damien echols son 2020

Now if you had said they fit the profile of child murderers, then your point would make more sense. and like it or not, they thumbed their nose at you just like that prosecutor ellington did to us by doing so. Damien Echolls and co are convicted child killers for a reason they are guilty as sin. Im sorry I ruined your day, dude. These little boys suffered before they died and they never even got to know the reason why. They might turn on him for $$. Personally I have tried to make sense of it through assumptions based on reason. Domini Teer was born on November 21, 1976. Reading his confessions is enough to give you a four alarm migraine, but he holds firm on several points: 1) It was Damien who called the boys over, 2) Damien grabbed one boy and the other little boys attacked Damien trying to help their friend, 3) Jessie and Jason grabbed a boy apiece and commenced whaling on them, 4) One of the boys got away and Jessie caught him and brought him back, 5) Damien appeared to be inserting his member into one of the boys, 6) Jason, who had a lockblade knife, cut one of the boys, 7) Damien hit one of the boys with a big stick on the head. Does anyone find it odd that Damien and Jason jet set to far away Of course police could get him to say whatever he wanted, especially when they told him if he did they would buy his dad a new truck. and gone, never to see the sun rise or set, never to feel the comfort of You are right! I gave in & read it last night. I know that it is only ONE of the reasons you think they are guilty. PATHETIC all the way around. At the time I bought it, I had zero idea who the trio was, assumed they had been sent up for life for possession or selling LSD or something. Theyve basically turned this scum into martyrs and heroes,rewriting historynot just themasses, but alsofor major media. After all, the WM3 werent professional hitmen, and didnt know how far to go. In order to be classified as mass murder, four or more people would have to have been murdered. Period. Learn how your comment data is processed. Not sure about this case, has all the makings of a joke. Lorri Davis Saw Accused Murderer Damien Echols in a True Crime Doc. The 3 victims were sexually assaulted in what means were they? Damian Seth Azariah's father is best known for being a member of the West Memphis Three, a gang of youths suspected of a triple murder. Your article is ignorant and poorly written. Im sorry but i think they are innocent the manor that the one child was killed, it was personal. While you may not consider yourself a Reporter, in actuality thats exactly what you are. experience the joy of a wedding or the birth of their own child. Yeah, you read that right. who else had the motive, the means, the opportunity? When he was 18, Damien and two other young men were wrongfully convicted of murder, eventually becoming known as the West Memphis Three. Instead we should all start describing peoplewhat they are really acting likeareDEVILS orDEMONS which describes their true behavior. You dont think at all the black man who was covered in blood at Mr Bojangles had nothing to do with it?!?! I was an antisocial teenager who used to wear black and listen to Metallica also. You must be a hit at parties. Because hes intelligent, hell think hes untouchable. No need to castrate one to hurt him real bad. Its clear who the real killer was the problem is Memphis would rather turn a blind eye than admit all their mistakes. But, I find it odd that she doesn't speak publicly about the case. means: a knife matching some of the wounds of the victims was found in a lake behind the girls(Baldwins)house. found he did not fall off the edge of the earth, should he have been punished HIs CSI certification? I think they would have been prolific school shooters. REALLY??? You may as well have gone all out and mentioned blood rituals and sacrificial slayings as well. These clues do not point to an angry stepfather. Justice for the victims would be Echols executed and the other two serving out their sentences. It is full of doubt and uncertainty. read his two bookshes a egotistical sociopath..and he admits one creepy video, that he licked bloodlook it up on youtube. Will Wayne Williams be released? The same one who allowed a mail order Ph.D to testify as an expert?. Starring: Duncan Trussell, Phil Hendrie, Drew Pinsky. He isnt going to buy what the celebrities are selling. Change), You are commenting using your Facebook account. My thing is If u are innocent why accept guilt to get out(Alford plea), If your innocent why confess multiple times(Jessie) or brag to others or make light of such a debase situation (as Damien has done by Making sick jokes) Or when asked if his so called friend Damien did it, Jason hesitated and acted nervous by saying there making it look like he(Damien) did it. Quiet, shy kid who liked Metallica and loved to draw. Whats funny (at least to me) is that the solicitations for donations to continue testing and investigation havent raised a single red flag with supporters. AL Simon, you need to get your facts straight Where the hell are you getting that Hobbs was the last one to see the boys? Shit, back in the day. Animals are innocent creatures which only kill out of means of survival or if they feel you are a threat. Scary precedent. Exactly! Likewise dipshit, check all the dna evidence not just the evidence child rapists and murderors present in their own fantasy world. it makes sense to confess beating up a kid, after all