aquarius monthly career horoscope

This trait of yours makes you endearing and desirable by others. Everything feels so rote and almost monotonous. A Full Moon can act as a catalyst, with the potential for unexpected, developments. Aquarius horoscope January, 2023 You are waiting for your season, i.e., Aquarius season, to start, but you have to wait for a few more days. Do not let this opportunity go to waste as this will only create problems in the long run for you. Before you call things off, look closer: Maybe they need more training and clearer guidance from you. There will be many opportunities for single Aquarians to come across the person of their dreams, as they will meet many people at parties and social gatherings. This is going to bring them more purchasing power and, as a result, more tranquillity. Every item on this page was chosen by an ELLE editor. Then, on January 12, passionate Mars ends its retrograde in your pleasure sector, providing you with more energy at your disposal to express your creativity in different forms. This is also a very promising time for students of medicine and engineering. In order for nothing to be opaque, they might continue to gather plenty of joys for the entire month. This represents a massive gearchange that will affect global finances. Read full quote, Copyright 2023 -, Inc. - All rights reserved. The gig economy was made for your sign, as long as you don't isolate yourself. So that you are kindly requested to predict for when I can get well paid job? This because their partners will be domineering with them, and Aquarius cant accept such a thing. February, 2023 Unexpected and inappropriate actions by your colleagues are the cause of complicated relationships. When the Moon returns every four weeks this will give you an intuitive edge, can act as a trigger and at a time of year when there is no planetary activity here these will be the most important days of the month for work and job matters. Aquarius Decan 2, born January 30 to February 8 Be willing to put aside your frustrations when dealing with other people. However, try to avoid taking advice from other people as they may mislead you. Aquarius (Born January 21 to 30) and Aquarius Ascendant 0 to 10 degrees Aquarius: October 2022 Aquarius Horoscope: Love, Career, & General Trends October 2022 The Sun this Month: Central Focus, Consciousness Until October 22nd: The Sun continues to shine its light on your solar ninth house now. A fairly stable month for you as far as career is concerned. The first will be the Moon's return to your work sector from 6th January to 8th January and this is when the professional gods will play their first wildcard of 2023. Success is at hand. Maybe it's the lingering memories of that wicked champagne-and-baked-brie hangover, maybe it's the moonlightbut you could be the first one to leap on the wellness wagon. For Aquarians of parenting age, this transit could bring news related to pregnancy, IVF or adoption. On Friday, January 6, a loving Full Moon in Cancer arrives, spotlighting the area of your chart that rules health, work, and productivity. November 13, 2022, to March 16, 2023 Saturn in your decan is a time of hard work and responsibility. Its important to remember that, starting with the 1st and until the 20th, Mercury is going to visit the 11th House of the Aquarius, which will translate just into how interaction with the colleagues is taking place. You will be able to focus on your studies which will give you excellent results. The Sun enters your sign on January 20; happy Solar return, dear Aquarius. Professionals and self-employed will as well be very pleased. With the red planet here until March 25, you could be the zodiac sign most likely to have a spicy Valentines Day AND a bout of spring fever on the horizon. Aquarians are attractive and strong people in the zodiac. The beginning of the month will be a rough one for you but at the month progresses everything will improve ultimately. Money should be spent proportionately. You should feel strong and courageous and can use your initiative to start new projects. Do what you think is right and act according to what your heart and mind dictate. With the red planet here until March 25, you could be the zodiac sign most likely to have a spicy Valentines Day AND a bout of spring fever on the horizon. Self-pity will do you no good during this time either. Aquarius Monthly Horoscope Monthly Horoscopes Daily Weekly Love Overview Love Career January 2023 Aquarius Overview Horoscope Ease into the new year, Aquarius, because 2023 and January will both take about three weeks before they really kick in. Soon there could be a change in your job. From January 26 to February 20, Venus will move into Pisces and your security-seeking second house. On January 20, Aquarius season begins, followed by the Aquarius new moonyour personal new yearon January 21. It's time to turn your most cherished goals into reality or to let yourself follow those spontaneous whims to travel and explore. Focus on hobbies, goals, and relationships you want to nurture. January 13 to 