army platoon call signs

A rifleman with Company C, 2nd Battalion, 108th Infantry Regiment, fires his M-4 carbine during qualification on a Fort Drum range. CENTAUR 41James R. Rick Arthur, CW2 UH-1C Pilot Mar 1967-Mar 1968 Is there Russias unusual "Spyder" laser devices fall into His favorite flavor of Crayola will color his wings Press J to jump to the feed. The white and yellow tail markings designated the platoon so the troops would have an easy way to Call sign Stable Boy established 1966 Maj Thomas SVC PLT thru 1968 CPT Blair. He provides the fire team with a high trajectory and an HE capability out to 350 meters. The squad leader directs team leaders and leads by personal example. Tactical call signs are often assigned to a company sized unit or higher. Special Forces units are rare enough that standardization is largely ignored for them. Loads the grenade launcher quickly in all firing positions and while running. Centaur 43 - Pat 'Joaquin' Eastes - Aero Weapons/HOGS Pilot/Aircraft Commander CENTAUR 6Kermit E. Larson, MAJ F Troop CDR Sept 1972-Feb 1973 The weapons squad leader leads his teams by personal example. Words that sound like they end more abruptly are much better for real world use, such as "Backstop" "Tombstone" "Roman". CENTAUR 51Charles F. O'Connell III, CW2 AH-1G Pilot 1971-1972 Though a player may be addressed by their nickname under some circumstances (mostly by someone within their unit), Callsigns are used almost exclusively in all Radio communications. This is a very rare occurrence in ShackTac videos. Fleming to Peake 6 Nov 2020 Maj. Harold Fisher moved from the Aero Rifle Platoon to XO D Troop in September 1967 and served in that position until December 1967 when he ended his tour in Vietnam. Crank the extraction helicopters and the Pink Teams (Cobra & LOH-6). Non-standard callsigns are rarer, and typically reserved for Reinforcements and/or Special Forces. Squad designated marksmen (SDM) are not squad snipers. CENTAUR 34A Positions where best needed to help the engagement (either in the base of fire or with the assault element). CENTAUR 25Robert W. Yaap, CPT AH-1G Pilot/Unit Property OFF 1972- 1973 B = Baker CENTAUR 13Bruce Karn, WO1 OH-6A Pilot/OH-6 SIP Jun 1968-Jun 1969 Centuar 3 was the Flight Operations Officer Frank Delvy. Ensures security of the teams area of operations. 1-65. CENTAUR 45Michael W. BG Woods, CPT AH-1G Pilot Oct 1971-Nov 1972 709th Ordnance Company: Nutty In addition, a suffix following the initial call sign can denote a specific individual or grouping within the designated call sign, so F13C would be the Charlie fire team. CENTAUR 5Roman Millett, CPT Gun/Scout PLT LDR, & XO Jan 1970-Dec 1970 Military communications are conducted from callsign to callsign. Centaur * - Bill Mosenthal - Aero Rifle Infantry Platoon Leader - * '67 Jan '68, Centaur * - Dale Dow - Aero Rifle Infantry Platoon Leader - Jan '68, Centaur * - Larry Patterson - Aero Scouts Pilot/Aircraft Commander - * 67 * 68, Centaur * - Charlie 'Chuck' Rice - Aero Scouts Pilot/Aircraft Commander/Platoon Leader - * '67 * '68. Was our unit unique? "Checkmate 6" is the Company Commander and "Checkmate 6 Romeo" is the commander's radio-telephone operator (Romeo the NATO phonetic of the letter R). As far as I know we never organized that way rather provisionally the Lt Sct Leader ran the Light Scouts and the senior HVy Sct officer ran the two sections of Hvy Scts. In addition, a suffix following the initial call sign can denote a specific individual or grouping within the designated call sign, so F13C would be the Charlie fire team. By accepting all cookies, you agree to our use of cookies to deliver and maintain our services and site, improve the quality of Reddit, personalize Reddit content and advertising, and measure the effectiveness of advertising. Fight as part of his unit, which includes proficiency in his individual tasks and drills. CENTAUR 10 APCENTAUR 10Leland H. Smokey Burgess, Jr., 1LT OH-23 Scout PLT LDR 1967-1968 I am not sure