damion and jason did the abusing and killing. appealing and the Good look I think that the fact that people are so one-sided in this case is exactly reason it hasnt been solved. Shes going to find him cold and hes going to be able to blame it on his isolation for a while but its never going to get any better. Did she take the HBO documenatary into account like I and many many others have all this time? Recently, Hicks has been fighting for access to her son's property and other evidence in the case. I think your upset because you know a loser such as your self would have never gotten the support these men have received. Clearly the jurors had preconceived Read between the lines.They are all connected to the brotherhood( they are all Masons) they perform blood oaths, perform animal and human sacrifice to stay in the game and remain relevant while making money and making there handlers/masters rich! As 150 minutes of material has already been compiled, all that is needed are some additional funds to complete the project. A black man who lost around 20 years in jail for a crime he didnt commit. so ok the lack of evidence that they did is there but..is there any evidence that someone else did it? i think i do remember something about it. Street Date: July 14, 2020. Come on! I am not an expert in philosophy, but even I can see your argument is the result of faulty reasoning. Lol Dodia, I still read wtbfh as what the butt fuck henry in my head! There are gaps in his timeline of that evening. It shows there true colors or allegiance tot there cause and Lucifer. A circuit judge has ordered . An aside, I can assure u that a huge percentage of people (especially teens, and mentally troubled teens at that) would break down and confess under twelve hours of interrogations by a trained interrogator. They alleged the WMPD should have done more. Their convictions were upheld because the original sentencing judge presided over the appeal hearing(s). Those 3 babies that were murdered were innocent. And this dumbthat started this link callinghimself trenchreynolds is as stupid as they come. polar/ Manic though I thought these were the same thing mentally unstable Celebrities are merely in a position to help voice injustice in that cases like these are able to be re-opened. He has more love in his heart than you guys will ever allow yourselves to see. Stop giving them our hard earned money. we just want the majority to know the truth. Even the worst writer would pick up a few things along the way. STATE OF ARKANSAS!!!! Either way, all of those situations are a world away from leaving your child with a convicted child murderer. By the way that mail order PhD you speak of also has degrees from several well known brick and mortar universities and has trained under some pretty impressive criminal investigators but since they left that out of the movie Im sure you think Im lying. Many people fit the profile of a school shooter without committing violence. ? If not for the occult aspect of Damian I doubt the celbs would have given a rats ass if the other two lived or died. this last post is to Trench, There is a very good chance these guys are inncoent. Your a fukn robot. Mr. Ramsey has countless hours of videos of police interrogating other acquaintances/coven members and he also has documentation on the case that proves there guilt such as exhibit 500 and more stuff in callahan8. Stumbled into a rabbit hole and found myself hereand the only word to describe my reaction is stunned, absolutely stunned! Im searching for the truth and I believe somewhere in this mish mash of information the truth lies. A few weeks ago a screening of Echols' 'documentary' West of Memphis was held and the following day Echols participated in a forum called "Truth in Documentaries". Therefore, their failure to prevail in the trial court stands. How do they explain away that Damien While these types simply support the defendants because celebrities do and because of the media circus that is absolutely not a standard for me. In my opinion they Damien Echols fits the psychological profile of a school shooter, Eric Harris of Columbine infamy to be specific. Thats not even worth the pixels. The play it safe theory just incase. Ive studied this case for so many years, from both sides, and I have YET to find evidence of murder. Today is the first day of a Kickstarter campaign intended to raise money for post-production costs related to my documentary about the West Memphis Three. Damien Echols is GUILTY as sin and is an open Satanic witch to this day. And then killed them? http://wm3truth.com/jessie-misskelleys-confession-to-dan-stidham-february-8-1994/, Link to Jesses confession to prosecuting attorneys A fiber that might of came from a robe or a shirt is not that strong. No constitutional error. Theres something called the common law that supports damages for wrongs done to people by others. damien echols is pure scum. They released a man I saw on the news the other day for murder up north. They were all there. If you had an estranged relationship with a child, why strip them ect? Was this not Were the 3 victims picked for a ritual killing connected to an occult way of thinking that would bring them some delusional power of some sort? Come on peoplethe first trial alone should have never happened to begin with. The three different knots, Misskellys repeated confessions, even to his own defense lawyer containing details that could not have been guessed or made up, Echols history of beating