statistics about technology addiction

(Responsible Gambling Council, n.d.), 1.2% the US national average. (, 2017), 63% of underage sex trafficking victims said they had been advertised or sold online. Tech addiction is a rising epidemic in the rising generation. These include ADHD, OCD, or depression. A 2019 study revealed that 3.4% of high school students had severe internet addiction. (NetAddiction, n.d.), In the US, 1% of the adult population has a severe gambling problem. 45% of teens stay online on a near-constant basis. When you're at home, make it a rule that you can't be online if the sun is shining. (Adults Toy Guide, 2020), 50% of women fear that porn dehumanized women. As many as 93.2% of boys and 62.1% of girls first see porn before turning 18. IWF 2019 annual report: Zero tolerance. (Hagar, M. H., 2020), On average, the first exposure to pornography among men is 12 years old. (Reuters, 2020), Seeing the easing of US rules on online gambling, Dublin-based Flutter Entertainment committed $4.2 billion to increase its stake in the country. Causing Anxiety. (NCMEC, 2021), 55% of sex trafficking victims met their trafficker through a website or app (Thorn, 2018), In the US, all 50 states, including Washington, DC, and Puerto Rico have reported child trafficking. Cash, H., et al (2012, November). 66% of Americans Check Their Phones 160 Times Per Day. Matza, M., & Inquirer Staff Writer. The state of online gaming 2020. 35% of people think about their phones upon waking, whilst only 10% think of their . Esposito, K. (n.d.). (Recovery Village, 2021), As of January 2021, approximately 298.8 million Americans are actively using the internet, 269.5 million of whom are active mobile internet users. (2019, October). Just 15% of people aged 60 and over said they had a problem turning off their technology. Deeptrace: The state of deepfakes: Landscape, threats, & impact. Digital 2021: Global overview report DataReportal Global digital insights. (Source), Asurion: Americans Check Their Phones 96 Times a Day, cited January 2023. Pornhub deleting millions of content because of these measures is a great step in this direction. (DataReportal, 2021), In total, the average internet user currently spends around 7 hours each day using multiple devices. Older users of social media experience are less afraid to miss out on things (17%) and are not as restless when they cannot check their messages instantly (12%). (Game Quitters, acquired 2021), Gender influences the types of, and reasons for, internet addiction. (Thorn, 2018), 49% of sexually exploited women said that they were forced to do pornography while they were being sold for sex. (Covenant Eyes, 2020), Those who had ever engaged in paid sex are 270% more likely to look at porn. 1. Feeling of Euphoria when you use technology/the internet. (2020, January 30). The increasing availability of online sexual content spurred a 60% increase in new cases of online addiction from mobile use. (RTD, 2021), Google Trends recorded booms in searches like AmongUS porn, TikTok porn, BLM porn, and Black Lives Matter porn, among others. The most affected age group is that of 23- to 38-years-old, with 55% of them struggling with social media addiction. delays in social and emotional development. 60% were feeling pressured to tailor content for popularity and likes. Identify the addiction and seek help. (The Recovery Village, 2020), Internet gamblers may be more likely to have a serious gambling problem. Tech Addiction Covers: Video or computer games (, 2020), Americans check their phones 65.6% a day. In 2018, 43% of Americans say pornography is morally acceptable, up 7% from the previous year. 12 Best Data Analysis Software for Mac in 2023, 12 Best Maintenance Management Software for Small Business, 12 Creative Ways to Find Employees Online & Offline, 12 Best POS Software For Android Tablets and Mobile Phones, Best 20 Apparel Management Software Solutions for 2023, 20 Best Cloud Management Software Solutions for 2023, Benefits of Accounting Software: Examples of Leading Solutions Explained, What is Call Center Software? (The Conversation, n.d.), $1 billion estimated revenue of live sex cams per year, and growing. To that end, we have included measures that could be used to help them. Wery, A., & Billieux, J. Statistics show us that it is a global problem, and it needs to be addressed. 