but it may have been the call sign for Night hawk leader. The rifleman is an expert in handling and employing the weapon and placing well-aimed fire on the enemy. Has communications at all times. Procedure: Brevity, Clarity and Confirmation. There are several appointment titles, such as "Ironside" which are no longer used by the British Army. Determines his teams combat load and manages its available classes of supply as required. CENTAUR 52Thomas M "Sam" Dooling, CW2 AH-1G/OH-6A Pilot Jan 1969-Aug 1970 (per Mark Jackson Info) His expertise includes tactical maneuver, employment of weapons and systems, sustainment, administration, security, accountability, protection warfighting functions, and Soldier care. (b) Use varied transmission schedules and lengths. Callsigns are assigned to units before the mission begins. The weapon section was by MTOE a separate section. The most recognizable call sign of this type is Air Force One, used when any Air Force aircraft is transporting the U.S. President. Eastes to Peake 4 Nov 2020 I can add a couple if you wish. Establishes and operates the units casualty collection point (CCP). Nutmeg (60th Infantry Regiment) General Routine Order (G.R.O.) If you start at Squadron level (Cavalry ) 6th Regiment 3rd Squadron . The unit would often have either an official or unofficial nickname , 3/6 is CENTAUR 11Francis "Joe' Stephenson, CPT OH-23 SEC LDR 1967 Watches for Soldiers to the flanks of the target area or between the gun and target. If two or more vehicles belong to the same group, they receive a number suffixed to their callsign to indicate their position within that group. and did the Assistant Opns Officer have a call sign (Prilliman). Seems like there had to be some official format for assigning call signs; and that it should have been recorded in Flight Opns. CENTAUR 55Farrell D. Swindell, CW2 AH-1G Pilot, 1972 CENTAUR 56Paul V. Martindale, CPT AH-1G Pilot Nov 1971-Apr 1972, KIA 28 April 1972 (per Info Sheet) In my mortar platoon, the LT was 81-Actual, PltSgt was Bravo. CENTAUR 29Steve Borden, CW2 UH-1 Slick/"Nighthawk" pilot Jun 1971 to Sep 1971 The code name assigned by the US Army to the 9th Infantry Division was Notorious. are acronyms, such as But then if Sanders was 11 as Section Leader then maybe the 10 call sign was reserved for Gun Platoon leader. Callsigns or tactical callsigns are assigned as unique identifiers to military communications. Notorious (9th Infantry Division) Sign for its Forward Command Post. CENTAUR 13?Harlan Gray Sparrow III, CW2 OH-6A Pilot Apr 1971-Apr 1972 Employs mission command systems available to the squads and platoon. The following are standard callsigns used for high-level units and player roles. I checked the photo of the crew status board that Mike Galloway sent me. I'm in Delta Co so my commander would be "Dakota 6" and I'd be "1-6". Contribute as a member of special teams, including enemy prisoner of war search, aid/litter, demolitions and. The weapons squad leader is usually the senior squad leader, second only to the platoon sergeant, and performs all the duties of the rifle squad leader. I think Vinson may have been promoted to MAJ and became 10, I moved to 12 5Mar67. I have notes that say I was named Gun Platoon Leader and C-20 on 9 Sep 1967. Thus, only the proper Platoon Leader of Alpha platoon will respond to ALPHA ACTUALandonly the proper Squad Leader of his first squadwill answer to ALPHA 1 ACTUALwhile e.g. CENTAUR 21Rick Williams, 1LT UH-1C Pilot Nov 1967-Nov1968 Their call signs went from C-20 up. Centaur 4 - Tom Fleming - Service/Maintenance Platoon Leader ), 1-66. I've grappled with this problem of call signs. All player roles and most units in a ShackTac mission will have such standard callsigns, while the occasional unit may have a non-standard one (see next chapter). Callsigns attached to a specific role are permanent for that role. Typically, the second-in-command will be 8, forward air controllers, observers or medics can be 7, 6 and so on. Knows the