31 december 2008 nasa picture

The maps are based on observations from the Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) on NASAs Terra satellite. 03.17.08 - Specific rights apply. The radar antenna was pointing toward Titan at an altitude of 970 kilometers (684 miles) during the closest approach. A new NASA study has found that storms are more intense during the work week than on the weekends. A rare snowfall blanketed parts of the southeastern US on December 11, 2008 - this image was captured by the MODIS on the Terra satellite the next day. (2008, December 25). as a participant of the NASA Undergraduate Student Research Program. This site is maintained by the Planetary Science Communications team at, The Next Full Moon is the Wolf or Ice Moon, NASA Retires InSight Mars Lander Mission After Years of Science, 40-Year Study Finds Mysterious Patterns in Temperatures at Jupiter, Juno Explores Jovian Moons During Extended Mission, NASA's Big 2022: Historic Moon Mission, Webb Telescope Images, More, NEO Surveyor Successfully Passes Key Milestone. Excitement Builds as GLAST Readies Its Gamma-ray Vision! 02.26.08 - Source: Lance Nixon, South Dakota State University NASA is paying researchers on the cool prairies of South Dakota to help track biodiversity in the steamy. NASA study shows that the rising frequency and intensity of arctic storms over the last half century directly accelerated the rate of arctic sea ice drift which is a harbinger of climate change. emailE=('shannell.c.' Astronomers are using NASA's Hubble Space Telescope as part of a quest to understand the violent lives of galaxies. D.C. and Baltimore Media Invited to Briefings for Hubble Telescope Shuttle Mission, GLAST named after Nobel Laureate Enrico Fermi, 2007 Hurricane Forecast Took Blow From Winds, Dusty Air, NASA Study Improves Ability to Predict How Aerosols Affect Climate, Franklin, Va., Native Recognized Among NASA's Best, Brightest, African Drought Linked to Warmer Indian Ocean, NASA Awards Distributed Active Archive Center Contract, NASA Tests Moon Imaging Spacecraft at Goddard, GLAST Team Fine-Tuning Instrument and Operations, IBEX Spacecraft Heads West, Takes Major Step Toward Launch, NASA Satellites Discover What Powers Northern Lights, Hubble Instruments Slated for On-Orbit Surgery, NASA's Deep Impact Films Earth as an Alien World, NASA Names Strain New Goddard Space Flight Center Director, For Toy-Like NASA Robots in Arctic, Ice Research Is Child's Play, Life-Size Webb Telescope Model Going to Montreal, STEREO Creates Images of the Solar System's Invisible Frontier. 02.07.08 - Official NASA photographs from agency photographers chronicle what's making news across the agency, from launches and landings to important science announcements. 05.07.08 - Design & Development: 08.05.08 - Australian Government Bureau of Meteorology. this past Saturday to celebrate LaunchFest. Inspired by a desire to make finding space physics information as easy as book lovers locate a text on Amazon.com, the heliophysics virtual observatories offer a wealth of resources to learn more about the sun, Earth and heliosphere. This undertaking leaves the team better positioned to tackle additional components and content for the site as they look forward to their 10th anniversary in April 2009. Very light blue shows places where at least a trace of snow was observed, while white shows where the ground was 100 percent snow covered. Land 01.07.08 - The tiny sensor, only the size of a quarter, acts like a smoke detector. Hubble has found them to be brilliant blue clusters of stars born in the swirls and eddies of a galactic smashup 200 million years ago. 04.23.08 - NASA has selected 10 offerors to provide the agency with access to a variety of airborne platforms to conduct airborne science research and range support. The five-craft THEMIS fleet may help scientists determine why. A documentary of the Young Scientist Challenge, held in October 2008 at Goddard, will be produced for the Discovery channel in early 2009. The proposed new mission, called Gravity and Extreme Magnetism (GEMS), will use a new technique to accomplish what has been impossible until now. 06.24.08 - 03.13.08 - 06.05.08 - . 09.08.08 - 10.27.08 - After revealing a trove of details about the moons Ganymede and Europa, the mission to Jupiter is setting its sights on sister moon Io. 12.19.08 - After the cyclone in Burma and the earthquake in China, NASA data came to the aid of officials by tapping into a unique set of NASA data products describing the location of the exposed populations. The brown winter landscape is broken by patches of white snow still lingering on the ground on the Mississippi/Louisiana border, and a . NASA has several presentations at the 212th meeting of the American Astronomical Society. document.write( '' ), Normalized Fluorescence Line Height (FLH), Instantaneous Photosynthetically Available Radiation, Daily Mean Photosynthetically Available Radiation, MODIS Land Rapid Response Team, NASA GSFC. Compared to earlier images, the storm appears more compact in this picture, and occurs almost entirely over the ocean. Along with a redesigned user interface, these efforts have culminated in the launch of the new Earth Observatory (see screenshot below). Atmosphere The images are sometimes authored by people or organizations outside NASA, and therefore APOD images are often copyrighted, . It can sense chemicals and gases that may be harmful to astronauts. 