78% of teen users check their devices at least every hour. Beside affecting users' mental health, use of technology can also have negative repercussions on physical health causing vision problems, hearing loss, and neck strain. Conner, C. (2015, February 27). Gabriel, D. J. (Responsible Gambling Council, n.d.), 22-40-year-olds are more likely than other age groups to gamble while drunk. 1 / 5. poor sleep quality. It was too easy. His suicide note said he wanted to join the heroes of World of Warcraft. (2020, July 20). Ranked: The 50 most visited websites in the world. Here are some key video game addiction statistics: Over two billion people play video games worldwide, and the number is likely to surpass three billion by 2023. (Statista, 2019), 83% of parents surveyed agreed that there should be age-verification controls in place for porn. Due to its effect on the brain, social media is addictive both physically and psychologically. United Nations Global Initiative to Fight Human Trafficking: Global report on trafficking in persons: A crime that shames us all. Technology is undoubtedly a blessing, but it can also become a curse if you use it improperly, excessively, or for the wrong reasons. (National Center for Responsible Gaming Fact Sheet, n.d.), Current diagnosis for pathological gambling includes several criteria similar to alcohol and drug dependence: increasing tolerance; symptoms of withdrawal if gambling stopped or reduced; and inability to stop or reduce gambling. (Adults Toy Guide, 2020), US- the country with the most Pornhub traffic. (Source), Common Sense: New Report Finds Teens Feel Addicted to Their Phones, Causing Tension at Home, cited January 2023. (The Rolebuild, 2021), 36% of people admitted that their use of mobile phones has had a negative impact on their relationships. (2020, August 17). (NCMEC, 2020), 92% images where victims were girls. "It impacts the same area of the brain as drugs and alcohol," Wong explained. (IWF, 2019), The Netherlands hosted 71% of child porn content in 2019, which is equivalent to 93,962 URLs. (Imago Central, 2020), 20% of people between ages 18 and 34 have used their smartphones during sex. Technology addiction is a type of behavioral addiction characterized by an individual's inability to control their use of technology, leading to negative consequences in their personal, social, and professional lives. (Grinols, E. L., & Mustard, 2016), $192 annual median losses of non-problem gamblers. (St Louis-based senior living community provider Provision Living, 2019) A large majority of Americans (92%) believe that smartphone addiction is real. (Recovery Village, 2020), The average age of video gamers is 35 years old. (Statista, 2021), In 2020, the global revenue from smartphone sales is estimated at $409.1 billion, down 21.6% from 2018 due to the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic. (BBC Three, 2019), 55% of married men and 25% of married women say they watch porn at least once a month. (DailyWireless, 2020), Among these same children, 38% think that their parents have a mobile phone addiction. (Schultz, M., & Sherrier, J. , 2021), 51% were estimated to make some type of Super Bowl-related bet. (Grinols, E. L., & Mustard, 2016), $778 average annual losses of non-problem gamblers. Tylka, T. L., & Kroon Van Diest, A. M. (2014, February 6). (DIY Genius, 2020), 86% of mobile phone users will check their phones while speaking with family and friends. (Reuters, 2020), It is estimated that approximately 10 million Americans gamble in online casinos on a regular basis. (Kommando Tech 2020, BankMyCell, 2020), Smartphone users typically check their phones every 12 minutes from when they wake up until they go to sleep. (Statista, 2020), Among South Korean gamers, 64% are into PC gaming while 90% are into mobile gaming. 70% of this online porn access occurs between 9:00 AM and 5:00 PM. (Fight the New Drug, 2019, data provided by Pornhub, which actually provides such data, unlike others.). Children see pornography as young as seven, new report finds. (2020, February 24). Lockdown porn: How quarantine changed adult content. Online gambling surges to 20% of gambling revenue in 2020. (2020, March 24). Problem gambling & crime & its costs. (BBFC, 2020), 57% of teens search out porn at least monthly. 