maximum ranges for each type of target of the grenade launcher. Military call signs are a rite of passage for many who serve in the Armed Forces. Dillon to Peake 5 Nov 2020 Capt Frank Hock Centaur 3. CENTAUR 35William Mosenthal, 1LT Aerorifle PLT LDR Aug 1967-30 Jan 1968, Jan 1967-Jan 1968 In my unit (USMC, Infantry) platoon commander is always "actual" and platoons sergeant is "6". Mosenthal5 Oct 2011 I started in 1998 with a basic list that I pulled off of the web. This means a 'C' Company could potentially have 'Checkmate' as its call sign. CENTAUR 17John Thomas, Jr, CW2 OH-6A Pilot 1968-1969 The United States Army uses fixed station call signs which begin with W, such as WAR, used by U.S. Army Headquarters. PL knows his Soldiers, how to employ the platoon, its weapons, and its systems. Examples might be "November Lima Two-Zero-One" or "Navy November Lima Two-Zero-One." CENTAUR 35Terrence M. OConnell, 1LT Aerorifle PLT LDR 1969-1970 CENTAUR 35William H. Dawson, CPT Aerorifle PLT LDR Jan 1969-Jan 1970 Maybe Bruce will remember. ShackTac uses a standard array of callsigns for specific types of units or player roles. CENTAUR 25Roger G. Martin, CW2 UH-1 Slick Pilot/Asst OPS OFF Jun 1969-Jun 1970 1-62. CENTAUR 40Charles "Charlie" Johnson, 1LT UH-1C Pilot/Aero Weapons Jun 1967-Jul 1968 Powell to Fleming Sep 2011 The following are standard callsigns assigned to Infantry units and roles within an Infantry force. Version 2 / 5min read / Updated Sun 08 May 2022 / 2705 views / of verified. CENTAUR 40Mike Joest was Centaur 40 in early 69 after Cirincione He must be able to execute the entire range of individual and collective rifleman tasks within the squad. CENTAUR 35John Alto, Aerorifle PLT LDR Jan 1966-Feb 1967 WebThe Center for Army Lessons Learned leads the Army Lessons Learned Program and delivers timely and relevant information to resolve gaps, enhance readiness, and inform modernization. L = Love A simple example of how this works is outlined below. CENTAUR 24Charles Pat "Juaquin" Eastes, CW2 UH-1C Pilot Aug 1967-Aug 1968 899th Tank Destroyer Battalion: Jersey, Part of a 9th Infantry Division Radio Report. Furthermore, you can find the Troubleshooting If two or more squads of the same type are present, each squad gets a number suffixed to their callsign, e.g. These moves came in fairly rapid sequence. United Task Force is an online gaming organisation that simulates real-world military operations using Arma 3, a sandbox PC game and custom software. There are times and rules surrounding when callsigns can be shortened. CENTAUR 18Roger Blaha, 1st L OH-6A Pilot 1971-1972 Players with a specific, unique role, such as leaders or specialists. Who was Gun leader when Delvy went to Opns? UH-1D Slick Pilot [images show WO1] 1967-1968,BR/> The 9th Infantry Division radioman had to know all the call signs. CENTAUR 12Peter Holmberg, 1LT OH-6A Pilot Feb 1972-Sep 1972 Completely non-standard Callsigns are also occasionally encountered in ShackTac. 1-55. This is the lowest level of movement. CENTAUR 24Ronald D. Holmes, 1LT UH-1H Slick Pilot 1972-1973 CENTAUR 25Thomas Tom Meeks, CW2 AH-1G Pilot Oct 1967-Oct 1968 The call signs: During tactical radio communications, from Squad networks and above, names of personnel are never used in communications, callsigns are used instead. Instead, letter designations are randomly assigned using BATCO sheets, and appear on CEIs (communication electronic instructions), and change along with the BATCO codes every 24 hours. M = Mike. CENTAUR 50Jeffery T. "Jeff" Griffin, CW2 AH-1G Pilot 1971-1972 CENTAUR 50Thomas William Olsson, CW2 AH-1G Pilot Oct 69-Oct 1970 CENTAUR 6AWilliam Clifton Jesse, CW2 UH-1H PIC Nov 2, 1971-May 2, 1972 CENTAUR 14Larry M. Dau, CW2 OH-6A Pilot Sep 1970-Sep 1971 CENTAUR 13Thomas M "Sam" Dooling, CW2 AH-1G/OH-6A Pilot Jan 1969-Aug 1970 By rejecting non-essential cookies, Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform. This was a "code" word for each group to protect any form of information that might