okinawan karate stances

However, Karate tends to be formalised, much like the rest of the Japanese culture (not okinawan so much) and so seems more rigid and unchanging. Maybe this is a result of my style? Great article. It's probably the most well known. Maybe that's why there's so many different karate styles--opinions on how to approach karate. It would be nice to be able to pick up Karate again and not injure myself. Dear Jesse, After reading this article i can really see that Okinawan Karate has such a different 'mindset' than Japanese Karate does. Sanchin, 2. Okinawan martial arts systems had been divided into three main branches or styles commonly referred to as Shuri-te, Tomari-te and Naha-te after the communities in which . The Okinawan Karate of today has developed over centuries and was not the result of a single founder, as many schools of martial arts have been. The stance involves moving your back leg forward, making the back knee to be pushed into the back of the other knee. At least I hope it was not your intention. 2. I told them (for what I was able to see, I never practiced JK)that Japan Karate was more "militarized"It seems related with your point 2 in the note "how over why", and point 9 "indidualisation over mass training", and of course, the sport vision Okinawan Karate is practiced in various parts of the world, as it is the most reliable self-defense martial art to follow. There are good and bad Shotokan clubs, just as there are good and bad clubs of other styles. I really like your article Kanryo Higaonna, the founder of Goju Ryu, was one of the noblest people of Naha and the pioneer of the Naha-te fighting style. I doubt there is a big difference in our approach to separating sport karate from the true meaning of Budo. Kewa Mabuni studied the Okinawan Shuri Ryu Karate in-depth and developed this art form. Any tips on where to go? Great job Jesse in explaining and defining the concept of karate roots and applications. 6. Now the hand does stop when the arm is fully extended. The stance is shin length and around two fist widths wide, with both legs slightly bent, the front foot facing straight forward and the back foot pointed outward at about 20-30 degrees. My 2 cents on your points: He was born in Shuri and was an active part of Karate practices in the Ryuku Kingdom. (1) That was a very in-depth posting. Putting them in a box called Japanese karate and saying that Okinawan karate is superior in that Japanese karate lack what "real" karate is all about says more to me about you, that it actually does about karate (not distinguishing between Okinawan or Japanese). How is it condescending or insulting to state an opinion that there exists a superior and inferior something? My cousin is still over there as we speak. Good Article All that aside, I thoroughly enjoyed the article. Hope to see future articles like this as I have Black belts in Wado-ryu and Goju-ryu and would love to see articles posted about the foundations of those 2 styles. When you're trained primarily individually, you will get used to your instructor and how he does things and that's it. Stances are important in karate as they represent the foundation, or roots of good technique. A lot of practitioners don't know that Karate is the Okinawan adaptation of Chinese Kung Fu (southern white. I also believe that the traditional karate styles, including Wado Ryu, are superior to the conventional training we see in MMA. Awesome experience, we did our own training at the Budokan. That's to describe, but to DEFINE is lots more complex. Due to a reason i cannot explain i am unable to see the images in #3, #4, #6, #8, #9, #10, Thank you so much for your very informative and inspiring articles. Okinawan Shorin Ryu karate has many sub-styles, amongst which Matsubayashi-Ryu is the most common one. 2. Explore Okinawan Karate! Quite naturally, this aspect of combat also involves other nasty things like choking, unbalancing, throwing, trapping hands, hitting pressure points and nerve bundles. Keep a distance of approximately two shoulder width between your feet. I've been a few times in Japan but never practicing karate and never in Okinawa. I was taught the details you mentioned, foot movement, hip movement, etc. Your whole front foot is fat on the floor. | The martial art had an evolution separate from Was there the Kokutsu dachi shotokan version ( with the plant of the feet on the ground)on okinawa karate? I do taekwondo but love watching you on YouTube and am interested in karate. "Imi" translates to "meaning" in English. thus kata bunkai have included emphasis on striking Disciples learn techniques that include hard, closed fist punches and soft, open hand strikes. Perhaps your obscure style might have a mix of all sorts of different stuff to make it a little more well-rounded. It was very helpful for me which was a very old karate lover since 1972 . I will add a link to the original one in your site and attribute the original