 440 U.S. 715 (1979)). Subsequent cases have not addressed this type of argument. (f)(2).) (quoting 5 Charles Alan Wright Arthur R. Miller, Federal Practice and Procedure 1297, at 590 (2d ed. Mr. Enforcement of a release to bar a subsequent qui tam suit implicates several articulated public interests. (c) and (f)(2)). These responses did not address the cost implications that concerned Radcliffe. at 820. However, after the employee raised these concerns, the employer contacted the regulatory agency involved and apprised them of the allegations. This action was stayed for some time at the request of the federal government, which eventually declined to intervene, along with all of the thirteen state governments named in the Complaint. United States ex rel. Virginia, Abingdon Division, declining to conclude that anything posted online would automaticallyconstitute a public disclosure. Radcliffe has amended his Complaint three times since it was originally filed, so that Purdue's Motion to Dismiss actually relates to the Third Amended Complaint filed June 5, 2007. For these reasons, I find that this court his subject matter jurisdiction over the Complaint. Id. Were this the rule, a relator who initially tried to settle would have no incentive to disclose the allegations to the government in lieu of settlement. (Mountcastle Decl. Id. 40 F.3d at 1510. In September, the Department of Justice contacted Purdue's outside counsel with electronic search terms designed to capture documents [Redacted]. While the issue of whether a general release is enforceable to bar a subsequent qui tam action has not been addressed by the Fourth Circuit, the framework established by the Ninth Circuit in United States ex rel Green v. Northrop Corp., 59 F.3d 953 (9th Cir. Whitten v. Triad Hosps., Inc., No. The Ninth Circuit determined that enforcement of the release would impair the public interest by diluting incentives to file qui tam suits, thus making the government less likely to learn of the alleged fraud, and by diluting the FCA's deterrent affect. Radcliffe argues that the published results of the single-dose study are not public disclosures under 3730(e)(4)(A) because these were published in a foreign periodical. This is factually distinct from the situation in which the government is in the midst of an ongoing investigation. 2d at 1278. While allegations of fraud were known to the Department of Justice, they had not been publically disclosed within the meaning of 3730(e)(4)(A). The plaintiff-relator, Mark Radcliffe ("Radcliffe"), filed a qui tam suit in the United States District Court for the West-ern District of Virginia alleging that his former employer, Purdue Pharma, L.P. ("Purdue"), defrauded the government . Generally, this does not require that the disclosure be of the specific allegations brought by the relator, but instead the disclosure must put the government on notice of the likelihood of fraudulent activity. 1:07-CR-00029 (W.D. The package insert is currently posted to a section of Purdue's web page devoted to package inserts. the plaintiff-relator, mark radcliffe ("radcliffe"), filed a qui tam suit in the united states district court for the western district of virginia alleging that his former employer, purdue pharma, l.p. ("purdue"), defrauded the government by marketing its pain-relief drug, oxycontin, as a cheaper alternative to the drug it replaced, ms contin, From Legal Newsline: Reach editor John OBrien at [email protected]. Curtis et al., Relative Potency of Controlled-Release Oxycodone and Controlled-Release Morphine in Postoperative Pain Model, 55 Eur. However, the Ninth Circuit noted that: and rejected this argument because of the ex ante effects of enforcing the agreement. 49.7 (Patrick D. Wall Ronald Mezack eds. While the OxyContin package insert recommends the 2:1 conversion ratio as a starting point for doctors switching patients from MS Contin to OxyContin, it also suggests the need to reevaluate based on each individual patient's response to the new medication. Because of the potential in this area for state law to impair federal rights, the possibility of forum-shopping, and the unlikeness that uniform federal rule would disrupt commercial relationships predicated on state law, the Ninth Circuit chose to craft a uniform federal rule, rather than apply state law. Further, the public policy concerns raised by Purdue do not alter the relative balance of public interests under the Rumery test. Mark Radcliffe v. Purdue Pharma L.P.; Purdue Pharma, Inc. 1 In a decision issued on March 24, 2010, the United States Court of Appeals for the Fourth Circuit concluded that a general release may bar a subsequent qui tam action if the allegations of fraud had been sufficiently disclosed to the government prior to the filing of the qui tam lawsuit. of Pittsburgh, 186 F.3d 376, 385 (3d Cir. Gilligan v. Medtronic, Inc., 403 F.3d 386, 389 (6th Cir. United States ex rel. 1187, 94 L.Ed.2d 405 (1987), that "`a promise is unenforceable if the interest in its enforcement is outweighed in the circumstances by a public policy harmed by enforcement of the agreement.'" Va.)) None of the misbranding charges pertained to the relative cost and potency issue. Co. v. Zenith Radio Corp., 475 U.S. 574, 587, 106 S.Ct. 1994); United States ex rel. 3729-3733 (West 2003 & Supp.2008), and analogous state statutes, the relator Mark Radcliffe alleges that the defendants, Purdue Pharma, L.P. and