fall into the hands of Manage his food, water, and ammunition during operations. CENTAUR 27Thomas Tom Meeks, CW2 AH-1G Pilot Oct 1967-Oct 1968 A unit callsign is permanently attached to the unit itself, and will persist so long as the unit continues to exist. Be an expert on his weapon system, his rifle, its optics, and its laser-aiming device, and is effective with this weapon system day or night. even when only one platoon is present. All duties and responsibilities can be executed by anyone in the absence of others. I doubt if "Baby Scouts" was ever on the record, however the term was used in a Nov 1967 issue of the Tropic Lightning News (attached). Instead the ranking Section leader in the Platoon kept his section call sign and was just known as the Platoon Leader. CENTAUR 23Jerry Dewayne Cunningham Jr., CW2 UH-1C & Aerorifle Pilot Sep 1970-Sep 1971 CENTAUR 3William V. Chiaramonte, CPT OPS OFF & AH-1G PLT LDR Dec 1968-Dec 1969 Earlier systems used a series of appointment titles to identify users and individuals, "Sunray", for instance, referring to the appropriate leader. Individual military pilots or other flight officers usually adopt a personal aviator call sign. 3rd Battalion = Blue. CENTAUR 31B AP Platoon leader would be called as 1, platoon sergeant as 4. CENTAUR 11Charles Charlie Rice, 1LT OH-6A SEC LDR Jan 1968-Jan 1969 Never could nail down the official call sign of the Gun Platoon leader. This was a code word for each group to protect any form of information that might fall into the hands of the enemy. For example, "Mike One", "Mike Two". The United States Army uses fixed station call signs which begin with W, such as WAR, used by U.S. Army Headquarters. CENTAUR 6John J. Spencer, MAJ F Troop CDR Feb 1972-Aug 1972 He may answer calls adressed to his ACTUAL but should clarify that he in fact is only a 2IC. When communicating internally in your platoon or squad for example, assuming all subordinate elements of your Platoon or Squad carry the same callsign, then it is acceptable to shortern your callsign to just the numerical assignment of your element. Weba. C -3 Feb 68 Aug 68 Be able to engage targets from the prone, kneeling, and standing positions with and without night observation devices, and understands the mission two levels up (squad and platoon). Here are a few more for you. CENTAUR 29Joel Randy Woodley, 1LT UH-1H Slick Pilot Sep 1971-Apr 1972 This page generated 0.94MB in 0.0287 seconds. In that case, the PL would be 'Charlie 1-6' and the PSG would be 'Charlie 1-7', The use of actual is used when there are multiple people using the same call radio, and it's basically a way to specify "I am not addressing your truck/track; I need to speak to LT Fletcher." If radio contact cannot be made as required, he informs the platoon sergeant or platoon leader. SAM 28000, one of the two VC-25s used as Air Force One, flying over Mount Rushmore in February 2001. The grenade launcher allows the grenadier to perform three functions: suppress and destroy enemy Infantry and lightly armored vehicles with HE or high explosive dual purpose (HEDP), provide obscurants to screen and cover his squads fire and movement; and employ illumination rounds to increase his squads visibility and mark enemy positions. CENTAUR 39William "Bill" Altenhofen, SSG Aerorifles PLT SGT Feb 1967Feb 1968 One = 1st Platoon Similarly, when the President is flown in a U.S. Marine Corps helicopter, the call sign is Marine One. CENTAUR 47Kenneth Lee "Strange Strand" Strand, CW2 AH-1G & OH-6A Pilot 1969-1970 9th Quartermaster Company: Nougat A Platoon leader gives a short briefing to his platoon. CENTAUR 47Walter Russ Miller, Jr., CPT AH-1G Pilot/Blues PLT LDR Nov 1971-Nov 1972 Find great designs on durable stickers or create your own custom stickers to express yourself. Military communications are You almost never need to punch in the actual unless there's some confusion, like you're taking the radio back from your RTO and you want it clear you're on the net or something, or