revolver ocelot copypasta

Requiring a character who could speak about Russia within the main story, director Hideo Kojima made Ocelot of Russian descent. Due to his heritage as the son of legendary hero The Boss, formerly The Joy, he was given preferential treatment within the organization, promoted to the rank of Major at a very young age, and given command of his own personal squad. By the time of the dissolution of the Soviet Union, Ocelot had left the Spetsnaz. A hidden Easter egg shows Ocelot secretly in attendance during Big Boss's award ceremony at Langley. While Snake neutralized the Ocelot Unit, Ocelot himself captured EVA and held her at knife point, brandishing his new revolver at Snake. Reaching the Ponizovje warehouse, Ocelot rendezvoused with Volgin and the Boss, where he intimidated the uncooperative scientist Sokolov in a game of Russian roulette, almost killing him before The Boss intervened. Unable to convince Volgin, Ocelot watched in horror as the Colonel launched the miniature warhead and destroyed the facility in a nuclear explosion. Ocelot explained Big Boss' true plan of organizing the nation of Outer Heaven, and asked Miller to aid the revolution by continuing to support him and Venom Snake. "[35] Both alluded to Ocelot's American origins, with "ADAM" being the codename of the NSA defector assigned to meet Naked Snake during Operation Snake Eater. However, it was later decided that Ocelot would instead possess a transplanted arm from Liquid Snake, due to latter's positive reception by fans of the previous game. After Snake and EVA try to escape using the WiG, Ocelot quite literally crashes the party, and dumps Snake's weapons into the lake. This will also allow the player to use the SAA in subsequent playthroughs. His boss fight is also one of the few that doesn't contain any supernatural elements in it and one of only two canon non-lethal fights Snake has in the storyline (the other being the first phase of the Volgin fight). city: bartow. Hoping to free the country from the Philosophers and attain the entire Legacy (as well as the complete list with the identities of the Philosopher members), Ocelot intended to take what the DCI had stolen from both him and his co-conspirator, and thus carry on The Boss's spirit. Snake ultimately sided with Ocelot, demanding that Miller let her go.[12]. Ocelot later challenged Solid Snake to a gunfight. Resist! However, he only did this under the condition that Big Boss be allowed to join them as well. If Snake is killed during the torture session, Liquid will berate Ocelot for "doing it again" during the Game Over sequence, with Ocelot apologizing. Because of this, some fans, as well as a reviewer for the video game magazine Electronic Gaming Monthly, consider the boss fight to be ruined. In 1975, after Big Boss's Militaires Sans Frontires were decimated by rogue Cipher strike force XOF, Ocelot was contacted by Zero for the last time. Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater Trial Edition,,,,,,,,,, Board screwing up/MGS2: Lost in Translation Hyper Edition - - Page 4:: Forums:: THE SNAKE SOUP (, Troy Baker Confirmed as Ocelot in Metal Gear Solid V - IGN,, Troy Baker Shares New Details About MGS V: The Phantom Pain, The Absence of David Hayter And Ocelot,, Metal Gear Solid: Twin Snakes - Resist! Ocelot also was an opponent on the series official website's Versus Battle, where he fought against Liquid and Solidus. Early in the insurrection, Ocelot tortured ArmsTech President Kenneth Baker and broke his right arm, resulting in Baker divulging his detonation code for Metal Gear REX. revolver ocelot copypastai'm hopeless and awkward and desperate for love gif. As a young man, Ocelot was extremely arrogant, overly confident and had a large ego. [58] This update was erroneously reported as having occurred on July 31, 2017. [43][44], Ocelot appears as his younger self in the prequel Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater. Travel to the Airport and interrogate the FOX soldier at the control deck in order to learn the man's radio frequency: 141.23. A master of interrogation and a formidable gunfighter, he was often referred to as a "ricochet genius" in regards to his gun fighting skills. Although Old Snake comes into close proximity of Liquid Ocelot on at least two occasions in Metal Gear Solid 4, the new strain of FOXDIE within Snake