the dog to death exactly as done to Moore as well as his other mental background. It is also my opinion that Domini Teer knows exactly what happened that night, as did L.G. He is a wolf in cheap Sherpa clothing loI Why castrate one victim? Unfortunately, their memories are usually lost in the rhetoric. I dont think a single person could have done this. Wow. The third died from trauma and bleeding, indicating he was the first to perish. When three 8-year-old boys were found dead in the woods of West Memphis Arkansas, the police immediately turned to Echols and his two friends Jason Baldwin and Jessie Misskelley. Have you seen the interviews with Damiens family recently? seriously? The west memphis 3 admitted to guilt in the case and waslet go with time served which means that they did thier time for the crime so if Trench reynolds wants to think they are guilty then he can sleep well knowing that they paid the price and the west memphis three win because they are finally set free. I think you are the real killer. Those 3 boys spent most their lives in prison, convicted on zero evidence. I watched Echols on television with his interview. Glad to see that common sense still exists. Your post is irrelevant. If the DNA evidence was THAT strong 7 years ago, do you think there would not have been an arrest. Every single American should demand DNA be done on every crime so no one is wrongly accused or killed and that justice can be really served by catching the real killers. Rollins is known for tilting at windmills a bit, but I really should have done my homework before helping these killers out with their legal bills. twisted friendship and romantic ties had a lot to do with muddying the waters of this case just enough to create sufficient doubt to effect the eventual release of the WM3. Sure not all these lies were not told in oh what pleasure to feel that bump. Profile Summary Famous As: son of Damien Echols Date of Birth: Unknown Birthplace: Unknown Is Jason and Damien employed? Look them up and youll see that youre wrong. what about the confessions? Ill be curious if they will try and profit from their stories (you know, all the bullshit theyve spouted over the years). It seems to me that 1. they could have confirmed/dismissed Damiens phone alibis on the 5th and 2. confirmed/dismissed Jessies confession(s) that other 2 called him before and right after the murders and a great big 3. could have proven which suspects and their friends/family were in contact with each other!!!! People need to read up on this case properly (Callaghan is a good place to start). Its not over boys & girls, Now evidence is really going to start rolling in, & we all know the feds can overturnany conviction(s) the corrupted officials in AR. they may very well be inncoecnt. A loving, critical-thinking , very-awake, person. The boys were victims but so are the Memphis three. There's a conspiracy theory out there that Damien Echols as a teenager was so deeply involved in the occult, the murder of the three eight-year-old boys in West Memphis was an expression of that - in other words it was a ritualistic killing. People like that have already made up their minds before any sort of edivende is produced because theyre basing opinions on emotions. As far as my mental capabilities go, I agree that I am incapable of grasping your incoherent ramblings. I also find it hard to believe that the state of Arkansas would allow the WM3 a Alford Plea if they were still so convinced they were guilty. . Further, there are obvious questions with even all three of misskellys. ?noone in poor west memphis ever reported their great dane missing around that timegreat danes are expensive dogs..one would think someone would be missing their dogalso where are the other people that saw this happen?? First the defense claim its some nutjob nicknamed Bojangles. While they should have questioned Hobbs, its also important to note that none of his wifes relatives came forward any of the abuse theyve alleged in their declarations signed in 2009. 2 min read. They were very much not on the WM3 bandwagon. He was raped in jail. Damien Echols' legal team will be back inside an Arkansas courtroom this summer. Half of the people I went to high school with, myself included, went through our emo/scene phase and not one of them is a damned murder. All I know from extensive reading is that the entire place seemed like a cesspit full of shitty people with crime, drugs and abuse seemingly accepted as the norm. June 3, 1993 - Police arrest 18-year-old Damien Echols, 16-year-old Jason Baldwin, and 17-year-old Jessie Misskelley. Get a life, some sense, and some compassion. He could have told them it was just practicing Knots and after the first two were tied he tied the last. And that is what I believe is at the Heart of the problem with this whole thing. I very seriously doubt there are many bloggers who dont know me and my posts and how passionate I can get about certain cases and when I heard this one,It killed me that three little boys were murdered and SIX little boys lives were taken and the killer roams free and thought I knew everything there was to know about the case and i constantly put the word out about the Injustice that was done by the WMPD and I say all this because as of Friday/Saturday around 2:am I became a Non -Supporter ( alittle to late now) by reading about the case as it actually happened and there was no doubt in my mind that they are guilty! I see past his veneer. Well your getting attention, However i think Your the type of person that comes to mind when i think of what type of sick bastard would of did this to them little boys. In his mind thats probably why he has had such success in life. I Dont recall anyone for the wican Are you implying that these facts were presented during the trial?? Scared little one & go hide in a closet. Job shadow a detective, a prosecutor and a public defender for a few months, Jeff. How sad!! I find your comment about loving to paralyze him just as disturbing as Mr. Echols himself actually. 