16 Venus square Uranus on the 24th can test the stability of a love relationship through an increased need for freedom and excitement. You are attaining prosperity, status, prestige, and recognition. Increased confidence and initiative help you reach your goals. You'll have the perfect opportunity to make a final decision . It is giving you the chance to receive the recognition you deserve for sporting activities and working in teams. So, you might prefer your own company to guzzling drinks, eating your body weight in festive fodder or doing silly things with mistletoe. It can even help those suffering from self-esteem that is too low or too high. Rising stress and tension can make you feel anxious, insecure and uncertain. You will get financial and career support from your father. An existing relationship may be tested, but a healthy relationship could enjoy more commitment. While the Sun doesn't return to your income sector until February each year Venus, the planet of money will return on 27th January while Jupiter only just left late last month. You could turn a slacker into a go-to supporter again with the right framework. Andyou're back! Romance could be one of those surprises that shows up after January 12, when sizzling Mars ends a ten-week retrograde in Gemini and your passionate, playful fifth house. But you also prefer odd ideas to familiar ones, which is something to watch out for. Astrology Trends for Life and Home in 2023: The AstroTwins on the Being Home with Hunker Podcast, Revise Your Resolutions! Aquarius Career Weekly Horoscope 09 January - 15 January 2023. Your work is less laborious and more enjoyable. There's a full moon in Cancer on January 6, and Aquarius, you might be looking to change your routine. They should rest and have a healthy diet, spend some time in nature, and so on. Venus is going to bring favors to those who are resuming interaction with support groups or friends, either on the internet or face-to-face. If you're going to assess your 'worth' in some way, don't think about your annual pay. But, you cannot expect smooth sailing. Your relationship with your mother, a child or a female relative could also be going through changes. For the next years first months, there will the chance for you to change your job, but this only at the company youre working at. Increased sex drive is matched by increased charisma and magnetic charm. Clean it up with anyone you hurt. Working hard will be the word of the day for you. Revive your love. Extra energy, vitality, and initiative are best used to express what you want and your goals and get started. Thats a recipe for a sluggish start, but fear not! Aquarius Career: Your hard work can earn others' appreciation at the workplace, where you could also find your colleagues, friendly. Also, the Aquarius monthly career horoscope says that if you're just starting out and looking for work, you might have some problems. This career report takes a deep dive into your talents, ambitions, and motivations based on your Birth Chart! You will be able to achieve whatever you want to, and there will be scope for initiating new projects. The First Mercury Retrograde of 2023 Is Over on January 18, Away Travel Horoscopes: Your Travel in 2023 Is Written In The Stars, Mars Retrograde Is Over, You May Now Separate Fact from Fiction, Your January 2023 Horoscope: A Retrograde New Year, What Your Sign Can Look Forward To In 2023 & What To Leave Behind (Bye, 2022! The Cancer full moon inspires you to take charge of some integral part of your life and do it better. Clean it up with anyone you hurt. Yours faithfully, Raviprakash Nair. Now you want to shake things up. It's a good time to find a smart friend who is willing to tell it like it . Your playful and pleasure-loving side returns on January 2, when romantic Venus moves into Aquarius and blesses you with the It factor. For their spot-on predictions, books and online courses, visit them at class="body-el-link standard-body-el-link" And things could get, er, hopping, pretty quickly! Try out different options, from a new gym to at-home workouts, until you find something youll enjoy on an ongoing basis. The sooner you let go of any rigid expectations (of both yourself and the other person), the better. Hearst Magazine Media, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Aquarius Career Horoscope Yesterday Today Tomorrow Weekly Monthly 2023 January 2023 - The month of January feels like dawdling energy, but soon it will be sprightly. Theres a full moon in Cancer on January 6, and Aquarius, you might be looking to change your routine. Also, supporting any commitment, whether its your intimate partner, a business partnership, or a personal goal. You could turn a slacker into a go-to supporter again with the right framework. You may even get the chance to work with overseas clients which helps your career grow by leaps and bounds. You also move into the New Year with the South Node in your career sector, something that is helping to maintain a steady sense of direction but also a link to the planets in your income sector. Click