did not immediately affect him. But when Ocelot loses the fight it doesn't take long before his favorite revolver ends up in his hand. When Volgin's lover Tatyana arrived, he noticed the smell of motorcycle gasoline on her, and made his suspicions known to her by threatening her with a crossbow and commenting on the state of her boots (which were biking boots instead of officer boots). It was during the war in Afghanistan that Ocelot became feared among the mujahideen as a sadist, for which they named him "Shalashaska. Using Solidus's DNA to enter the Patriots' AI network, Ocelot succeeded in taking over the SOP system and used it to disable every gun and weapon in the world. After making a full recovery another three months later, she speculated that her body had willed her to live for the sake of her unborn child. Following Volgin's defeat in combat and the bombs' subsequent detonation, Ocelot pursued Snake and EVA on motorcycle, and was later saved from falling debris by Snake's rocket launcher. They prefer to hunt alone." Revolver Ocelot. Afterwards, Ocelot replaced Liquid's arm with a cybernetic one. Revolver Ocelot, also known as Major Ocelot and Liquid Ocelot, is an agent of the Patriots and former member of FOXHOUND known for his skills as a gunslinger and a major antagonist of the Metal Gear franchise, serving as the main antagonist of the Solid sub-series. in English. When Huey was exiled from Diamond Dogs, Ocelot displayed great maturity, stating his hopes that Huey would one day accept the painful truth and realize what kind of man he was. During the Shagohod chase sequence, Ocelot insults Volgin in anger after the latter nearly killed him with the Shagohod's rocket boosters. On February 5th, 2018, iFunny [3] user Zanji reposted an image of Ai Kizuna captioned with the copypasta, gaining over 40 smiles (shown below, right). After Snake was captured while infiltrating the fortress, Ocelot again bore witness to Volgin's brutal torture, but developed an appreciation for it, calling it "the ultimate form of expression." He would go on to torture many individuals in a similar manner throughout his career, often with a preference for the application of electrical shocks. 2/10 Liquid Is Liquid Ocelot's The Dominant Personality In Japan. The name "Adam" derives from the Hebrew noun ha adamah meaning "the ground" or "earth," and is the name of the first man in the Book of Genesis from the Hebrew Bible and the Christian Old Testament. [5] Interrupting the American CIA's own extraction of Sokolov, via their agent Naked Snake, Ocelot had his unit surrounding the two, and attempted to kill Snake, having confused him for a defecting U.S. soldier. Ocelot will either take both SAAs after the duel, or, if the player chose the final option, let Snake keep the unloaded SAA. The Joy learned of her pregnancy during a secret mission, which resulted in her blowing her cover and being injured by enemy gunfire. He implied that the reputation he'd earned as a torturer in Afghanistan was in part a cover calculated to keep Venom Snake safe while he was in the hospital; instead, he preferred making precise threats to obtain information from prisoners without being excessive, as opposed to Miller's often hotheaded, bloodthirsty behavior. He also was given a subtle reference in the HD version of the game, where his catchphrase, "You're pretty good", was the name of an achievement/trophy issued to players who successfully managed to shoot a soldier in the rear end and instantly down them. He then proceeded to fight Raiden in the fourth round, only to lose against him. Ocelot attempted to track the group to no avail. After interrogating Huey again, Ocelot managed to learn the location of OKB Zero, where Skull Face had been overseeing further development of the Metal Gear Sahelanthropus, which Snake had encountered when he first extracted Huey. Some fans had previously speculated that Ocelot was the "deviously cunning strategist" who had planned The Boss's death, whom Gene mentions to Naked Snake in Portable Ops. When asked by Liquid about the detonation keys, Ocelot claimed that Snake didn't carry any keys. He also confirmed that they had supplied the Chinese with a fake microfilm, revealing he deduced EVA was a Chinese agent. In the locker room screen, the player had the option of choosing the Single Action Army if playing as Ocelot. Recommended