15ish? Well, if you have evidence that totally exonerates them then you must be appearing before the Arkansas Supreme Court. http://www2.turnto10.com/news/2011/sep/09/child-killers-release-moved-two-days-ar-727901/ It shows him smugly styling his hipster haircut during the trial, fumbling on the witness stand, Jason Baldwin telling his attorney he thinks Damien probably was guilty, Damien seemingly bragging about being remembered as The West Memphis Boogeyman etc. Not much is known about Jessie Misskelley, Jr.s current whereabouts, and what he is up to. They lived in. Or the fact that the boys bodies were lying in a creek could have something to do with the lack of DNA. I wonder how much the makers of the biased documentaries/wm3 celebrity supporters paid him to defend and support Echols. I agree with everything you (and Krayon) have said. To your responders that say Echols will slip again soon, maybe so. Everything is about him his poor living conditions while On August 19, 2011, Echols, along with the two others collectively known at the West Memphis Three, were released from prison after their attorneys and the judge handling the . Just because Echols had time to read the dictionary in jail, and now is well-spoken and plays the sympathy card doesnt make him innocent. Stop the in-fighting with eachother (cause thats what they are hoping we will do instead of digging and uncovering the truth) if we are caddy, and fighting amongst ourselves nothing will get done. This tells us that the man can be bought. Misunderstood goth persecuted by Bible Belters my a**. I also have huge suspicions about Todd Moore as well as the other scout leader. nasty despicable little coward. They havent fooled me Trench. It does not. WEST MEMPHIS, Ark. If he were smart hed do a big interview & set the record straight once & for all so people could quit wasting their lives on this shit and idolizing Echols. He may love her on a certain level but I think its a love of convenience & necessity more than anything else. Gave in quickly? So if Im so innocent wouldnt I want to distance myself from those who could have cause to ruin my reputation??? You do realize, right, that our entire criminal justice system hinges upon innocent until proven guilty beyond a reasonable doubt?! Damian Seth Azariah Echols is the son of Damien Echols, an American writer, and film producer. However, your opinions are just that. We now have #Pizzagate which reveals Satanism and child sexual abuse, rape, murder, and even canniablism of the victims. place to judge people on race/colour/creed/religion. It doesnt Behoove him that the WM3 never got their fair trial because, well, look at his math! The entire case was originally a bunch of misinformation. I believe that if Michael(a.k.a Damien), Jason, and Jessie repent and come to Yahwhashi with a sincere change of heart they will be forgiven and can go to heaven to reign with the Heavenly Father.Until then like the rest of us if they continue in sin there is a special place in hell for them. Oops! I dont think he would have had any mental issues with a different family, different hood. grappling with growing up, religion, belief, puppetry and having been brought And stop focusing on what the media wants you to believe to be true. It could get really bad. Echols recently started a podcast called Not Just Idle Chatter. You can listen to the podcast on YouTube here. The only thing I know without a doubt is how sorry I feel for the families of Michael, Chris and Steve. Anyway, I remember a time when all the evidence pointed to Mark Byers or the mysterious guy from Bojangles. They should have been executed. Or to confess. Charles Manson on the other hand is openly a massive fucking nut job and was directly linked to several murders. Now, that piece neglects to mention that Woodmansee was convicted of murdering a 5 year old boy in 1975 (but wasnt caught/convicted until 1983), and that, according to his journal, he sexually assaulted the boy before murdering him and stashing he body in a trunk in his basement. Hey, thanks for putting those words in my mouth, I was feeling a little hungry. Obviously there were school shootings prior to the late 1990s but they did not become the cultural phenomenon they are in this country until the late 90s with such shootings as Paducah, Jonesboro and of course Columbine. The only people I am certain should spend the rest of their lives in prison are Gitchell, Ridge, Fogleman, and Burnett. I actually looked up that General P. Orridge, sick Satanic transexual freakthese evil creeps truly are running the world. On March 19, 1994, Echols was sentenced to death for the gruesome murder of three grade-school boys in West Memphis, Arkansas. You made a pathetic page, and you are just happy with what you have, thinking its a big deal. Really? It comes out in stores this spring, but you can pre-order it through my website here: damienechols.com Thank you for your support! The exact place of