tasmanian tiger sightings nsw

I thought it looked a silver colour but it was hard to tell because it was raining.", "11th April 2006, 12.30 a.m. Shara Boulevard, North Ocean Shores; Ron was driving west towards the highway and saw what looked like a thylacine as it walked along the northern side of the road. '", "While these are recorded, there is no evidence to confirm the thylacine still exists.". The back legs were also shorter than the front ones. Naturalist/Cryptozoologist Gary Opit's own thylacine sighting: "3rd February 2007, Jones Road, Yelgun; just after dark, Gary Opit watched, for about 5 minutes, an unidentifiable carnivorous marsupial that measured approximately 1.75 m in length and about .75 m in height standing in the middle of Jones Road, Yelgun, adjacent the Billinudgel Nature Reserve. The most recent time, probably about 12 or 18 months ago, my husband was on his own and saw it quite clearly, only a few metres away. In June 2018, a Sydney man shared home surveillance footage of a creature he believed to be a Tasmanian tiger. . It never stopped and kept a constant pace. At this moment they both saw a greyhound-like animal, long and skinny, run across the highway from the right-hand side [south] to the left [north]. He spotted moving along the cement wall on the side of the road. ", "Early 2008 late 2007, Repentance Creek Rd at the Minyon Falls turnoff. It was only about a metre or two in front of my car. The next day the farm owner brought up his rifle but the animal was gone and they never saw it again. It smelled of musk, like a mild skunk or possum odour. Also, on some evenings we hear an unusual sound from the same general area (our farm borders xxxx Rd). "There's a lot more chronic searching these days with cameras and wildlife traps for other animals. The reported sightings are contained in a document from Tasmania's Department of Primary Industries, Parks, Water and Environment (DPIPWE). It was not afraid of me but backed away whenever I approached closer than 2-3 m. The tail was the least dog-like feature. It ran almost 1ft off the ground on all fours. He was sure that it definitely was not a fox or a dog, that its snout was not pointed like a fox and that it had distinctive rounded ears. March 2, 2021 - 2:00PM The highly anticipated photos of a 'living' Tasmania tiger family have been released and the man who captured them says he's "absolutely confident" at least one is a thylacine. It was obvious to us that the creature was visiting the farm from the Kanimbla Valley [which lies directly north of Megalong Valley] by moving up the gully. The date was Tuesday 22nd February 1972 at 10.15pm, when we were forced to stop, at the turnoff to Evans Lookout, on the Great Western Highway just south of Blackheath township. (The Australian Cryptozoology Research Organisation) website: "We received a report from a former member of a zoo who believes that he had encountered a strange unknown animal while driving on Bells road in the Blue Mountains in 2000 at night time, while driving along this road he sighed the tail end of an unidentifiable animal about the same height as a Tasmanian Tiger or puma and the colouration also matched both Thylacines and pumas. My daughter did not know about thylacines before the sighting. She even came in with the drawing hed done after seeing the creature. A massive animal crossed the road in front of me. I believed that its hunched back was due to the fact that it was bent over sniffing the ground. Its body was greyish-brown and when it got up we observed that it's hindquarters appeared "tucked in" and were marked with dark stripes. It's also. ", "In March 1982, a camper sighted a thylacine-like animal drinking from a creek in the Grose valleyThe camper described the animal he saw as being two metres long, with greyish body fur {coloration can vary} displaying about a dozen blackish stripes extending down the body. While searching the muddy bank of a remote swamp for signs of animals, we came across tracks left by various marsupials. Years later I mentioned it to locals in Wee Waa when I worked there as a doctor. Christian Kropp has seen two Tasmanian tigers in the Barrington Tops | Newcastle Herald | Newcastle, NSW New Christian Kropp has seen two Tasmanian tigers in the Barrington Tops By Damon Cronshaw Updated March 8 2017 - 3:06pm, first published March 7 2017 - 5:07pm View + 20 Photos Christian Kropp knows what he saw. Before it vanished off the roadside I noticed its length, about 5ft, the body stripes were blackish and ran from the middle of the back to the rump of the tail upon reddish-brown coloured body fur.". It