videos Powered by AnyClip AnyClip Product Demo 2022 Contents One of the most popular cowboy action guns is the 22-caliber Heritage Arms Rough Rider, which can be purchased new for around $100, while the Colt Python can sell used for $4,500, or more. Received special treatment as the son of a hero, enabling him to reach the rank of major while still a teenager. On December 5, 2014, Ocelot was confirmed to be a playable character in Metal Gear Online 3 via the debut trailer for The Game Awards. He also attempted to expose EVA in her disguise as Tatyana after she objected to Volgin ordering the The Boss to gouging Snake's eyes out, subjecting her to his Russian roulette. Ocelot appeared as a participant in the Konami-sponsored event E3 Battle, where he defeated TwinBee and WinBee from the 1985 game TwinBee in the first round via his military might. Ocelot planned to break his ties with his benefactor, until the mysterious man revealed battle data on the Perfect Soldier Project and introduced the concept of "genomes" to him. After Snake escaped, Ocelot hunted him down in the sewers and was about to shoot him with the bullet from their first meeting, until Snake evaded him by jumping from a waterfall. In the Japanese version, he yells "Bitch!" If Snake kills Ocelot after he is knocked unconscious in the Virtuous Mission, or during the fight with Colonel Volgin in the Shagohod hangar, a, Shooting the markhor during Snake's battle with Ocelot, at. In another trailer, Ocelot is shown interrogating Huey Emmerich and overseeing the interrogation of Quiet. Because Metal Gear Solid: The Twin Snakes incorporates some gameplay elements from Metal Gear Solid 2: Sons of Liberty, such as First Person View, the battle against Ocelot is significantly easier than in the original, where the player has to find out where Ocelot was hiding and then use the sound source to shoot at him. Cory Mills, 42, is a U.S. Army combat veteran who lives in New Smyrna . [38], At some point, prior to joining FOXHOUND, he encountered and worked alongside Psycho Mantis. Ocelot is quick and agile when you fight him in MGS3, just like an ocelot. So we're going to shake things up a bit. Interrogate him about the "revolver-twirling man," and he will mention that he went to the. In the English version of Metal Gear Solid 4, Patric Zimmerman, Revolver Ocelot's English voice actor in Metal Gear Solid and Metal Gear Solid 2, voiced Liquid Ocelot. [39], At some point between 2005 and 2007, Ocelot, with EVA's help, utilized a prototype device meant for the S3 Plan that was stolen by the latter from the Patriots to begin his attempt at becoming Liquid Ocelot.[40]. Ocelot's codename of ADAM was originally intended to be reused for a character in Metal Gear Solid 4, described as a handsome Russian soldier. By doing so, he intentionally deprived Liquid of the necessary launch codes for Metal Gear, though the real reason was that Anderson recognized Ocelot as not truly working for the terrorists. After REX and RAY were disabled, Ocelot retreated to an Arsenal Gear-class battleship stolen from the Patriots that he turned into his main base and outfitted with REX's rail gun. As the CEO of the Outer Heaven mother company, he controlled five of the largest PMCs and the benefactor of an all female mercenary group. [42] Originally, Ocelot was to have been unable to bend the fingers of his transplanted arm, but could do so whenever Liquid gained control of his body. After Snake and Otacon uploaded a computer worm into the battleship, Ocelot's forces were defeated, though that had been part of his plan all along. Ocelot was conceived in late 1943 by The Joy and The Sorrow, an American and Russian soldier, respectively, of the Allied Forces' Cobra Unit. Ocelot later vowed to kill Snake during a conversation with Vulcan Raven, expressing irritation when the latter reminded him of his defeat. He's also playable in the online mode if the player goes to the custom matches. Ocelot temporarily abandoned the chase after the escapees destroyed a nearby rail bridge which he narrowly avoided falling into, costing him one of his revolvers in the process. He was supposed to stay away from the action, but he disobeyed orders, and when a Gurlukovich soldier who evaded Snake's assault on a unit of soldiers near the boiler room holds discovered his presence and questioned him of it, he shot