10.06.08 - Privacy Policy and Important Notices. High-Southern Latitudes in the Leading Hemisphere (Arrakis Planitia). APOD: 2008 December 31 - The Sky in Motion Astronomy Picture of the Day Discover the cosmos! In recognition of the 10th anniversary of the first scientific results from the TRMM satellite, media are invited to a media roundtable on Wednesday, Jan. 23 at 11 a.m. EST. mars.nasa.gov. 12.02.08 - A new analysis of environmental conditions over the Atlantic Ocean shows that hot, dry air associated with dust outbreaks from the Sahara desert likely contributed to the quieter-than-expected 2007 hurricane season. NASA researchers have created an advanced data compression algorithm that will increase science data return for NASA missions. emailName =('Brandon Maccherone') 02.01.08 - Astronomers have discovered a timing mechanism that allows them to predict exactly when a neutron star will unleash incredibly powerful explosions. Goddard Space Flight Center welcomed Maryland Lieutenant Governor Anthony G. Brown to its facility on May 12, 2008. If you know your browser is up to date, you should check to ensure that Titan Flyby - July 31, 2008 . For reasons not fully understood, auroras are more common in the spring than at other times. Researchers have estimated more precisely than ever the heat-trapping effect of water in the air, validating the role of the gas as a critical component of climate change. 2022 is one for the history books as NASA caps off another astronomical year. But for meteorologists, who sometimes divide the year up into seasons on the basis of similarity in weather and temperature, winter is already over. along the horizon changing in a beautiful The solar-powered lander has run out of energy after more than four years of science on the Red Planet. Astronomers using the Suzaku satellite have discovered a white dwarf that is acting like a neutron star. After canceling a tropical cyclone warning from Pardoo to Port Headland, the Australian Government Bureau of Meteorology issued a cyclone warning for Western Australia coastal communities near Pilbara on December 25, 2008. NASA's Science Communication Support Office Annual Report 2017. 05.20.07 - New data from the W. M. Keck Observatory at Mauna Kea, Hawaii, are helping scientists overturn long-standing assumptions about powerful stellar explosions. Explanation: 05.13.08 - The APOD website on 31 December 2016, displaying that day's astronomy picture of Trifid Nebula in infrared. Atmosphere 05.30.08 - At a teleconference on Aug. 26, 2008, NASA announced it was giving a new name to the Gamma-ray Large Area Space Telescope, launched June 11, 2008. 07.17.08 - The snow cover patterns also identify various topographic features, especially mountain ranges. much of what you could see. the 5-year anniversary of some the most powerful solar storms ever recorded. October 31, 2008. NASA approves development of NEO Surveyor for a launch no later than June 2028. After revealing a trove of details about the moons Ganymede and Europa, the mission to Jupiter is setting its sights on sister moon Io. & Jerry Bonnell NASA Technical Rep.: Phil Newman. To prepare for Servicing Mission 4, new Hubble components must endure harsh tests at NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center. Managing Editor: 07.15.08 - 03.28.08 - Your browser or your browser's settings are not supported. 06.13.08 - IBEX will build an image of the outer boundary of the solar system from impacts on the spacecraft by high-speed particles called energetic neutral atoms. 02.05.08 - In December, some of the Northern Hemispheres high mountain ranges already stood out from the surrounding terrain, including the Himalaya in Asia and the Atlas Mountains in northern Africa. Clouds serve a valuable role in Earth's climate, and thanks to A-Train, a closer look at them is possible. NASA researchers have identified feasible emission scenarios that could keep carbon dioxide below levels that some scientists have called dangerous for climate. The snow cover maps reveal some of the winters significant snow events in the United States, including a rare snow fall in the Deep South that occurred in mid-December. 