article to you, of course. In the US you pretty much have to do whatever keeps you in business. TERMS are just the short cut to thinking you know "KARATE". Your article make me want to travel to japan again, but this time to Okinawa. To me the Okinawan lesson is knowing the WHY behind the HOW is what brings one to better training, execution & application of the HOW. I wouldn't brag about being a direct lineage of Funakoshi Sensei, because while he was a great karateka, he didn't teach his students as well as he could have. Interesting article! | Renzoku means to continue. For instance, in "mass" training, you as a student have the opportunity to spar with many different types of people. Everyone knows Kyokushin isn't designed for practicality, but for looks. Jessie, as a 17 year old in 1969 and 2 year practitioner of Isshinru under the tutelage of sensei Doug Thompson (Marine Corp Gunnery Sgt.) 8. Karate () is a martial art developed in the in what is now Okinawa, Japan. Keep up the great work! Good Job!!! Gekisai Dai Ichi Before the creation of Gekisai Dai Ichi and Gekisai Dai Ni, new students of Goju Ryu karate were taught Sanchin for years before being introduced to other katas. Shito Ryu 3. removal of grappling/joint locking etc, from karate.. Interesting! In Japanese Karate, the verbal command Osu! (pronounced Oss!)is used sometimes. #1. Your posts about Karate are very informative and well-written. Okinawa Goju-Ryu Karate-Do Kyokai [Sandangi] Renzoku Bunkai. Nobody has the truth. Wish I could afford one of your new gi's. This phenomenon, along with tournaments, is the reason why many movements of Japanese Karateare bigger and more simplified than Okinawan Karate movements. I would argue against claims that Shotokan is for mass training rather than individual training. Wonderful reading, thank you for this! I practice Shotokan, simply because that was the style that most dojo' taught when I started on my journey. But I think also things vary between federations and Dojo's. This really shows your misunderstanding of Japanese karate. Hey Jim, I never thought of it that way. I respect the author's piece, especially since the Japanese karates evolved out of the Okinawan karates, to do a little synthesis, liking to the author's "Karate-Tree Piece." I was clueless! locking and suchlike are against 'the rules'.. traditions it is very interesting and relevant for anyone Yes, sort of. Ive NEVERheard the term Osu! Everyone are there as friends, working together in the spirit of Karate. It also has higher stances and teaches throws and locks. Was a third degree green belt when my sensei went psycho and my mom pulled me out. The comparisons articles of this kind, degrading one style or another are not to be expected of true Budoka at least out of respect. No. Tensh, 3. Thanks for your great article. Karate for me has always first been a way of life, a way to better myself physically and mentally. You are shown the how. I first learned the 'how' before I learned the 'why'. I for one have never said anything bad about another style of martial art. Gosoku-ryu is a Japanese style of Karate that combines techniques from Shotokan and Goju-ryu. It originated from the indigenous Ryukyuan martial arts, also known as "hand" or "te" tii in Okinawan) developed under the influence of Chinese martial arts, particularly Fujian White Crane. That is not the case for all Japanese styles or practitioners, of course, but that is a generalization. The Essence Of Karate-Do By Shoshin Nagamine, 3. "TERMS" mean nothing, you can call it "rocks,pillow,tv" whatever word you want, you still need to TRAIN HARD to ever experience the felling of the "TERM" you are talking about. Partial or total reproduction or republication is strictly forbidden. You have explained to me WHY I love this style of Karate. But anOkinawan sensei willoftenremind you of the purpose of akata instead. Suggestion for guest article(s): One take away from this, totally unrelated to the topic of this article is "there is no holier-than-thou aura around the sensei either." Uchinna-guchi. Okinawan karate form focuses more on making a dignified and noble karateka than a good fighter. What makes it stand out is its elementary karate principles. The knee is positioned to take advantage of that fact. Yes, it includes the comparatively few dojos of Japanese styles like Shotokan and Kyokushin. Rather than face MMA, I guess you and this gentleman should face off and resolve the strong feelings.. Kanryo Higaonna 2. Thanks for this. The most important "aspect" of any martial art is the "person" that is training. Okinawan Karate > Shotokan Karate. at net, except I know I am getting experience daily by reading such good content. They were considered a way of living as they developed ones mind and body. That's the point. Include your email address to get a message when this question is answered. Herschask them if they will sell you a new gi a piece at a timemaybe get the sleeves , then the rest of the jacket,and then the pants one leg at a time! Japanese Karate, on the other hand, is often more focused on the How rather than the Why. I practice Goju-ryu which is an Okinawan karate and I never realised how different the Japanese karate was. [bow] Karate enthusiasts in Japan practice it because they believe its good for their health. Matsubayashi-ryu (), is a style of Okinawan karate founded byShoshin Nagamine(1907-1997). I also love learning the differences in karate. And Shotokan is a watered-down version of what Funakoshi Sensei knew, so no, it's not considered and Okinawan style. in India people is not much aware of your ebsite and your tremendous knowledge in martial arts. Uechi was amongst the very few people who went to China to study Panginoon or kung-fu. After completing the move put your fists back at your waist. It's the individual who brings the excellence and your comment is ample demonstration. In the 90's we had three from the Dojo, where I began my training, who were world rated professional kick boxers, long before MMA. I might as well quite kkarate after reading this article and same others which potentially say karate is crap. Approved. Great article Jesse and I like the way you explain the why not the how in everything you do. I encourage my students to de-construct the "How" as taught, into the "why" by looking at other karate styles to see how the Japanese style has evolved/morphed into what it is, thereby understanding its history and application. I am an Okinawan Practitioner for over 22 years. Wow, great article! The correct relationship between the feet and floor. But I never think could be a good idea to write bout all those differences, and people can undertand theme, so congrats for do it, and I hope be in contact. Just as you could be considered an expert in Wado Ryu, I don't see how I need to be in expert in every style of traditional karate in order to have opinion which may be valid in some way. Though I havent earned my Black Belt yet, I am deeply passionate about my training. But in Okinawan Karate its still being practiced. Shortly after arriving at our family home in Awase, outside of Sukiran and one of my first forays I found myself outside of the Kadena AFB gate going into town. Shotokan especially JKA emphasizes building the foundation first hence low and long stances, Kyokushin training structure is similar, that's KIHON basics, the actual combat is another story. According to the masters, they needed to know why they were doing what they were doing. :). After he mastered the Chinese fighting style, he came back and trained many other karatekas in Okinawa and mainland Japan. Despite balancing the two styles, do you find yourself having a tendency to prefer Japanese to Okinawan, or Okinawan to Japanese? By signing up you are agreeing to receive emails according to our privacy policy. As its karatekas are taught to never attack first.. self-confidence when taught correctly. Karates heritage is everywhere in Okinawa, and its such a natural part of their culturethat it simplymakes no sense to compete in it. The Naha-di system is comprised of nine kata and a philosophy. And, SMALL groups in the class. In the style I was taught we first learned deep strong stances and beautiful 'dramatic' tecliques and 'perfection'. Not sure what Jesse is saying about the OSS thing though, it is used out here. Bend your front knee so that it prevents you from seeing your front foot. Keep a distance of approximately one and a half shoulder width between your feet. I respect all traditional Karate styles, there's a benefit in every single one of them. Arigato gozaimasu. Jesse, 10. I have always been in love with the history of karate, and the history of Okinawa, one deeply related to the other. 4. Since then, Ive revisited the amazing islandover a dozen times. My branch of Shorin-Ryu does not have any kokutsu-dachi, for example, but other branches do. Can you possibly do a primer on the weapons you mentioned in this article? This gearis still being used in Okinawan Karate today. Though, it appears that thin-skinned people do so, taking insult that they could be viewed as having a less than equal fighting system than another. Thanks! DEBATE IS HEALTHY/ KUMITE HAS "1" WINNER: It is obvious to see that Japanese karate had and influence on my predominately Okinawan style that is taught in the states. 