reminded them of a Fossa or a civet and definitely was not a fox, dog or cat. He was Boss Cass's best henchman My wife works at the Werribee zoo in Melbourne and it certainly wasnt like any of the cats they have there. The fur was short, with a sandy beige colour. Since Benjamin died on September 7, 1936, there has been no official sighting of a Tasmanian tiger. The animal "turned and looked at the vehicle a couple of times" and "was in clear view for 12-15 seconds.". Biologist and wildlife expert Nick Mooney has for years reviewed thylacine accounts and apparent footage and images. Its snout was narrow and pointed, the eyes appeared sloping backwards, the ears were tall and rounded and it had a long neck. Now extinct, a Tasmanian tiger (thylacine) is seen in the Hobart Zoo in Tasmania in 1933. A Victoria farmer, Peter Groves, made the news after allegedly spotting a Thylacine while walking near Clifton Springs on January 4, 2019. (1985). I wondered through my work day trying to figure out what the hell I had just sighted, and next day I went round to the local National Parks office to ask about it. It then ran into the vegetation. There was very little traffic on the roads. Its body was a bit chunkier, the legs shorter, the tail had nothing like the length of a cats and hung straight out, and the snout protruded out quite markedly from a head that seemed proportionally smaller than that of a cat. The document includes detailed accounts of alleged close encounters with the mysterious predator across the northern and western regions of the state. Another report, filed by a farmer in a cycling group, claims to have seen a "large cat-like creature" from a distance on the Lyell Highway. "In September 1999, Mr Phil Smith and his wife Kassi were driving from the west on the Great Western Highway at 60 to 70 km an hour, slowing down as they approached a fruit shop at Linden on the left-hand side of the road. He thought it couldn't be true, Christian said of his dad, who he described as your typical Australian bushy. A short time after she saw the animal, while talking to her neighbours, she was surprised to find that three of them had also observed an animal of a similar description. The last close sighting was about 6 months ago and it was right by our car on our forest drive. ", "26th February 2006, 3.15 pm, Redgate Road, South Golden Beach; Steve and Michelle and their family were riding their bikes when they saw a strange animal in the short grass. Its physical appearance matched that of stuffed specimen's preserved in government museums.". RELATED: Five Incredible Day Trips From Hobart, Treat yourself to a subscription-Save up to 25%. While Mr Waters says the larger animals in the photos - which he claims to be the mother and father - arent giving much away, he says the joey says it all. Sightings of a strange greyhound-like animal with black body stripes had been made by people in the Blaxland Road area of Wentworth Falls, where it had been raiding homes for food. It then chased one of them across the neighbours garden. ", "20th August, 2008, Coast Road between Lennox Head and Suffolk Park; David Hall emailed the ABC North Coast Radio station to describe his sighting. The owner remarked that they would have to kill the animal as he would not allow a monster to live on the farm. She stated No stripes, but a distinctly wild animal, reddish brown short hair, above knee-high. The salted skin of a freshly shot tiger cat was pegged on the dunny door, Max said. In Tasmania, the Thylacine was most predominant along the north and east coast, and in the midland plains region. ", Source:https://www.mysteriousaustralia.com/australian_thylacine_casts.html, "If it was what I believe it was, this was not to be my only encounter with a creature of this description, for on Christmas Eve 1983, I was walking in bush near Govetts Leap with my son, David and his wife Kay in afternoon light, when we all spotted the same type of animal moving through bushes. It was unconcerned by his approaching car and he was able to get a close look at it. 13 May 1930 - Last thylacine killed in the wild. He stopped and had a look but the animal had run off unhurt.". After shaking our heads in disbelief, we were the ones who left, having finished our fishing and as we left we were able to see it walking around in the distance.", "Also around this time, Russel and Michael were walking within the Brunswick Valley Nature Reserve near the flying fox colony and both independently observed thylacine-like animals, one slinking past in front of them & one apparently following them. Known officially to science as a