Purdue Pharma, Inc. (collectively, "Purdue"), misrepresented to physicians the relative potency of . (T)here is no question that counsels pre-filing knowledge and investigations are imputed to his clients on the issue of whether there is a good-faith, non-frivolous basis for the allegations in a complaint. Howard M. Shapiro and Jennifer M. O'Connor, Wilmer Cutler Pickering Hale and Dorr LLP, Washington, D.C., and Howard C. McElroy, McElroy, Hodges, Caldwell, Abingdon, VA, for Purdue Pharma L.P. and Purdue Pharma, Inc. Purdue next argues that other scientific publications supporting an equianalgesic ratio of 2:1, not only for single or intermittent dosing but also for longer-term use, are public disclosures because "[a]s a Purdue sales representative and supervisor, Radcliffe would have been trained on and intimately familiar with many Purdue articles endorsing a 2:1 equianalgesic potency ratio." Angela said her knowledge of the alleged fraud came from conversations with her husband, while May alleged some of his knowledge came from conversations with Mark and some came from observations during his own employment. In his employment with Purdue between 1996 and 2005, Radcliffe was responsible for marketing OxyContin to individual physicians and became familiar with Purdue's marketing claims about OxyContin's relative cost and potency, including the claim that there is a 2:1 equianelgesic ratio between OxyContin and MS Contin. Purdue Pharma, L.P. (1:05-cv-00089) District Court, W.D. See United States ex rel. To the extent that Radcliffe based the allegations in his Complaint on either the published abstract or the published article, these constitute public disclosures in the news media. United States ex rel. Id. Looking at the specific web page cited by Purdue, it appears that on July 18, 2001, the OxyContin package insert was posted to a section of Purdue's web page entitled "News What's New." One of their attorneys is Mark That agency investigated and concluded that it could not substantiate the allegations. . A separate order will be entered herewith. Notwithstanding the government's lack of knowledge of or consent to the release, because the federal government was already aware of the allegations of fraud, the public interest in having information disclosed to the government was not implicated. Hurts co-counsel in the case is Beckley, W.Va., attorney Paul Roop. 481 F. Supp. Document production requests made by the government and conversations between lawyers representing the government and Purdue or its employees in June and July of 2005 suggest that the government was trying to learn more about the relative cost and potency issue. 1999). The opinion makes no mention of what type of web page this is or whether it bears any resemblance to a traditional periodical. Given the international nature of the scientific community, there is no indication that the publication of this article in a foreign scientific journal makes it any less accessible to the American public than if it were published in a scientific journal located in the United States. BECKLEY, W.Va. (Legal Newsline) In demanding two whistleblowers in what it feels was a frivolous lawsuit pay its legal fees, the maker of the painkiller OxyContin says a Virginia attorney supplied the information that the two were blowing the whistle on. 3729-3733 (West 2003 & Supp.2008), and analogous state statutes, the relator Mark Radcliffe alleges that the defendants, Purdue Pharma, L.P. and Purdue Pharma, Inc. (collectively, "Purdue"), misrepresented to physicians the relative potency of . Id. dismissing complaint because it did "not describe even a single instance in which a physician was influenced to prescribe [the drug] based on [the defendant's] misrepresentations, and where a claim was made by the pharmacist to the government". at 966. Admin. 2010). In 2010, his wife Angela and former underling May filed their own FCA lawsuit. Tex. It is important to note that the government's decision not to intervene "does not necessarily signal governmental disinterest in an action, as it is entitled to most of the proceeds even if it opts not to intervene." It has been held that disclosures made directly to relevant government officials, rather than to the public, can constitute public disclosures in administrative investigations when the disclosure is made "to a competent public official" "who has managerial responsibility for the very claims being made." at 1513. Purdue argues that Radcliffe was a bad actor who waited to file his qui tam complaint and, prior to doing so, attempted to settle with Purdue in exchange for an investment in a company he was starting. Specifically, they argue that, as here, where the government learned of the allegations independently and had already begun its investigation into the substance of the allegations prior to the date of the release, where the relator delayed in filing the qui tam complaint and attempted to settle with the defendants prior to doing so, and where the government ultimately chose not to intervene, enforcement of the release is appropriate. Further limited discovery and briefing was allowed as to that issue. Lack of compliance with the pleading requirements of Rule 9(b) is treated as a failure to state a claim under Rule 12(b)(6). The case previously reached the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Fourth Circuit, which refused to dismiss the case based on a lack of specific allegations because the whistleblowers still had the opportunity to amend their complaint. Id. Purdue has withdraw that argument, including its related Request for Judicial Notice. Id. Dismiss 20.) In this action brought under the qui tam provisions of the False Claims Act ("FCA"), 31 U.S.C.A. Plaintiff - Appellant: UNITED STATES EX REL. This rule would also make the enforcability of such a release dependant on the government's intervention decision and may discourage some potential relators from initiating qui tam suits in the first place, leaving some allegations undisclosed. 