36% of parents and 32% of teens say they argue with each other on a daily basis about device use. 61% of internet users are addicted to it. 35% of whom do within 5 minutes. The most up-to-date pornography statistics. (The Recovery Village, 2020), $10,000+ the estimated lifetime costs of arrests for individuals with severe gambling problems. (IWF, n.d.), In 2019, 89% of known URLs containing child porn materials were hosted in Europe, up from 79% in 2018. (, 2019), Online gamblers can hide their activities, unlike traditional gamblers whose extended presence at casinos or racetracks is likely to be noticed and flagged. Prevalence of internet gaming disorder and its association with personality traits and gaming characteristics among Chinese adolescent gamers. It's not surprising that the older generation (55-64) has the lowest percentage of . I wasnt sure it was normal to watch it. (NSPCC, 2016), 71% of teens hide online behavior from their parents. Pornhubs annual report: Can you guess 2019s top searched porn terms? From 2000 to 2020, internet use increased by 1,266%. (The Recovery Village, 2020), A study of Gamblers Anonymous members found that 57% had stolen to finance their gambling, with a combined financial impact of theft equaling $30 million. In the U.S., 46% of gamers are female. (2021, February 2). Business Intelligence Analyst Skills: Which Ones Must You Have? What Heroin Addiction Tells Us About Changing Bad Habits. (Statista, 2020), Worldwide in 2020, the average gamer spends $60 on games and peripherals. Those include addiction to video games, social media, and texting. (Gambling Commission, 2019), Girls are more likely than boys to remember the last gambling advert they saw was about a National Lottery draw-based game. Martellozzo, E., Monaghan, A., Adler, J. R., Davidson, J., Leyva, R., & M. A.H. Horvath. (2020, December 18). (, 2020), Around 65.7% of people sleep with their mobile phones at night. Other disturbing facts include:. Internet pornography by the numbers: A significant threat to society. (Halcyon, 2021), 84% share of global population who couldnt go a single day without their mobile phones (Parasumaran, S., Sam, A. T., Yee, S. W., Chuon, B. L., & Ren, L. Y., 2017), 50% teens who feel they are addicted to their mobile phones (Parasumaran, S., et al., 2017), 27% parents who feel they are addicted to their mobile phones (Parasumaran, S., et al., 2017), 24.8-27.8% addiction rate among students (Parasumaran, S., et al., 2017), Experiencing the urge to use the phone when they should not. (2020, August 5). Webcamming: The sex work revolution that no one is willing to talk about. (Game Quitters 2020), US ethnicity breakdown of a gaming addict: 67% Caucasian, 15% Hispanic, 12% African, 5% Asian, and 3% other. A study revealed that online gambling experience had the most serious levels of gambling behaviors: problematic and pathological. In 2020, 21,669,264 cases of child pornography (possession, manufacture, and distribution) were reported. Psychiatrists have issued warnings over the link between depression and video game addiction, after MRI scans revealed potential damage caused to young brains. (The Rolebuild, 2021), 52% spend 3-4 hours more on their mobile phones daily than their romantic partners. The success of this treatment reinforces the idea that porn consumption is an addiction rather than a harmless casual activity. (ENOUGH IS ENOUGH, n.d.), 38% of women under the age of 40 have experienced unwanted slapping, choking, gagging, or spitting during consensual intercourse. Global Gambling Statistics 2021 A List of the Worlds Gambling Capitals. (Carrier Clinic, 2019), Just about any traditional form of gambling, even cockfighting, can be conducted online. Tech addiction statistics show that 48% of younger adults aged 18-19 go online almost constantly. (Rescue: Freedom International, 2017), 79% of human trafficking is sexual exploitation. Treatment enables people to counteract addiction's disruptive effects on their brain and behavior and regain control of their lives. In the case of online porn addiction, governments are already actively pursuing policies to commit porn websites to place age restrictions under heavy penalties. Its important for people to recognize the first signs of their technology addiction and try to combat it. delays in language development. (Morris, M., 2020). (The Rolebuild, 2021), In the same vein, 36% of respondents said that using their mobile phones less would make their partners happier. 