you're making it clear you are Red 1 the platoon leader, not Red 11 the platoon leader's tank crew on the net. CENTAUR 25Randolph "Randy" Meade, CW2 UH-1 Slick Pilot Feb 1969-Feb 1970 "ALPHA" is dropped because both elements carry the same callsign. WebCard 100 Platoon Organization Card 110 Command And Control Card 120 Duties And Responsibilities Card 200 Communication Card 300 TLP Card 310 Estimate of the Situation Frequencies and call signs. He is normally the senior Soldier of the fire team and must . Enforces field discipline while the gun team is employed tactically. Leads the platoon in supporting the higher headquarters missions. Under the fluid conditions of close combat, he accomplishes assigned missions using initiative without needing constant guidance from higher headquarters. Instead, letter designations are randomly assigned using BATCO sheets, and appear on CEIs (communication electronic instructions), and change along with the BATCO codes every 24 hours. Harrison to Keirsey & Holmes 4 Nov 2020 Im having Major Kermit E. Larson added as Centaur 6 from Sept72 - Feb73. Other tactical call signs may be employed as mission necessities dictate. Prepares to assume the role and responsibilities of the platoon leader. Determine his combat load prior to operations and manages battery utilization during operations. A soldier with the last name of Dude received the call sign of The. He became The I always thought that the OH-23 Section didn't have a name, other than "Ash and Trash" and "Taxi Service" branch of the Light Scout Section. Identifies 40-mm rounds by shape and color. CENTAUR 32Gaylen Randall This is a product of four elements. Do not interrupt any ongoing communications. Military call signs are call signs assigned as unique identifiers to military communications. The assistant gunner is the second member of the gun team. Reinforcement and Special Forces Callsigns. At one time I had two squad leaders named 'Jones', so I refered to them as 31 Jones and 33 Jones 31 was a Sgt. Famously, one video featured a Spetznaz unit with the callsign "Juliette", and another famous video had such a unit with the callsign "Tango". CENTAUR 47Marcus A. Kempson, CW2 UH-1H/Nighthawk Pilot 1969-1970 The platoon radiotelephone operator (RTO) primarily is responsible for communication with its controlling headquarters (usually the company). CENTAUR 66 -- CENTAUR 32 AP CENTAUR 14Ronald Ron A. Radcliffe, CPT OH-6A Pilot Sep 1971- Jun 1972 The assignment of Company or Platoon headquarters staff works in reverse from the number 9, where 9 is the commander of that callsign. Unused suffixes can be used for other call signs that do not fall into the standard call sign matrix, for example the unused 33A call sign is used to refer to the Company Sergeant Major. 1-51. Confirmed. I. Once a request for contact is made, the recipient can indicate that they are listening by stating their own callsign, possibly followed by the words "Go ahead" or just "Go". The M249 delivers greater range and rates of fire than the M16 or M4. CENTAUR 28Dennis Mike Hogan, CW2 UH-1H Slick Pilot 1972-1973 Typically, the second-in-command will be 8, Forward Air controllers, observers or medics be. Many who serve in the Armed Forces moved to 12 5Mar67 ' C ' Company could potentially have 'Checkmate as! Military communications load and manages battery utilization during operations employed tactically Co so my commander would be `` Lima! '' which are no longer used by U.S. Army headquarters to 12.! The second-in-command will be 8, Forward Air controllers, observers or medics can be 7, 6 and on! A member of special teams, including enemy prisoner of war search, aid/litter, demolitions and 2 / read. Platoon leader a Fort Drum range Infantry Division radioman had to know the. In all firing positions and while running sergeant or platoon leader ), 1-66 in! Weapon section was by MTOE a separate section I started in 1998 a... 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army platoon call signs