2d at 1277. The Ninth Circuit reversed, holding that a pre-filing release entered into without the government's knowledge or consent is not enforceable to bar a subsequent qui tam action because that would impair a substantial public policy. But see United States ex rel. Va. 1989). To determine whether the circumstances of a case fall within the general rule articulated in Green or the exception in Hall, the critical issue is the completeness of the government's knowledge or the fullness of its investigation. Mark Radcliffe, a former sales representative and district manager, filed the first related FCA lawsuit against Purdue Pharma in 2005 in Virginia federal court. By the end of July, the government had also begun drafting Grand Jury Subpoena 513 which included requests for all documents discussing the relative analgesic potency or safety of OxyContin and MS Contin. Once it decided to fashion a uniform rule on the enforceability of pre-filing releases, the Ninth Circuit turned to Rumery, 480 U.S. at 392, to structure its discussion of competing policy concerns. (Defs.' Va. 2014) case opinion from the Southern District of West Virginia US Federal District Court . L E Corp. v. Days Inns of Am., Inc., 992 F.2d 55, 58 (4th Cir. Id. In these somewhat rambling and incoherent emails, he warned Purdue that he was considering a qui tam suit, detailed his allegations, and offered to settle in exchange for an investment by Purdue in a project he was contemplating. To reach this decision, the Ninth Circuit first evaluated the statutory scheme of the FCA and determined that while Congress had addressed the ability of parties to settle post-filing, it left open the enforceability of pre-filing releases. The case was stayed for over a year and a half until the government declined to intervene on May 8, 2007. F. Brian Ferguson. The district court granted summary judgment to the defendants who argued that, as part of the release, the relator had bargained away his right to bring the qui tam suit and as a result could not demonstrate any personal stake in the outcome sufficient to satisfy Article III standing. Id. Matsushita, 475 U.S. at 587, 106 S.Ct. See id. at 965-66. The district court determined that between 1996 and 2005 Radcliffe, on behalf of Purdue, marketed "OxyContin, The final and perhaps the most difficult issue is whether the public disclosure reveals "allegations or, Full title:UNITED STATES, et al., ex rel. If not, then the court balances "all the factors that bear on whether `the public interest in enforcement of the agreement outweigh the policies furthered by non-enforcement.'" The parties have been provided with the sealed copy. formerly a sales representative for Purdue under Mark Radcliffe's supervision. 434. Alcohol Found., Inc. v. Kalmanovitz Charitable Found., Inc., 186 F. Supp. at 1047. The amended complaint does not contain allegations that connect the dots for even a single alleged false claim Berger wrote. Because I find that these scientific articles and the OxyContin package insert, taken together, do not disclose or imply fraud, and, thus, do not constitute a public disclosure of the allegations or transactions within the meaning of 3730(e)(4)(A), I need not address the extent to which Radcliffe based his allegations on these materials, nor whether he was an original source. He alleged a fraudulent scheme whereby Purdue marketed The government stated that without the relator's assistance following the release date it could not have issued a warrant to obtain documents or made sense of those documents when received and that given that these documents were not received until several weeks after the release date, the government had not had the opportunity to fully investigate prior to the execution of the release. CV202-189, 2005 WL 3741538, at *5 (S.D. The facts on which I have determined jurisdiction are as follows. (c).) Radcliffe was a district sales manager for Purdue, laid off as part of a reduction in force in June 2005. Decided: January 29, 2016. United States ex rel. They say it is a reflection on the decline of civility in the legal profession. Mark Radcliffe, a former sales representative and district manager, filed the first related FCA lawsuit against Purdue Pharma in 2005 in Virginia federal court. The government's investigation continued and on December 5, 2005, AUSA Mountcastle moved to stay Radcliffe's qui tam suit pending the government's ongoing investigation. If so, was the qui tam action based on the public disclosure? 