0.3% to 1% of the general population fit the criteria for a video game addiction diagnosis in the US, UK, Canada, and Germany. (Ipsos, 2019), Boys are more likely than girls to report seeing or hearing a gambling advert about a sports event (39% of boys vs. 28% of girls) or betting company (34% vs 21%). (Statista, 2020), From 2020 to 2027, the online gaming industry is poised to grow at a CAGR of 11.5%. (DailyWireless, 2020), Regularly relying on the phone to kill boredom. (Grinols, E. L., & Mustard, 2016), Online gambling addiction among college students: 1 in 20 college students meet the criteria for compulsive gambling. Are you having an affair with your phone? (National Center for Responsible Gaming Fact Sheet, n.d.), Based on the latest study of its kind (2017), Australia ($958) is the country with the largest gambling losses per adult, followed by Hong Kong ($768), Singapore ($725), Finland ($515), New Zealand ($454), Japan ($447), Ireland ($433), Norway ($430), United States ($421), and Canada (382). In the U.S., 51 million children play video games. (2020, May 10). (NCMEC, 2020), In the same period, 120,590 other file formats of child sexual abuse were reported. (Verywell Mind, n.d.), Lying to family members or others to hide the extent of gambling. (ASACP, 2009). (The Rolebuild, 2021), Meanwhile, 93% of men say they can do away with their mobile phones while enjoying intimacy with their partners. (2020). (Addiction Center, 2020). (2020, May 15). By 2027, it is estimated to reach a revised size of $632.4 billion at a CAGR of 5% over the 2020-2027 period. In the final analysis, it might be up to technology itself to prevent these forms of technology addiction from even occurring in the first place. On average, people spend 4 hours and 10 minutes using mobile devices. (Grinols, E. L., & Mustard, D. B., 2016), More than 67% of compulsive gamblers report committing crimes directly related to gambling. Technology dependence is an umbrella term that includes addictive behavior towards video gaming, social media, texting, gambling, cybersex and online porn, eBay and other online auctioning or . Damage Control is Possible. 72% of teens and 48% of parents feel the need to immediately respond to texts, social-networking messages, and other notifications. So, its 41% for people in their twenties, 38% for those in their thirties and dropped even more for the older age groups 29% for those in their forties and 23% for those in their fifties. (2021, February 4). (The Rolebuild, 2021), 72% of men would not let their partners use their mobile phones. (Source), CompareCamp: 46 Internet addiction statistics: 2020/2021 data, facts & predictions, cited January 2023. (The Recovery Village, 2020), Around 10% of compulsive online gamblers report being concerned about substance abuse. Oftentimes digital dependencies can also lead to insomnia or poor sleep-hygiene, which can then also contribute to exacerbating underlying mental health conditions and increased stress levels . Users unlock their phones 150 times daily. (Conquer Series, 2020), Consistent with other studies, research on porn showed that 46.9% of respondents became more interested in more extreme porn that had previously disinterested or even disgusted them. the fear of being without a smartphone. (The Rolebuild, 2021), 28% of men and 22% of women said their mobile phones had caused arguments. (Forbes, 2020), 25% of young people are dealing with problematic mobile phone usage. (Source), CBS: More and more young adults addicted to social media, cited January 2023. (Addiction Center, 2020), In the US, psychologists estimate that around 5-10% of the population meet the criteria for social media addiction. (2018, January 7). Technology has become an essential part of our lives, and its no surprise technology addiction is rising. (Statista, 2018), Based on the gambling revenue based on visitors, the top 10 countries or locations are Macau ($1,354), Australia ($736), Singapore ($446), Philippines ($404), South Korea ($189), Las Vegas, USA ($156), Atlantic City, USA ($112), Cambodia ($73), and Malaysia ($72). (2020, February 24). How much money does porn make? (Adults Toy Guide, 2020), In 2020, porn sites received more traffic than Twitter, Instagram, Netflix, Zoom, Pinterest, and LinkedIn combined. Thus, on average, 90% of the US population are current internet users. World of tanks streamer dies during 24-hour Twitch marathon. (2021, March 17). (n.d.). (National Coalition Against Legalized Gambling, n.d.), 69% of adolescents reported beginning gambling before the age of 12. (The Recovery Village, 2020), Nearly 1 in 5 patients seen with suicidal ideation met the criteria for online gambling addiction. It has penetrated our everyday lives. (The Rolebuild, 2021), 21% of people admit they turn their smartphones face down to hide their phone activities; 27% of men do the same to hide their activities. 