the hapless soldier dead and departed, although not before telling the then-recently deceased soldier that his commander will "join [the soldier] soon." during the. Manage all your favorite fandoms in one place! At Zero's request, he also established contact with Kazuhira Miller, Big Boss's former comrade, and leader of MSF's successors Diamond Dogs. At the end of Raiden's mission, Ocelot revealed that all the events that had unfolded were scripted by the Patriots and that Solidus and Raiden were merely pawns and had been part of a huge test scenario for the Patriots' new GW AI; the only part that was unscripted was the appearance of Solid Snake. As the pursuit continued onto a runway, Ocelot was nearly killed by the backwash from the Shagohod's rocket booster ignition, which the pilot Volgin relished as revenge for Ocelot's earlier disobedience. As a result, they formed a plan to recover Big Boss's body from Zero's clutches. Even though she was previously involved in the attempt on Venom Snake's life, Ocelot prevented Miller from having her executed and encouraged Venom Snake to allow her to partake in his missions, allowing Quiet to demonstrate her skills and prove her loyalty to her new team. [the Ocelot unit all laugh at Snake] Ocelot : [Ocelot flips out his gun and catches it with his right hand] If you're not The Boss. Ocelot was recruited by Major Zero of FOX, along with Big Boss, Sigint, Para-Medic and EVA, to found a successor organization to the Philosophers, which would come to be known as the Patriots. STRENGTHS:Master Gunslinger and InfiltratorWEAKNESSES:Revolvers Run DryFEATURED FACT:The child of The Joy and The Sorrow, Ocelots myriad mercenary & spy skills allow him to battle and match wits with anyoneFEATURED GAME:METAL GEAR SOLID: THE LEGACY COLLECTIONOcelot in Versus Battle; against Liquid, STRENGTHS:The Power of Revolver Ocelot + Liquid SnakeWEAKNESSES:Solid SnakeFEATURED FACT:The man known as Revolver Ocelot became known as Liquid Ocelot in 2007 when his mind became possessed by the clone known as Liquid SnakeFEATURED GAME:METAL GEAR SOLID: THE LEGACY COLLECTIONOcelot in Versus Battle; against Solidus, Although Ocelot himself does not make an appearance in Metal Gear Survive, his trademark "You're pretty good" gesture is an unlockable gesture in the game, accessible by completing the event episode "The Encounter: Begin 1964 Event.". Oddly, in some cutscenes, Ocelot appears to be taller than Venom Snake, such as when Eli hijacks Metal Gear Sahelanthropus. Revolver Ocelot is a recurring antagonist in the action stealth game series Metal Gear. Throughout his career, Ocelot became personally acquainted with all five men codenamed Snake: a friendly rival to Big Boss (aka Naked Snake), the right hand man for Liquid Snake and Solidus Snake, one of Venom Snake's top advisers, and a nemesis to Solid Snake. He then promptly fought against the Beauty and the Beast Unit in the third round, of whom he finished off. [48] After the duel with Snake, Ocelot exclaims, "You were lucky! Ocelot is not recruited in the normal manner, but is unlocked after completing the game, in the next playthrough. If Snake had any food in his backpack when he was captured by Volgin, EVA will reveal to him that Ocelot stole all of the food and ate it, during an optional radio conversation, after retrieving his gear. The two were pursued by the Man on Fire and a young child with supernatural abilities, but managed to escape and traveled to northern Kabul, Afghanistan to rescue Miller. favorite this post Nov 22 13 cds, Dave Mathews, Duran Duran, Metallica, etc $40 (dab > Ormond Beach) pic 80.7mi hide this posting restore restore this posting. During the interrogation, he revealed that he had fought wars in Afghanistan, Eritrea, Mozambique, and Chad, also revealing his allegiance to Gurlukovich and inferring that he planned to restore Russia. Ocelot, intrigued, then agreed to join him in the formation of a new organization. If Quiet is with Snake and has a high enough bond level, it will largely be the same, although Quiet stops Ocelot from dousing him and non-verbally tells Snake to head to her cell for a shower. When put together they create the word "Sharashaska" which then became Shalashaska. Ocelot's true goal was realized when he retrieved REX's test data from Snake, as per the President's orders, without handing it over to Liquid. He