here to get the 1st 3 minutes of your reading free. In the same manner, Chiron is indicating theres increased confidence in both the internal speech and the external one, as well as an interest in developing more, new skills. You should enjoy increased popularity and charisma and be more attractive than usual. Aquarius Monthly Horoscope. Find things to compliment people on and be your naturally engaging self. You will be in good health yet try to not overwork. Prioritize funits good for your mental and emotional health!and make dedicated time for your creative pursuits in the first quarter of 2023. Increased charm and beauty make you more attractive and popular. No need to rush into the New Year like the rest of the class="body-el-link standard-body-el-link" world is doing, especially since mental Mercury is retrograde in Capricorn until January 18, delaying progress even more. JAN 18, 2023 - Mercurys retrograde began in Capricorn on December 29, 2022. All rights reserved. If you are on the cusp, use the free horoscope to find your decan. Venus has an auspicious influence on your finances, relationships, and social connections. Ease into the new year, Aquarius, because 2023 and January will both take about three weeks before they really kick in. This will help them find their soul peace, as they are going to feel more energetic and freer. Shed the people-pleasing, Water Bearer. Peace on earth may still be a long shot, but at least you can start to create it under your own roof. You have a strong sense of your purpose in life, and you define that as your career, whether or not its how you actually make a living. Last month brought a Full Moon in Gemini, and Mercury began retrograding in your romantic sector. This full moon is in tight opposition to Mercury retrograde, so take time to consider your path before you blast off. Finish lingering 2022 projects that you didnt get done over the holidays. Whatever matters the most to you, youll have the courage to make it happen. Your desire for novelty doesnt have to disrupt a good thing youve got going on with someone you genuinely love and want to be with. Mercury in this porous zone of your chart could cause a data leak, so delete any confidential intel from places where it could be viewed by prying eyes. What makes this a wildcard is that this is where the first Full Moon of 2023 will fall on 7th January. You feel that things settle faster. You should feel strong and courageous and can use your initiative to start new projects. Use this Jupiter cycle to explore various neighborhoods and optionsthen, after mid-May, youll be ready to put down roots in a place that truly feels like home. Read The Best Free Daily, Weekly, Monthly Horoscopes For All Zodiac Signs On YourTango. by Maria DeSimone. Between now and the August 1 Aquarius full moon, youve got a six-month window to turn your intentions into reality. Read full overview. Damn you and Her, i lost my job in june when I will get a same kind of job, Your email address will not be published. Though the emergence of a new year typically conjures images of large parties, bottles of bubbly, and people celebrating, you might not be in the most extroverted mood with four celestial bodies traveling through your solar twelfth house. If youve been at a crossroads about a move or change to your living situation, this course correction could open up some unexpected new options. Jupiter brings movement and action back into your activity. $50 / 12 months. Distance yourself from toxic people and reconfigure agreements that are draining your energy or throwing your life out of balance. All year Uranus square your decan brings disruption from unexpected changes affecting your routine and life. January 2 to 5 Venus sextile Jupiter on the 4th brings good luck and happiness. Truthstar provides Free Tarot Aquarius Monthly Horoscope 2023 for Aquarius P. Read More. If anything, la luna will present a clear vision for how youd like to START accomplishing your goals. The runway is clear for takeoff once the January 21 Aquarius new moon lights the sky, ushering in the. For full details click here. This is no time to go overboard or make large changes with likely large consequences. Aquarius Daily Horoscope - Wednesday, 18th January, 2023. Aquarius Career Horoscope: November 2022 This month, you're learning to tune out the voices of the worldthe ones that tell you what you should and shouldn't do or who you should or shouldn't be. Increased flexibility and open-mindedness allow you to adapt to small but positive changes in circumstances. Powerful energy arises on January 18 when chatty Mercury goes direct. Hard as it is to part ways, if they've lost their passion for a project, their stagnant energy will only bring everyone else down. As well as fuelling your professional instincts and imagination, this will give you a better read on the South Node's sense of professional direction. Aquarius: Again, this month, it is on your network that you must rely to evolve serenely and to reach your goals. This card symbolizes the epitome of the saying, "strength comes from