14. Addiction statistics from 2019 uncover that 138,027 Americans over the age of 12 reported having used illegal drugs or marijuana in their lives. (DailyWireless, 2020), A pioneering study reported a strong correlation between smartphone accessibility and decreased productivity. 26-35-year-old gamers have the highest average number of hours played per week at 8 hours and 13 minutes, followed by 18-25 year-olds at 7 hours and 47 minutes, then by 36-45 year-olds at 7 hours and 46 minutes. The impact of COVID-19 pandemic on pornography habits: a global analysis of Google Trends. In the U.S., 163 million adults play video games. Young people and gambling survey 2019. (2021, February 23). (, 2020), 32.7% spend more time on their mobile phones than with their significant others. About 38% of adults in 2017 battled an . The highest rate of addiction is in the 16-29 year old group (4% addicted, 19% at risk). Technology addiction is a broad term that refers to the uncontrollable urge to use technological devices such as computers, smartphones, and gaming systems. (Reuters, 2020), Flutter Entertainment is not alone: FanDuel, Fox, MGM Resorts International, and Caesars Entertainment have followed suit, offering online sports betting since the third quarter of 2020. The success of video games, however, also comes with a price: child technology statistics and teenage technology addiction statistics reveal that it is likely to be the source of problematic use of technology among children and teens. (2020, May 11). (n.d.). (Carrier Clinic, 2019), Gambling even when money is scarce and debts are accumulating. Social media addiction is a behavioral disorder manifested by compulsive and excessive use of social media. (IWF, 2021), 511 self-generated child porn images and videos assessed in this period involved siblings, equivalent to 8 images or videos each working day. Internet use on Australian teenagers found a third of respondents were "in the process of become psychologically addicted" and teenagers, on average, spent 12 hours a week online. (Covenant Eyes, 2020), Those who had committed adultery are 218% more likely to look at porn. No Internet access is considered unpleasant by 37%. Nestor Gilbert is a senior B2B and SaaS analyst and a core contributor at FinancesOnline for over 5 years. (The Guardian, 2020), To understand the online gamblersor any gambler for that matterchance of winning, you have to calculate the cost of play that factors in house advantage, the number of times you bet per minute, the amount of your individual bets, and the total amount you wager per hour. (The Recovery Village, 2020), There is a correlation between compulsive online gambling and depression. Teens spend an average of 7 hours and 22 minutes on their phones a day, and children of age 8-12 are not far behind, at 4 hours and 44 minutes daily. Healthline has also chimed in, stating that there are many different types of technology addiction in existence these days. (The Recovery Village, 2020), Problem gamblers are 297% more likely to have committed a crime in the previous year than non-problem gamblers. Social media risks identified during the study included heavy and problematic use; sleeping interference; exposure to self-harm or suicidal content; inauthenticity or being untrue to oneself; negative upward social comparison; and thwarted belongingness or unmet need to connect to others. (Conquer Series, 2020), 94% of children will see porn by the age of 14. Conversation killer! 12 Best Email Management Software for 2023, 12 Best Remote Monitoring Software Solutions in 2023. (Kryszajtys, D. T., & Matheson, F. I., 2017), 10 to 15% experience at-risk gambling. (BBFC, 2019). 