09.26.08 - The image has been processed with a resolution of 128 pixels/deg. 06.10.08 - NASA's Hubble Space Telescope has taken the first visible-light snapshot of a planet circling another star. Features in the Gallery: Very Bright Stars, Unexpected image offsets in the GALEX GR4, SkyView v3.5.6 Security updates and bug fixes. 10.19.08 - clouds moving 07.17.08 - LRO Media Day will be held on Thursday, June 12, 2008 from 9:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. EDT. The animation shows monthly snow cover from February 2000 through February 2009. For more information about the Cassini-Huygens mission visit http://saturn.jpl.nasa.gov and http://www.nasa.gov/cassini. However WMAP images are generally stored in Continue reading , This image from 2008-12-10 09:39:28 is pretty interesting It looks like we are seeing some very special object with rings around it. NASA's Big 2022: Historic Moon Mission, Webb Telescope Images, More. 06.18.08 - The MODIS on NASAs Terra satellite captured this image of the storm at noon Central Daylight Time (17:00 UTC). The Radio Science Subsystem uses this pass to measure Titan's gravity field, allowing scientists to explore the moon's interior. Whats going on here? Scientists believe that pollution is causing more rainfall midweek than on weekends. 02.07.08 - December 16, 2008 - Snow in the Southeastern United States. 01.18.08 - 12.16.08 - GEMS will be the first mission designed just to measure the polarization of X-rays emitted near black holes, which will enable scientists to explore the exotic space around black holes in an unprecedented way. Besides strong winds, heavy rains, and a brief electrical outage, Edouard caused little damage. NASA's Gamma-ray Large Area Space Telescope (GLAST) launched successfully on June 11, 2008, at 12:05 p.m. During RockOn!, university faculty and students will learn the basics of building experiments for flight on suborbital rockets. Click on a picture and discover the cosmos! Christa Peters-Lidard of NASAs Goddard Space Flight Center in Greenbelt, Md., has been awarded the 2007 Arthur S. Flemming Award in the category of Applied Science, Engineering and Mathematics. News representatives are invited to attend a media day event on July 1 to learn about NASA's ambitious mission to the orbiting Hubble Space Telescope. With winds of about 384 miles per hour, some of the highest wind speeds ever detected on any planet, Jupiter's Little Red Spot could blow away any hurricane on Earth. 12.16.08 - 02.21.08 - The original target, comet Boethin, is lost in space. Severe Storms, NASA Goddard Space 02.19.08 - A new NASA-led study shows that human-caused climate change has impacted a wide range of Earth's natural systems. Image Credit: This site is maintained by the Planetary Science Communications team at, The Next Full Moon is the Wolf or Ice Moon, NASA Retires InSight Mars Lander Mission After Years of Science, 40-Year Study Finds Mysterious Patterns in Temperatures at Jupiter, Juno Explores Jovian Moons During Extended Mission, NASA's Big 2022: Historic Moon Mission, Webb Telescope Images, More, NEO Surveyor Successfully Passes Key Milestone. The image has been processed with a resolution of 128 pixels/deg. Severe Storms. 01.25.08 - Moon, In January 2008, NASA's Dr. Robert Bindschadler led an expedition to a previously untouched part of Antarctica. After canceling a tropical cyclone warning from Pardoo to Port Headland, the Australian Government Bureau of Meteorology issued a cyclone warning for Western Australia coastal communities near Pilbara on December 25, 2008. NASA Headquarters approves an instrument to study the extreme environments of the universe. 02.25.08 - NASA has set June 7 as the new target launch date for GLAST, from Cape Canaveral Air Force Station in Florida. 04.14.08 - The Atlantic Hurricane Season began early in 2007, and by mid-December it was still going. Earth's magnetic field, which shields our planet from particles streaming outward from the sun, often develops two holes that allow the largest leaks, according to researchers sponsored by NASA and the National Science Foundation. NASA maps and animation by Kevin Ward, based on data from the NASA Earth Observations (NEO) project. 06.11.08 - 09.04.08 - The powerful antenna system that will enable NASA's GLAST)to communicate with stations on Earth has been successfully connected to the spacecraft. In this image, the sprawling storm blocks the satellites view of much of the Louisiana coast including the New Orleans region, while skies remain clear farther inland, particularly in Texas. 02.27.08 - 07.01.08 - The total estimated cost of the contract is $20,412,996 over the five-year period of performance. 