3d ed. These include the public interest in having relators disclose inside information of alleged fraud to the government, in having relators supplement federal enforcement of the FCA by assisting the government in its investigation and prosecution or prosecuting the claim itself, and in deterring future fraud against the government. Had the substance of the relator's allegations been disclosed to an appropriate employee at the FDA with the authority to investigate these claims, that might have constituted a disclosure in an administrative investigation. (Reply Supp. Radcliffe encountered skepticism from physicians he spoke with regarding OxyContin's relative cost and potency. Purdue Pharma L.P., No. Radcliffe's allegations pertain to the issue of the relative cost and potency of OxyContin and MS Contin. This case briefly mentions several sources "two previously filed lawsuits against defendant, as well as an Internet web page and a Pittsburgh Post-Gazette article" and summarily concludes that "these constitute public disclosures." When Radcliffe raised this concern to supervisors, he was told that by approving the OxyContin package inserts, which contained the 2:1 equianalgesic ratio as a starting conversion that could later be adjusted by doctors, the U. S. Food and Drug Administration ("FDA") had approved that ratio. In finding the release unenforceable, the court reasoned that the limited knowledge of the allegations held by the government did not negate the public interest in providing incentives for the relator to fully disclose inside information concerning the allegations to the government. Bahrani, 183 F. Supp. These disclosures suggest legitimate scientific debate and disagreement regarding the correct equianalgesic ratio, rather than any fraudulent intent on the part of Purdue. Purdue also argues that in Hall itself the government had not completed its investigation prior to the execution of the release. This action was stayed for some time at the request of the federal government, which eventually declined to intervene, along with all of the thirteen state governments named in the Complaint. Instead both the 2001 posting and the current posting of the OxyContin package insert seem more akin to a corporate report or a press release. Radcliffe was asked about the marketing of OxyContin as it related to the potential for addiction, but he was not asked about the relative cost and potency issue. Ten years ago, Mark Radcliffe, a former district sales manager for Purdue Pharma, filed a qui tam action under the FCA against Purdue. 3730(e)(4)(A); see United States ex rel. during the depositions of Mark and Angela Radcliffe and Steven May respecting commu nications between Relators and Mark Radcliffe and Relators and their attorneys with Mark . This line of reasoning has been adopted by the Eighth Circuit, Gebert, 260 F.3d at 916, and the Southern District of New York, DeCarlo, 937 F. Supp. In deciding a jurisdictional challenge, the court must determine the facts based on the evidence submitted. In doing so, the court relied on the test set forth in Town of Newton v. Rumery, 480 U.S. 386, 107 S.Ct. MARK RADCLIFFE: Defendant - Appellee: PURDUE PHARMA L.P. and PURDUE PHARMA, INCORPORATED: Amicus Curiae: As in Bahrani, when the release was executed there was no guarantee that the government would end up prosecuting based on the relator's allegations. decision in United States ex rel. Hall involved an employer who had been accused of fraud on the government by an employee. On Nov. 17, the company moved to have the plaintiffs pay its legal fees under the fee-shifting provisions in the FCA. Based on the evidence in the present case, it is clear that the government was aware of the substance of Radcliffe's allegations and had begun, but not completed, its investigation of these allegations as of the date of the release. To the extent that Radcliffe derived the allegations in his Complaint from either of these sources, these will be considered public disclosures in the news media. To meet this requirement, it is sufficient that there have been either (1) disclosures of both a false state of facts and a true state of facts (not necessarily from the same source) so that fraud is implied; or (2) disclosure of an allegation of fraud, regardless of the specificity of the allegation. In January and February of 2005 Radcliffe sent emails to several officers and directors of Purdue, using the alias "John Femaledeer." Ten years ago, Mark Radcliffea former district sales manager for Purdue Pharma ("Purdue")filed a qui tam action under the FCA against Purdue. This action was stayed for some time at the request of the federal government, which eventually declined to intervene, along with all of the thirteen state governments named in the Complaint. Protected by Google ReCAPTCHA. Green, 59 F.3d at 962. In September and December of 2005, the Department of Justice contacted Purdue with electronic search terms, some of which pertained to the relative cost and potency issue. at 956-57. While the results of this study were not published until 1999, an abstract including the 2:1 equianalgesic ratio was published in 1996. Specifically, he alleged that Purdue fraudulently marketed OxyContin using the 2:1 equianalgesic ratio, thus claiming that its relative cost was less than that of MS Contin. See Fed.R.Civ.P. ), aff'd, 53 F. App'x 153 (2d Cir. Id. at 1512. Purdue Pharma L.P., et al., Civil Action Nos. 2d. Id. Make your practice more effective and efficient with Casetexts legal research suite. 1348 (quoting Fed.R.Civ.P. The Fourth Circuit follows a three-step approach in determining whether the public disclosure bar applies. 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mark radcliffe purdue pharma