thylacine, the large marsupial predators, which looked more like wild dogs . ", Source:http://acro-research.blogspot.com.au/2018/02/possible-thylacine-or-big-cat-sighting.html?m=1, "2000, Mahers Lane, Terranora; Don saw a long thin dog-like animal with stripes across its back & the base of its long thin tail in the evening as he drove down the road from his home through farmland. He expected to catch up with the animal with ease because of its disability but was surprised that when it became aware of his cars approach, it raced off along the roadside with incredible speed. (Thylacinus cynocephalus)", Source:https://web.archive.org/web/20200216184608/https://www.angelfire.com/oz/thylacine/. Grabbing his camera Kevin leapt from his car and, as he said later, tore up the embankment after it! That morning he made plaster casts of the paw prints and also found two small teeth, apparently left by the animal. User "SoulNavigator" reported in the comment section about a sighting they and a relative had while driving: "20 years ago myself , my brother and his wife drove from Brisbane to melbourne via inland route. ", "January 2008, Byron Bay Andrew and his wife were on holidays from Victoria, staying at an apartment off Cemetery Road in Byron Bay. This is Opit's summarisation of the report: "1964, May, Monday, 5 a.m. Whian Whian State Forest; Clive gave me a very detailed description of the animal observed twice in 1 week. In November 1993, during a holiday in northern Queensland, the author met a man who witnessed a Thylacine (Tasmanian Tiger) on Cape York Peninsular. There is no doubt in our minds that the creatures we saw were Tasmanian Tigers, said Sam.". (2017). ", "2003, Byron Bay on the coastal road to Ballina 2ks past the Lennox Head turnoff; Doof daddy contacted the ABC radio station to say that about 5 years ago in 2003 he was returning to Byron Bay from Ballina along the coastal road after work in the early hours of the morning. All I thought at the time was, what is this? It was not striped but had 2 large bands or darker colour on its shoulders and hind section. The animal moved in a way that I had never encountered before. Nonetheless, recent Tasmanian tiger sightings have continued to persist since its apparent extinction, and these Thylacine sightings have some scientists seriously asking do Tasmanian tigers still exist? At one particular spot we came across paw prints unlike any of the others and certainly not those of any dog. As we passed thick roadside scrub, an animal almost the size of a full grown Alsatian dog, with fawn-coloured body fur and a row of blackish body stripes, ran across the highway in front of the car. Century-old footage of the last known Tasmanian tiger in captivity has been brought to life by colourisation, offering a tantalising glimpse of the now-extinct creature. It had sandy coloured fur, a stubby muzzle and a long tail. *It's body was longer & out of proportion than all other animals. We could not see stripes. Before leaving they went for a walk along the rivers edge on a bush track. Wendy Bithell recounted her possible thylacine encounter near Byron Bay on the documentary series Boogeymen, season 2, episode 11, entitled "The Tasmanian Tiger: The Tiger, Wolf, Kangaroo Hybrid". The south-west of Western Australia has witnessed sightings of panthers, tigers and cougars. According to Robyn, the animal was as large as a big Labrador dog, moving with a slinkyloping movement, somewhat like a cat. This is the only report of a mother and its young.". Source:Paramanov, S. J. Does the Tasmanian tiger still exist? ", Source:https://web.archive.org/web/20070607040632/http://www.tasmanian-tiger.com/forum/Forum3/HTML/000012.html, "1992 Ewingsdale; Tony saw a creature on a bright and sunny mid-morning 50 metres away that he was at a total loss to identify. It looked to be Alsatian dog-sized and he saw the familiar dark body stripes of a Thylacine. It had short fur, very stiff, thick at the base (a long broom handle) and it didnt act like a dogs tail. . , made the news after allegedly spotting a Thylacine while walking near Clifton Springs on January 4, 2019. The Recently Extinct Plants and Animals Database. In December 2006 at 9.30 a.m. she again saw the same animal with three young cubs chasing and playing together on the road. ", "I believe i saw a saw a Thylocene at the base of the Barrington tops near Wolemi brook on the 21/7/08 at around 11 am, whilst i was travelling to a remote a exploration drill rig site. In the nearby dense scrub, we came across signs of a scuffle between a wild pig and a Thylacine, as indicated by the dozens of tracks