88th division ww1 roster

Instead of the thousands of deaths that had resulted from past wars, The Welcome to the website of our project Men of the 2nd Infantry Division 1940-1945", an online database of the members of the 2nd Infantry Division, United States Army, from the years 1940 to 1945.On our website, you can find a continually expanding list of names of those who served in the Indianhead" division during World War II. The rest of the division was sent to Lake Garda, where they were given the assignment of guarding 300,000 POWs. All three regiments were involved in intense fighting, and all three were beginning to lose their drive. Most importantly, they learned it was best never to volunteer for anything. if(MSFPhover) { MSFPnav5n=MSFPpreload("_derived/photos.htm_cmp_expeditn110_hbtn.gif"); MSFPnav5h=MSFPpreload("_derived/photos.htm_cmp_expeditn110_hbtn_a.gif"); } There were no more reserves, but the North Apennines campaign had to continue. He served in the Alsace Sector, France. At night they could see faint flashes over the mountains behind Piedmonte dAlfie which suggested the front lines were located in what the soldiers called Purple Heart Valley and Cassino. By the end of World War II the 88th Infantry fought its way to the northernmost extreme of Italy. The plans of the Second Army for the contemplated attack east of the Mozelle Some of our partners may process your data as a part of their legitimate business interest without asking for consent. This short story of the Eighty-Eighth Division's participation in the world war was prepared mainly to give the men of the Division a few facts which would enable them in future years to recall the many pleasant recollections which they will indeed have of their service in the United States and France. $16.00 . I have September 14, 1918, the Division moved by rail to 2: 88th Division - Minnesota, Iowa, Nebraska, North Dakota and South Dakota. Unit citations: Third Battalion, 351st Infantry Regiment (action vicinity Laiatico; 913 July 1944). 6th 11th 60th 61st. HOME About Junior Mestas $26.00 + $4.00 shipping . In early May 1945 troops of its 349th Infantry Regiment joined the 103d Infantry Division of the VI Corps of the U.S. The remainder of the 88th Division embarked as follows: The remainder of the 351st Infantry sailed aboard the "Saxon" and the "Scotian", arriving at Liverpool August 28th, then proceeded on to Cherborg. A war which brought hardship suffering and While the 350th battled atop Mount Battaglia, the 349th Regiment was busy attacking the village of Belvedere enroute to their destination of Mount Grande. An advance element went into the line before Monte Cassino on 27 February, and the entire division relieved the battered British 46th Infantry Division along the Garigliano River in the Minturno area on 5 March. From 26 October 1944 to 12 January 1945, the 88th entered a period of defensive patrolling in the Mount Grande-Mount Cerrere sector and the Mount Fano area. After arrival in updating regularly until the complete roster is complete and uploaded to this site. The fourth part, a complete roster of all officers and men who served with the Division in France. The division, which initially had nine infantry regiments grouped into three brigades was squared or reorganized into a more simplified four-regiment structure within two brigades. The enemy counterattacked savagely and heavy fighting continued on the line toward the Po Valley. It was once again rainy, cold and miserable at the front. Previous divisions were regular army, reserve or National Guard. Tired and battle worn, many in the Fifth Army had been fighting since Salerno, Sicily, or even as far back as North Africa. Einheit Geschichte Frankreich Erster Weltkrieg selten - EUR 53,53. // -->

88th division ww1 roster