within." Good fortune also applies to long-distance travel, financial investments, higher education and the law. At a time of year when many people are unconcerned about self-care, you're encouraged to give it extra focus! What makes this a wildcard is that this is where the first Full Moon of 2023 will fall on 7th January. Fear not, Aquarius, because 2023 is about to turn the tides. For the bohemian Aquarius bride, an ethereal off-the-shoulder gown with a long, flowing skirt is perfect. It would be ideal for them to not eat and drink too much, as their stomach might end up paying the consequences. It will trigger the sector for romance, entertainment, fun, children, youth groups, creativity, self-promotion and speculative businesses. $7 / 30 days. You can read about more such transits that would take place in the upcoming month by reading your monthly horoscope. Living in a peaceful environment helps to reduce stress, anxiety, and depression. I am in alignment with the frequency of my true value.. The other love planet, Mars, is eager to get in on the action after January 12. If you are feeling like it's time to let go of a situation or you've recently let something go in your life, you may see the 8 of Cups appear in a reading. . Follow the rules? February 2023 Aquarius Horoscope - Next Month's Aquarius Horoscope February, 2023 General Aquarius is a common and airy sign and is also owned by Saturn. Until January 18, clever Mercury is retrograde (backward), making you reconsider some of your goals. On the other hand, the full moon and the New Moon in your sign will generate work, personal and emotional changes. You might look for a different work shift or get an opportunity to take on a new role.On the twelfth, Mars turns direct in the sign of Gemini, and you might feel a lot of energy toward a private project like your novel, art portfolio, or music. When you still live here with me and the kids. The difference between stupidity and genius is that Aquarius January 2023 Horoscope with decans for a more accurate forecast. In case you happen to be in a satisfying relationship, then the air will be cleaned, and the relationship is going to improve even more. When it comes to your loves, there will be nothing evolving as you would have liked it, even if the air would have been electric, but things are going to be better. The key: Keep it simple. This card symbolizes the epitome of the saying, "strength comes from within." For Aquarians of parenting age, this transit could bring news related to pregnancy, IVF or adoption. The answer? Its very likely that, for this time period, youre going to feel as if out of place, when you will analyze your many assets, right before achieving what you have managed to achieve with your tenacity. Career at this time expects you to be prepared for the unexpected, need not worry; it will be all good in the end. As additional incentive, lucky Jupiter, the planet of growth and new horizons, is in Aries and your social third house until May 16. $35 / 6 months. You may act more impulsively than usual, more erratic and odd. Other people's viewpoints are likely to be more conservative than yours - especially on a day like today. Silver lining: Mercury retrograde IS a fruitful time to turn your attention to the past. Its time to turn your most cherished goals into reality or to let yourself follow those spontaneous whims to travel and explore. Or voicing your ideas at work instead of keeping them to yourself? What about that quirky communal project you dreamed up last year? Maybe its the lingering memories of that wicked champagne-and-baked-brie hangover, maybe its the moonlightbut you could be the first one to leap on the wellness wagon. Those in government employment can witness impressive progress, whereas people in temporary jobs can receive recognition for their performance from higher authorities. January 18 to 27 Venus in your decan makes you more relaxed, loving, and affectionate. Your Aquarius January 2023 horoscope is based on planetary transits and moon phases to your decan. Peace on earth may still be a long shot, but at least you can start to create it under your own roof. All rights reserved. When Cupid passes them, they will know that they have fallen in love. Learning to adjust, compromise, and adapt your behavior will restore emotional balance and help avoid a crisis. It's probable that you've already felt this coming. Especially for those of you who are in sales and marketing, you will see many opportunities for growth come your way. Compliment people on and be more conservative than yours - especially on a day like today er, hopping pretty. Time of hard work and responsibility - Wednesday, 18th January, 2023 - Mercurys retrograde in! Are in sales and marketing, you might be looking to change your routine and life,... People in temporary jobs can receive recognition for their spot-on predictions, books and courses! With Hunker Podcast, Revise your Resolutions second house more relaxed, loving, and help. 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aquarius monthly career horoscope