embedded in the soil over a wide area. A thylacine eating a rabbit on the side of a road. Hunting, the introduction of dogs and the loss of habitat were to blame for its demise. So it was that stealthy, whatever it was, that even the pademelons who hear one twig break and they're outta there, it didn't hear it.I've been running tours out there for seven years, but you know going out into the rainforest, you know three or four times a week and that's the only time I've seen something that I couldn't explain. The Tasmanian tiger or 'thylacine' The thylacine looked like a large, long dog with stripes and a long stiff tail. It had the strangest tailvery long, like a broom pole. As we were driving towards Rosebank, I saw an animal about the size of a whippet dash across a grassy slope. Advocate (Coffs Harbour, NSW), 9 March. These were able to hold their own in a fight with a dog and would attack if put under pressure. Robyn was driving near the Club House just before entering Cliff Drive, where a two, roofed house stands amid pine trees, on the corner opposite the golf course and beside a, when in the headlights glare they both saw a Thylacine, According to Robyn, the animal was as large as a, mewhat like a cat. He said the animal, which he claimed could not be confused with a dog, was the size of a fox, with the head of a kangaroo and had a thick striped tail which tapered at the end. The swamp is surrounded by dense scrub at the foot of a deep gully encased by steep cliffs. The Tasmanian tiger, or thylacine, was a marsupial an animal that keeps its young in a pouch, like a kangaroo. The animal quickly vanished off the road into the corner of the Katoomba Water Catchment property, a dense bushland-covered region that follows the highway to the outskirts of Katoomba. By the 1920s, sightings of the Tasmanian tiger in the wild became extremely rare, and in 1930, a farmer from Mawbanna named Wilfred (Wilf) Batty shot and killed the last-known wild Tasmanian tiger. She saw it a couple of times during the following days. All the patients I mentioned it to were not surprised. 7:30pm when in front of me on the side of the road, eating a dead kangaroo, was a medium/large long, slender dog shaped animal with a kangaroo-style tail. Between 2016 to 2019, the report notes seven sightings of the Tasmanian tiger. It was really quick; one second it was there in front of me, next second it was way in the distance. It looked like a cross between a dog and a kangaroo. It appeared greyish-brown, with dark stripes on the hind quarters, but none occurred up front. (1811). My brothers wife and I were in the front. Its body fur was a mousy-brown colour with greyish stripes extending barrel-wise along the body. The Tasmanian tiger, also known as the thylacine, once populated much of Tasmanian and mainland Australiawhere it is also still searched forbut few know that the animal was present on New Guinea as well. I have also looked at the situational geography. It had a large head with golden eyes and widely separated rounded ears. She saw it a couple of times during the following days. Fabiola was driving and so Michael was able to examine the animal closely from only 2 metres away and observed that it was 60 to 70 cm high and 1.3m long, the length of the body quite long when compared to its height. However, in 1936, the last known Tasmanian Tiger died, and the Thylacine was considered extinct. Both were of a buff colour with distinctively rounded ears, hunched backs and remarkably long thin straight tails. (15 to 30 kilograms), according to. The creature, said Shannon, remained there for perhaps 2 to 5 minutes as they stood observing it. My mother in the passenger seat (who grew up in B/Hill) could only splutter "what is that?!" north of Grose Valley] accompanied by expert bushmen Rod Gerney and Robert Ashworth and several assistants in a convoy of four-wheel drive vehicles.. It was probably heading for the nearby Grose Valley, he said.". We then mentioned it in passing to the bus driver on the way back to the airport and he said there had been some sightings of thylacine-like animals in the area over the years that he had heard of. maintains that the Tas tiger may still roam the mainland, and encourages people to keep looking. The trap was baited with meat, and Mr Pereira began a vigil. The stone missed its mark and the animal, looking up, saw the people and ran at great speed up the slope with a very unusual gait. They have been a source of intrigue since the last known Tasmanian tiger died in a Hobart zoo in 1936. But what made the creature quite distinctive was the dark body with stripes on the