also refers to keeping "the woman" under surveillance. Although Ocelot himself does not actually appear within Metal Gear Solid V: Ground Zeroes itself, he is referenced in the Dj Vu Extra Op from Metal Gear Solid V: Ground Zeroes, with his dialogue in Metal Gear Solid being imitated and paraphrased by Kazuhira Miller during the end quiz segment. Little did Ocelot realize, however, that Sunny modified the computer worm to prevent the total collapse of civilization he had predicted, as Otacon explained soon after the fight was over. He also anticipated Solid Snake's arrival at the tanker, due to his other mission being to ensure Snake and Philanthropy were framed by the Patriots as revenge for the fame they gained during Shadow Moses. [2] His codename was originally to have been Lynx, though Kojima disliked the sound of it and decided to change it to Ocelot. In 1962, a threat towards Adamska's life was made to The Boss in order to ensure that she would assassinate her former comrade, Adamska's father The Sorrow. His signature weapon is the Tornado-6, which allows him to either double wield the pistols, or otherwise use one in conjunction with a shield. He is depicted as having an aged appearance with gray slick back hair and mustache, while wearing a brown duster jacket, cowboy boots with spurs, red scarf similar to those worn by members of the GRU's Ocelot Unit, and having a revolver on his belt. In addition, when reporting to the Patriots (namely someone identified as the President) about the success of his mission, he also promises to meet up with his contact at a pre-arranged location.[25]. The boss spread her desire for world peace by becoming Naked Snake's enemy and being killed by him to prove America's innocence. If the player loses to Ocelot too many times, Ocelot will remark that Snake will never live up to the Boss's name (referring to Liquid Snake) post-battle. a real life incident that occurred in September 1960. It is only in Metal Gear Solid 4 that the player is finally able to canonically defeat Ocelot (albeit as Liquid Ocelot). You may be looking for. After Big Boss (Naked Snake) foiled Gene's plan to have a nuclear missile hit Langley and the Pentagon, Ocelot secured the CIA's half of the Legacy and assassinated the DCI. The English version tones it down slightly to "Son of a Bitch!"[50]. Ocelot appears as one of the spirits in the game's World of Light mode, adopting his Snake Eater pachinko appearance. At some point, he had his right arm replaced with Liquid's arm via an arm transplant surgery in Lyon, France, with Solidus presumably being involved in the funding. [22] Ocelot, anticipating that Snake would escape from the medical room, also planted a time bomb within Snake's equipment, though the latter eventually discovered and disposed of it. Although he does not appear in Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater Trial Edition, he does have a brief voice cameo near the end of the demo, where he attempts to talk a Colonel out of trying to nuke his fellows to no avail, though he is not actually identified. Membership and slips. Likewise, Ocelot will also give a different response when his hand is cut off by the Ninja. When he was younger, Ocelot appeared to show patriotism toward Russia, always speaking up in defiance of Volgin's reckless killing of their fellow countrymen. Ocelot was later present with Liquid when deciding which to make REX's target, learning more of Liquid's plans about Outer Heaven, as well as wondering whether to keep Meryl as bait for Snake. Recruit EVA (for more information on how to do so, see. During his time in the Soviet Invasion of Afghanistan, Ocelot was caught in a helicopter crash when his helicopter was shot down by Afghan guerrillas, and he still carries the wound that was inflicted in that skirmish. Keeping `` the woman '' under surveillance the series official website 's Versus Battle, he! Had a large ego body from Zero 's clutches Liquid 's arm a. Enemy and being injured by enemy gunfire Ocelot himself captured EVA and her! A large ego to no avail x27 ; t take long before his favorite revolver ends up his... The time revolver ocelot copypasta the dissolution of the dissolution of the spirits in the next.! Shagohod chase sequence, Ocelot exclaims, `` you were lucky re going to shake things a... 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