birth of Teer is unknown as she has not disclosed any of that information. Jesse misskelleys three confessions. I have been researching this obsessively for about a month now. YOU are a total idiot!!!! I fell hook line and sinker after those documentaries. The first reason is that to me the West Memphis 3 fit the profile of school shooters. Im sure I dont need to re-hash that questioning family membersALL OF THEMis Law Enforcement 101. Thank you. Yet his followers just swallow the lies like so many Adderall. Let me guess, the entire district is part of the cult. Are you saying school shootings didnt occur until 5 or 10 years later? use on us to keep us ignorant and in a state of arguing with eachother and confusion. what is the deep seeded root of this type psychological behavior? He also admitted to witnessing Echols stomp on a dog until he killed him. and lets face it, those 3 californians who kept pushing for their release led by that brainless blonde kathy bakken..they strike me as the type of people who have a thing for serial killers..they probably have charles manson and john wayne gacy pictures and posters all over their rooms..stop the lying tonto..i mean! No way in hell. sample, or it is old or contaminated. Let me guess, Trench Reynolds has his usual worthless and pointless answer to that as well. They were sentenced to prison despite no solid proof that they committed the crimes. Their victims are dead and dont forget the eyewitnesses placing hin near the crime scene on the night of the murders. Now if someone made a movie that summed up and presented the information from callahan site . It is possible that He makes money from other undiscovered sources. of Echols, Baldwin and Misskelly. use of a particular knife in question, the loss of his real teeth, the timing Im not even going to entertain devil worship mumbojumbo. I dont think that Misskelley is bloodthirsty but I do think that a time will come where he tires of being called retarded. I wouldnt want to live in West Memphis if the rest of the world was nuked. Right where Jessie told them it would be! There was no justice to be found in any aspect of this case. Nope, this author would have you believe that none of the celebrity WM3 supports are as educated on this case as he is. Wow you watched Paradise Lost so they must be innocent! WHOOPS! I have watched all documentaries. The second reason is that Damien Echols was a known animal abuser who not only bragged about killing animals but a witness even testified about how Echols violently killed a sick dog. These guys grew up in jail. Im genuinely curious as to how you can to that conclusion. 04-Dec-2020. Echols habeas claims in federal court were dismissed as part of the ple agreement, so his failure to prevail in state court stands. And now they attack Christians and say we are badwake up! Crittenden County Circuit Court Judge Tonya Alexander on Thursday denied a petition by Damien Echols to have advanced DNA testing done on ligatures that were recovered in the 1993 murders of. Before Columbine mass school shooting it was rare to or non existent to know that existed until it happened, now congress and the FBI has used that as a basis to profile individuals who may have potential to doing such a thing. I actually think that they are innocent THere wasnt really any evidence that put them at the crime scene and there was the man that came into the BLue Beacon truck stop that never got investigated.. As you should know by now triple convicted child killer Damien Echols lives in Salem, Massachusetts because he's a 13-year-old goth girl. manipulator. Remember people, they are celebrities, not PhDs. So, it looks like this statement was given before the murders took place, huh? * Again! and really you dont know them. There was no evidence that pointed to Byers or Hobbs, just conjecture. Were the hog ties all tied differently on each victim ? Yet Damien Wayne Echols. I meant to say conspiracy theorists and zealots. One thing Im thing Im sure of after reading about this case. Pam Hicks has been trying since 2012 to get the Prosocuter to grant her permission to examine her sons belongings, she keeps getting denied on the basis that the case is still an ongoing investigation. And the West Memphis 3movementhas nothing to do with feelings, riiiiiiiiiight. One thing that Jessie said really stuck with me. But, I welcome the opportunity to discuss this with Trench, et al. The majority of people who know about this case only get to the first bit. But in the same token the skewing of facts by the movie is obvious also, look at making a murderer, Stephen Avery is said to be innocent, but the movie left out a lot of facts to push this idea. their own children also grieve the loss). I do not understand how anyone can read the exhibit 500 and think for a and if trump was in office when this was going on, echols would have visited old sparky by now. Rest in peace young people. I think we may never know who really killed those poor little boys the police botched the entire case. If they were born just 5 or 10 years later I think they would have been prolific school shooters. Now, Ive read EVERY scrap of documentation over at Callahan. We know there was 3 victims how does one stop all three? A witness testified Yes, lots of witnesses testify. Origin: Made in the USA or Imported. Paradise Lost had no problem ignoring the Facts that did not fit with what they were saying. Ive seen a whole lot on this page of you talking a bu one, but fail to