sides, not too dissimilar in fact to the pattern of a Thylacine. Before colonisation, the Thylacine was not confined only to Tasmania. Join 1.7 Million Subscribers I looked for prints. Fascinating new documents have revealed a series of reported sightings of the marsupial, which was declared extinct more than 80 years ago. Then I screamed you know let it go and then it just ran off. He never saw the animal again even though he drove those same roads for another 2 years. After 5 minutes I drove slowly towards it and at about 10 m in front of my car it suddenly pushed with its hind legs and with great power it ran off the road into the vegetation on all four legs. Rex Gilroy believes so, https://web.archive.org/web/20210225014002/http://garyopit.com/64-thylacine-sightings/, https://www.thylacineresearchunit.org/sightingreports.htm, https://www.mysteriousaustralia.com/australian_thylacine_mainpage.html, The continuing search for the thylacine on the Blue Mountains, NSW, http://campbelltown-library.blogspot.com/2015/03/the-minto-monster.html, http://www.tasmanian-tiger.com/guestbook.html, https://www.yowiehunters.com.au/index.php/76-/588-thylacine-sighting-kenilworth-qld-1998-thylacine-caught-1978-nundle-nsw, https://web.archive.org/web/20200216184608/https://www.angelfire.com/oz/thylacine/, https://www.mysteriousaustralia.com/australian_thylacine_casts.html, Tasmanian tiger sightings: 'I represent 3,000 people who have been told theyre nuts', https://web.archive.org/web/20070607040632/http://www.tasmanian-tiger.com/forum/Forum3/HTML/000012.html, Christian Kropp has seen two Tasmanian tigers in the Barrington Tops, https://www.thylacineawarenessgroupofaustralia.com.au/read-tagoa-witness-sighting-reports.htm, https://www.amazon.com.au/gp/browse.html%3Fnode=8498354051&ref=kcp_fd_hz. It was about the size of a dingo but had a long staight tail with distinctive stripes down its back & sides. It continued to sniff the dirt road unconcerned by the presence of my vehicle. We were driving on xxxx Rd at the time. Spooky to see the drawing on the web site and realise what it might be!", "the tasmania tiger is thriving around bilambil Hieghts Inner bushland, it was spotted only a couple of weeks ago by 2 well educated people driving up hogans road, it ran across the road into the bushland, description was a huge tan brown dog cat like creature with black stripes down it side, they said it didnt look like a dog and was much bigger but did resemble a big cat panther like but simarlarities of both, thet said it was fast but they still got plenty of vision of this creature", "During May 2010 a female Thylacine and cub were seen moving through bushland not far from Wombeyan Caves by campers. ", "1988, Cawongla near Kyogle; on the roadside at night, Len saw a thylacine-like animal showing distinct dark brown banding on the rump, hips, and legs and along the tail. The animal was growling aggressively at this time. Like you're listening, you're looking, and you're identifying attributes of the animal. The animals face was like a dingo/dog/wolf but with rounder ears. The shape of the head, legs and body was unmistakable, it was an undoubted Thylacine. Australasian Post, 31 January. READ MORE: What can prove Tassie tigers are alive. It scratched itself with its hind leg like a dog. Newcastle Herald, 8 March. It came from the left hand side up the slope, crossed the road & then leapt up the bank. 5 BEST Tasmanian Tiger Sightings Caught On VIDEO - YouTube 0:00 / 11:53 #Thylacine #TasmanianTiger 5 BEST Tasmanian Tiger Sightings Caught On VIDEO Wildlife With Cookie 18.8K subscribers Join. Canton, Michigan: Visible Ink Press. Mr Millar said he had seen old pictures of the Tasmanian Tiger, which is believed to be extinct, but the animal he saw was smaller and did not have stripes on its body.". "Thylacine sighting: 21/01/21 At approximately 6.00am SA time 2 days ago, a man leaving his home for work froze in awe at what he was seeing in the front part of his property in the Adelaide Hills when he saw . The familiar dark body stripes of a deep gully encased by steep cliffs is that?! thought the... Than the tasmanian tiger sightings nsw embankment after it Max said. `` several assistants in a fight with a beige! Source: https: //web.archive.org/web/20200216184608/https: //www.angelfire.com/oz/thylacine/ the animal with three young cubs chasing and playing together on the site. Out of proportion than all other animals n't be true, Christian said of his dad, he! `` Early tasmanian tiger sightings nsw late 2007, Repentance Creek Rd at the time was, is! 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