01.08.08 - NASA, the US Agency for International Development (USAID) and their partners are in Nairobi, Kenya, to launch SERVIR-Africa, a program that helps scientists, government leaders and local communities address concerns related to natural disasters, disease outbreaks, biodiversity and climate change. Water Tthe Exploration Sciences Building continues to be built at a feverish pace, nearing 70% complete. NASA has selected the University of Alaska for the management and operations of the EOS Data and Information System Synthetic Aperture Radar DACC. 07.01.08 - Water NASAs Interstellar Boundary Explorer (IBEX) spacecraft, designed to image global interactions at the outer reaches of the solar system, today began its move to Vandenberg Air Force Base (VAFB), California. NASA approves development of NEO Surveyor for a launch no later than June 2028. When it comes to firing telescopes and their instruments into the frigid cold of space, the more you test your hardware, the better. Acquired December 16, 2009, this true-color image shows Tropical Cyclone Laurence spanning hundreds of kilometers over the Indian Ocean, just off the Australian coast. The Science Poster Party Blowout started 2008 with a celebration of Goddards scientific discoveries and achievements. U. APOD Editor to Speak in New York on Jan. 2, NASA Web Images by Mission. The next full Moon will be Friday evening, Jan. 6, 2023, at 6:08 PM EST. topographic profile of the dark, possibly liquid-filled area known as Goddard Scientists Receive Lindsay Award for Black Hole Research, NASA Presentations at AAS Meeting in St. Louis, NASA Scientists' Model Reveals How Superstorm Plasma Affects Near-Earth Space, Warm Coronal Loops Offer Clue to Mysteriously Hot Solar Atmosphere, Goddard Selects 2008 Contractor Excellence Award Winners, NASA Inspires Students to Center the Earth With Eccentrics, Satellites Illuminate Pollution's Influence On Clouds, Winds in Jupiter's Little Red Spot Almost Twice as Fast as Strongest Hurricane, Swift Satellite Catches First Supernova in the Act of Exploding, NASA Researcher Awarded 2008 Arthur S. Flemming Award, The Mouse That Roared: Pipsqueak Star Unleashes Monster Flare, Earth Impacts Linked to Human-Caused Climate Change, NASA Study Links Earth Impacts to Human-Caused Climate Change, Md. This graphic depicts a cross-section of the Saturnian moon Titan. 04.03.08 - Now available on iTunes, the NASA Goddard Shorts video podcast series keeps subscribers updated with cool science and engineering breakthroughs. 05.14.08 - from all teams. Scientists have identified an unexpected motion in distant galaxy clusters. For the first time in the 2008 hurricane season, there are four tropical cyclones active in the Atlantic Ocean basin on one day. NASA has selected the University of Colorado at Boulder for the management and operations of the Earth Observing System Data and Information System Snow and Ice Distributed Active Archive Center. Northrop Grumman has created a Sunshield for NASAs James Webb Space Telescope that can withstand the harsh environment of space. own rotation are 07.07.08 - 05.29.08 - Tropical Cyclone Billy made landfall in Western Australia in late December 2008. Discover the cosmos! 2022 is one for the history books as NASA caps off another astronomical year. nasa.gov. Consider one appropriate for 2009, the 06.02.08 - Moore Boeck. Tropical Cyclone Billy made landfall in Western Australia in late December 2008. Moore Boeck, The Story Behind Apollo 8's Famous Earthrise Photo. 07.01.08 - Event 10.16.08 - planet Earth's 06.03.08 - These maps show the average percent snow cover in the Northern Hemisphere for December 2008 (top) and February 2009 (bottom), the first and last months of meteorological winter. NASA and Ocean Tomo Federal Services, LLC today announced the first ever sale of a government patent license through a public auction of intellectual property. 10.07.08 - Researchers have identified the common thread that determines how aerosols from human activity, like the particles released from forest fires, influence cloud cover and affect climate. 05.07.08 - NASA announced Thursday that space shuttle Atlantis' STS-125 mission to repair the Hubble Space Telescope is targeted to launch May 12, 2009. 04.17.08 - Phil Davis Contributor: Laura E.P. Smoke billows from scattered wildfires in California, as captured by NASA's Aqua Satellite. The IBEX mission will provide Greg Frazier with just the example he needs to showcase his knowledge of what it takes to reach the stars. To get the best experience possible, please download a compatible browser. 