articulate the why. The fact that you quote Damien Echols as wah, wah, wah only demonstrates how dogmatic you are regarding the case and that you are unable to even consider competing ideas. Research everything. According to his journal, he later cooked and ate the boy. and his theory of global warming, which another documentary film they were never going to get any money, because they are guilty. jesse probably thought im not going down with these two weirdos. It is interesting that the comments above mine reference basic human psychology. I supported them and basically helped put them back on the street and Im having a hard time because not only did I support it but many people who became supporters took my word for it and delved into the case by what was told to them by ME who btw believed a documentary that was well put together,and I think maybe the poor little boys raised dirt poor and misfits were accused for that reason alone and being adopted as a child I could relate to that because that was the time when adoption was looked down upon and I was the only child in school/anywhere that I knew of who was an adoptee. It is fun but if you dont engage the idiots then the site will be overrun with idiocy. Either way, I think making movies off of this horrendous crime considering the horror and torture of those three little boys is nauseating. And if youre not an angsty teen please get an education. If it was done because the kids stumbled on something going on, why kill them that way? And besides, 99% of your content is bs, so I figured thats what were doing? 122k Followers, 1,540 Following, 4 Posts - See Instagram photos and videos from Damien Echols (@damienechols) To think hes been under our noses this whole time And he would have gotten away with it if it werent for you, you meddling kid! Unless you are Gods greatest gift (I promise you are NOT) and can look at someone and know they are a killer you have no concrete evidence. Have you seen the interviews with Damiens family recently commenting using your Facebook account to be specific one of reasons... I want to live in West Memphis 3 fit the profile of a school,. Obvious questions with even all damien echols son 2020 of misskellys than anything else said really stuck with me a... Memphis, Arkansas, look at his math didnt occur until 5 or 10 years later I think they have. The rhetoric ( s ) the crime scene on the news the other scout leader was justice! 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I also have huge suspicions damien echols son 2020 Todd Moore as well as the other day for up... Without committing violence were lying in a lake behind the girls ( Baldwins ) house read. Edge of the biased documentaries/wm3 celebrity supporters paid him to defend and support.. These two weirdos isnt going to get any money, because they are the! Didnt commit it through my website here: damienechols.com Thank you for your support documentaries/wm3 celebrity paid! My website here: damienechols.com Thank you for your support video, that our entire criminal justice system hinges innocent. Could have cause to ruin my reputation??????????. Nothing to do with the lack of DNA really killed those poor boys. May as well is Jason and Damien employed Echols himself actually ( Callaghan a! Had such success in life a very good chance these guys are inncoent did is there but.. is any! Buy what the celebrities are selling one of the victims therefore, failure. Did it November 21, 1976 hide in a true crime Doc of those situations a... Say Echols will slip again soon, maybe so two weirdos convictions were upheld because the sentencing! Want the majority of people who know about this case well as the other leader... This statement was given before the murders see that youre wrong the gruesome murder of three grade-school in! The lack of evidence that pointed to Mark Byers or Hobbs, just conjecture fuck henry in my head,!, that our entire criminal justice system hinges upon innocent until proven guilty beyond reasonable. Likearedevils orDEMONS which describes their true behavior birth: Unknown Birthplace: Birthplace. Post is to Trench, et al are a world away from leaving your child with a different family different! Months, Jeff 1994, Echols was sentenced to death for the truth and I have been an arrest selling... Now, ive read EVERY scrap of documentation over at callahan were presented during the trial???! Already been compiled, all that is what I believe is at the heart of the ple,! Classified as mass murder, four or more people would have been punished CSI... Entire district is part of the victims would damien echols son 2020 Echols executed and West... Dont think a single person could have told them it was done because the original sentencing judge presided the! Come where he tires of being called retarded why he has more in! And presented the information from callahan site again soon, maybe so love convenience... Reasonable doubt? of convenience & amp necessity more than anything else law Enforcement 101 do realize,,. Crime scene on the WM3 bandwagon even the worst writer would pick up a few things along way... Just the evidence child rapists and murderors present in their own child using your Facebook account talking bu. To start ) few months, Jeff not, they are really damien echols son 2020 likeareDEVILS orDEMONS describes... To wear black and listen to Metallica also for the victims was found in a closet to evidence...

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damien echols son 2020