4. For young Japanese karatekas, its a mere sports activity in which they have to play, score points and win. Every system has its place and each of these systems have attributes that make them appealing but no one system is superior to another except to each individual and they choose the system that appeals to their interests. Each Okinawan karate style is derived from either a particular karate masters style or a mix of different masters techniques. The body should be squarely forward unless a half-turn han-mi is applied. Hello. To define is to say what something is, whereas to describe is just to say how it is. Were committed to providing the world with free how-to resources, and even $1 helps us in our mission. However we do not embellish our kata by adding any extra movements what is different is usually the execution. One uses what I would call kiba dachi and the other uses the higher naihahchi dachi, what my style would call soto hachi monji dachi. While that might be true, spinning hook kicks have proven their effectiveness in MMA. The fact that we disagree or have differences of opinion, isn't that realistic in karate & life? Could you possibly have been more condescending in your comments. Ossu! Pull back your front leg with only the ball of your foot lightly touching the ground. There are more than 90 katas in this style, and most of them are focused on either attacks or blocks. Especially the term "Kime": There was no person, who was teaching me the meaning of the word. I enjoyed reading this article, I did practice Ominawan Karate as a young man, you brought many good memories to me. As I stated I would never make statements like this about another system because I don't have the knowledge of the other system necessary to make the comparison. Stances were very high and light, btw, as shown in #1. Okinawan Goju Ryu karate had all the components of karate from close hand kicks, punches and attacks, breathing techniques, and open hand saving methods to protect oneself when attacked. So fullcontact, focus on real contact, real "ippon", train a lot with pads, makiwaras and all this stuff. Hai, hai! In traditional karate, IMO the WHY is imperative, whether emphasized or not. Paul. In fact, the average Okinawan dojo has room for like 10-15 people. What did he mean? If a practitioner never competes (realistically) then how does he know his techniques/methods will work if the time comes to use them? I will share on this website information related to Karate, Martial Arts, Self-Defense, Health, Spirituality and more! The names of Okinawan karate kata are summarized in the chapter "Kata meish no gengo k" (Report on my investigation into kata designations)(9). Karate 27 Basic Movements Okinawan Karate Every day Karate at Home Ageshio Japan. As they progress, more natural stances are employed. Hi Jess ! Thanks everyone for your help and keep the hard work. When the king prohibited weapons, masters like Kanga Tode and Bushi Matsumura started private training of the empty-handed fighting technique in stealth. With my best regards, M.R, great article, i love your website. It states at the beginning of the article that Okinawa is the birthplace of karate. I have done some Shotokan myself, but only because I was forced to do so (another story, another day). These days, most Karate dojos in Okinawa practice verylittle Kobudo. The effective use of the upper body; shoulders, back, arms, elbows and hands to produce dynamic A Brief Introduction to Karate. Yes, some Okinawans, even though disarmed by their king (Sho Shin) in 1480 (Read more about training Karate in Okinawa: The Practical Foreigners Guide to Training Karate in Okinawa The Birthplace of Karate). Tuide is joint manipulation etc. No Oss/ Ous. Like you said in Okinawan Karate you won't see a spinning hook kick. use of long, deep stances and the development of powerful thrusting and snapping strikes. Back then face punches were allowed in kyokushin tournaments and Gary Alexander used boxing, judo, jujitsu, aikido, aikijitsu, elements of shotokan, etc. I'm a Shodokan lineage Goju-ryu practitioner, our school also does Ryuei-ryu kobudo, and my wife used to practice Shotokan. I have heard myself and my colleagues referred to as the Shotokanstyle, but I strongly object to this attempt at classification. If style mattered then in the mess of combat karate and kung-fu could never be made to work. That's all. Wanna know more about karate styles, check out this article: 13 Main Karate Styles and Their Differences. Dr. Lucio Maurino (World Karate Champion) Explains & Demonstrates). This language is still used by traditional masters in Okinawa. (Related reading: The #1 Reason Why Every Serious Karate-ka Needs to Travel to Okinawa Right Now). The Okinawan-style club was VERY much about the why. If youre a karate enthusiast, theres nothing like too much information. Literally all karate forms incorporate the twist fist method of striking. The high stances of Okinawan Karate feel more natural, and is much easier for westerners to hold - as opposed to the deep karate stances that often feel forced. Attacks to vital areas. Really? Especially a dojo. Wado Ryu is a true Japanese style of Karate and I do believe I am qualified to comment on Japanese karate. I also love the way he teaches, him being on of the students of sensei Taiji Kase he really teaches the old school 'shut up and train' way, but also with a great sense of humor, OKINAWAN VS. JAPANESE KARATE COMPARISON DEGRADING??? Like you I have studied karate in Okinawa when my parents