67% of participants felt worse about their own lives because of social media. Phone addiction is the obsessive use of a smartphone. (RTD, 2021), 64% of Christian men and 15% of Christian women watch porn at least once a month. The merest alert notification prompts everyone to reach for them as instantly as possible. 46% in this age group claim to go online several times a day. (Gambling Commission, 2019), 16% would go to an older sibling. 56% of parents admit they check their mobile devices while driving, 51% of teens see their parents checking/using their mobile devices when driving. The risks of technology addiction include physical health problems, social isolation, decreased productivity, and difficulty concentrating. (2019). Meanwhile, only 11% of teenage girls share the same view. (BBFC, 2019). Cam girls are cashing in. The internet serves as the backbone from which all cases of technology addiction statistics spring from. (Ipsos, 2019), 40% remember the last gambling advert they saw being a National Lottery draw-based game. Our growing reliance on technology heavily influences today's tech addiction statistics. (Hagar, M. H., 2020), Consumption of pornography is associated with greater acceptance of the objectification of women, which in turn is associated with greater rape myth acceptance and more frequent acts of sexual deception. (, 2020), Mobile phone use reduces a drivers attention by as much as 37%. (NCMEC, 2020), In 2020, approximately 44% of all child sexual abuse material reported to the Internet Watch Foundation involved self-generated material. (Webroot, n.d.), Naltexrone, an opiate antagonist found effective for treating alchoholism, blocks opiates capacity to augment dopamine release. (n.d.). (Covenant Eyes, 2020), 91.5% (91-99% consistency) of men had consumed porn within the last month. (The Rolebuild, 2021), More than 50% of adults never switch off their mobile phones. (2020, July 7). ( 2) This is equivalent to over 4 billion more users since 1997, when there were only 36 million people online. (Refinery, 2021), 30% increase in web traffic for during the pandemic. This is equivalent to a 15% increase from 2019. (DataReportal, 2021), 9% of the time that people are using their mobile phones is spent playing video games. (Gregory, C., 2019), In the US, internet gaming addiction is now listed in Section 3 of the, Some studies link internet addiction to physically changing the brain structure, specifically altering the amount of gray and white matter in regions of the prefrontal brain. Association of Sites Advocating Child Protection |. Meanwhile, a notable six-year research study (the longest study ever done on video game addiction) on video gaming addiction found that: The same study noted the following three distinct trajectories of video game use over the six-year period: Accounting for the effect of the coronavirus pandemic, RENTCaf noted the following results: In South Korea, a study on IGD has revealed that: Still, in South Korea, IDG incidence in the country could be attributed to the following factors: In modern societies, there is nothing more pervasive and ubiquitous than the sight of mobile phones. (The Recovery Village, 2020), Another study found that the prevalence of alcohol use disorders in compulsive online gamblers was as high as 73%. Criteria such as chasing losses are unique to gambling disorders. This is down 23.32% from 2019 (41,280,816). Cam sites are seeing a spike during quarantine, but not just because people are horny. In 2020, the global average mobile and fixed broadband download speeds are 34.82 and 84.33 megabytes per second (Mbps), respectively. In February 2018, the, RedlightNetwork puts the 2020 global porn industry market value at $97 billion. Since porn companies are privately owned, it is generally hard to ascertain the market value of the industry. ( Reuters, 2020 ), the Netherlands hosted 71 % of think. Significant threat to society phone to kill boredom, 63 % of the US National.. About device use watch porn at least every hour, 63 % children. Obsessive use of a smartphone Gilbert is a global problem, and difficulty concentrating the estimated lifetime of... Gilbert is a senior B2B and SaaS Analyst and a core contributor at FinancesOnline for over years... Mustard, 2016 ), Nearly 1 in 5 patients seen with suicidal ideation the... Statista, 2020 ), 20 % of teens and 48 % of the time people... 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statistics about technology addiction