12.12.08 - NASA Administrator Michael Griffin on Thursday announced that Rob Strain will be the next center director of NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center in Greenbelt, Md. The latest polar-orbiting operational environmental weather satellite developed by NASA for NOAA, called NOAA-N Prime, arrived Tuesday at Vandenberg Air Force Base, Calif., in preparation for a February 4, 2009 launch. Image Facts 06.27.08 - 07.23.08 - 01.24.08 - According to a report from the U.S. National Hurricane Center, elevated oil rigs south of the Louisiana coast reported sustained winds of 72 to 89 kilometers (45 to 55 miles) per hour, well below the wind-speed threshold for a Category 1 hurricane. NASA's Science Communication Support Office Annual Report 2017. document.write( '' ) Internet technologies that enable computers to talk to each other may make it possible for satellites to communicate the same way. Social Media Lead: 10.29.08 - E.g., look at the image in the gallery from 2008-11-29 19:02:44 This is a very peculiar looking field in the DSS. The Hubble Space Telescope team completed switching the required hardware modules to their B-sides about 9:30 a.m. on Oct. 15. Katherine Heinzen, a student from Fairfax, Va., will spend this summer at NASA Goddard Space Flight Center in Greenbelt, Md. The nation's largest estuary just happens to be in the backyard of NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center. NASA Retires InSight Mars Lander Mission After Years of Science. Specific rights apply. Americas plans for opening the space frontier are featured in an interactive exhibit scheduled to tour Connecticut for three weeks beginning May 14. 05.27.08 - Terra 10.23.08 - NASA image by Jeff Schmaltz, MODIS Rapid Response Team, Goddard Space Flight Center. The Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer on NASA's Aqua satellite took this picture at 3:10 p.m. local time on December 25. 01.08.08 - The Space Agency has uploaded spectacular space pics. 11.17.08 - High-Southern Latitudes in the Leading Hemisphere (Arrakis Planitia). The Jet Propulsion Laboratory, a division of the California Institute of Technology in Pasadena, manages the mission for NASA's Science Mission Directorate. These maps show the average percent snow cover in the Northern Hemisphere for December 2008 (top) and February 2009 (bottom), the first and last months of meteorological winter. With NASA, Washington and Baltimore Area Reporters Invited to Hubble Media Day, NASA Data Helps Pinpoint Impacted Populations in Disaster Aftermath, For Hurricanes, Storms, Raindrop Size Makes All the Difference, NASA Targets GLAST Launch for no Earlier than June 11, Star Trek's George Takei Beams Down to Goddard, NASA Scientists Pioneer Method for Making Giant Lunar Telescopes, NASA Awards Snow and Ice Distributed Active Archive Contract, Fairfax Student Accepted for NASA Goddard Engineering Internship, Idaho Student Accepted for NASA Goddard Engineering Internship. An interactive exhibit showcasing NASA's Hubble and James Webb telescopes is on display in Pittsburgh. 12.23.08 - NASA / A 2006 solar flare surprised scientists by behaving in unexpected ways. The radar instrument was built by JPL and the Italian Space Agency, working with team members from the United States and several European countries. 03.07.08 - 11.04.08 - 02.13.08 - Unexpected image offsets in the GALEX GR4. The launch of NASA's GLAST spacecraft aboard a United Launch Alliance Delta II rocket is scheduled for Thursday, June 5. 01.16.08 - The Cassini orbiter was designed, developed and assembled at JPL. 05.29.08 - NEO Surveyor Successfully Passes Key Milestone. Did you know the weeks surrounding this All Hallows Eve mark a haunting milestone? NASA has selected Sevatec Inc. in Arlington, Va. for professional and administrative support services for the Office of Human Capital Management at Goddard. GSFC NASA announced the public will have a chance to suggest a new name for the cutting edge Gamma-ray Large Area Space Telescope observatory before it launches in mid-2008. 03.17.08 - It's up to LRO to make those landings as safe as possible. Land One of Saturn's rings soaks up material gushing from the fountains on the tiny ice-moon, Enceladus, according to new Cassini observations. NASA's Gamma-ray Large Area Space Telescope (GLAST) received the final "Ready to Go!" 09.22.08 - Observations made by NASA instruments onboard an Air Force satellite have shown that the boundary between the Earths upper atmosphere and space has moved to extraordinarily low altitudes. 11.13.08 - Snow and Ice, Image of the Day Bill Dunford Thanks to a fortuitous observation with NASAs Swift satellite, astronomers for the first time have caught a star in the act of exploding. : 07.15.08 - 03.28.08 - your browser or your browser or your browser or browser... To its facility on may 12, 2008 - snow in the GALEX GR4, SkyView v3.5.6 Security and. - Design & development: 08.05.08 - Australian Government Bureau of Meteorology below levels that some scientists have an... Images by Mission, heavy rains, and therefore APOD images are authored. Has set June 7 as the new target launch date for GLAST, from Cape Canaveral Force... 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Five-Craft THEMIS fleet may help scientists determine why components must endure harsh at...

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31 december 2008 nasa picture