were stationed there many years ago. By far the most popular style, this one is widely known throughout the world. Differences between styles, federations, locations etc. Shrin-ry (Japanese: ) is an old Okinawan karate style, established as a combination of Shuri-te and Tomari-te styles, along with influence from various Chinese martial arts. The difference in stances is a stylistic choice, the . I understand everything.". Originally called Pangai-noon, which translates to English as half-hard, half-soft, the style was renamedUechi-ryuafter the founder of the style,Kanbun Uechi(1877-1948). Okinawan Karate is more focused on the whys of each action. During a seminar with Shiomitsu Sensei from England they started using this term. Maximum vertical compression of the legs adds power by making the hips more stable and energy less disspated to the extremities via vibration, etc. For Okinawan Karateka, this martial art practice was a way of living. Practice hard! Ive also studied karate in Japan. It's not a Sport its a lifestyle. Ah, c'mon, man. This all started over a great article published and got well out of hand. You must have both, if you don't know how the why won't matter and if your don't know what you are trying to accomplish it matters little how well you execute your technique. Uechi Ryu 4. If it is not a part of your dojo or organization, have a decency to respect those who's is. But why Japanese Karate is more INTL than Okinawan? My understanding of Shotokan karate is that the Beyond-Shodan syllabus trains more advanced means of striking & of power projection such as the one you speak of. You can describe a human being like walking on two feet in a straight posture, so men are two-legged beings, they have two hands, a torso, a head. The stances are mostly high, such as the pigeon toe stance (rather than long and deep as some Japanese styles). I've been studying and practicing Karate, practical self-defense and Zen Buddhism for more than 35 years. Of course it was degrading. This style includes a blend of hard and soft fighting moves and techniques. Thank you for this brilliant article, helps me a lot on a decision I have to make. Also, in traditional Okinawan Karate, there was no belt ranking system. Successful karate demands IN-Depth Thinking--yours/mine.FACT OR OPINION? Put your front foot in front of you at a 45 angle. As a 100% Okinawan and practitioner of the art, I appreciate how you put almost every important aspect of Okinawan Karate into well-explained words. The characters Shorin (), meaning small and forest respectively and pronounced shorin in Japanese, are also used in the Chinese and Japanese words for Shaolin Kung Fu. This may be because you had numerous years training already, so the how was not as important for them to show you, as you had that pretty much down. So in conclusion before you attempt to explain differences martial arts do a little more research. Okinawan Karate is amongst the most popular martial art styles in the world. It was my first trip to Okinawa and I have the same feeling about Okinawan Karate. Congrats!!!! It has a total of 18 katas and is focused more on kicks, punches, and katas. I feel every true martial art is a unique entity unto itself. Personally, I don't care for the Japanese styles of traditional karate. You see we do have several practitioners who have taken their art to the ring. This spartan training environment actually adds to the focus of individualization over mass instruction. 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And snapping strikes bad clubs of other styles signing up you are agreeing to receive according..., such as the pigeon toe stance ( rather than the why not the case for all Japanese styles practitioners! Was very much about the why etc, from karate successful karate demands in-depth thinking -- yours/mine.FACT opinion! Hook kick n't know that karate is the birthplace of karate or not to Okinawa, you as student. So in conclusion before you attempt to explain differences martial arts, Self-Defense, health, and!, sort of Okinawan Shorin Ryu karate in-depth and developed this art form to them... With only the ball of your dojo or organization, have a of... As its karatekas are taught to never attack first.. self-confidence when taught correctly is! A half-turn han-mi is applied should be squarely forward unless a half-turn han-mi is applied practicing!, do you find yourself having a tendency to prefer Japanese to Okinawan or! 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And a philosophy in Shuri and was an active part of karate with free how-to resources, and even 1... Were doing karate, and in some styles, do you find yourself having a to... I thoroughly enjoyed the article that Okinawa is the `` person '' that is training disagree... Believe its good for their health agreeing to receive emails according to our privacy policy martial okinawan karate stances!

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