my mom has a shadow on her lung

weight loss can help with any lung condition , wish I could loose weight but I get so far then it stops or rises again. Never delay seeking advice or dialling emergency services because of something that you have read on HealthUnlocked. This finding is not actually considered a diagnosis, but rather an observation that could be caused by several different lung conditions. Jonnie Irwin says he is changing up his lifestyle after taking health advice from a mentor and fellow cancer sufferer who has written a book about how to starve cancer.. Shadow on lung. , they are more likely to have fluid buildup in the lungs. I live alone so it is so easy to opt for easy calorific snacks especially as I also have arthritis in my hands so am limited on cooking options. Please do not give up on your Mum, think positive and do what is going to help her. I thought a biopsy would have been done but its just from the PET scan. I guess now its the waiting game. It is at this time you may consider hiring someone to look for your loved one safety and prevent them from acquiring conditions like Pulmonary Edema. Pulmonary Edema is the medical term for the build-up of fluid in your lungs. Does a Pulmonary Embolism Appear on an X-Ray? Foods that help include: Excess salt consumption can lead to water retention in the body, which may cause pulmonary edema. Nodules from my understanding are 2cm or below, anything bigger is a mass. We are dedicated to enhancing the quality of life by helping restore good health, and alleviating pain and suffering to our care recipients. She has had 6 kids with 4 different men over her lifetime, and abandoned each and every one of them. No not all shadows are cancerous, take heart, even your mum's consultant has said he needs further tests to know (meaning that he can not say one way or the other from a shadow). The location and size of the shadow are important factors in determining what is causing the image on the x-ray. I am so sorry to everyone else on here who are far worse off I apologise profoundly for coming across so upset. I now have noticed that this post has been removed from this forum and I'm now very by my GP for the last two months for a chest infection. They found a polyp which they removed. So if they are removing it that is such a positive sign. A few years ago she had kidney cancer and her kidney was removed and she . Join the conversation! Fingers crossed we hear something this week and that its good news. X, I think sometimes we just want a definite answer, I was told its mild fibrosis and not to worry, it is possibly old scarring, I had whooping cough as a child and also lived in a household where my parents smoked and later when I married, my ex husband also was a heavy smoker. does the drake hotel chicago have a pool . Today, as many as 20% of the people who die from lung cancer are never smokers, according to the American Cancer Society. If only part of one lung is affected, it is called "unilateral" and means that something is wrong only with that single lung. 2016;16(2):39-45. doi:10.1093/bjaceaccp/mkv012. Among the options: All of these tests have advantages and limitations. Live and die on this day" - The Grey. I also have a doctor that there is no cure. I wish your Mom all the best and please, keep a positive attitude and I hope your Mom does too - it's a big part of the battle if it does turn out to be cancer. and sleep and have no one else I can talk to so thanks all for listening. A heart-healthy diet helps prevent fluid buildup in the lungs as it is low in saturated fats and cholesterol and high in fiber, omega three fatty acids, and other nutrients that keep arteries free of plaque. What Is a Fine Needle Aspiration (FNA) Biopsy for Lung Cancer? But to give you a little more info on my PET as an example. A shadow on the lung film can indicate many different problems with which you might be associated. do NOT contact me with unsolicited services or offers. She had another X-ray a few weeks ago which showed the shadow had stayed the same as the first X-ray nearly two years ago. Big wheelchair needed my mom is stage 3 lung cancer and cancer in her whole body and she can't walk and the wheelchair that she has is too small and it hurts her. I believe it can indicate areas where cancer may have spread to, but not what highlighted areas are caused by. Yale Medicine. She has had a nasty cough for almost a year and last July had an x ray and then a CT Scan in August which confirmed the shadow. Am so sorry to ask but I can't face reading the booklets they gave us as its bringing all my anxiety back. I appreciate your reassurance. I have googled (I know you shouldn't) but thought I would join this group in the hope that someone may answer. For now I hope this puts your mind at ease, but any chest infections or symptoms get your mum straight back to the doctors. In Lucie's case, she had a shadow in the chest x-ray on the top of her left lung. We offer this Site AS IS and without any warranties. Don't worry, there is a lot of conflicting information out there, and I am not medical so I could be wrong. I also have a freind who has a shadow on her lung been there for years following a lung illness. It is important to understand that this is often a silent condition without any symptoms until it gets worse. By January 15 mom has checked into hospice in BC due to her pain . While certain distinguishing patterns may help narrow the cause of your lung shadow, further testing is needed to form a definitive diagnosis. Regards, Thank you Paul, I can imagine how you felt, my mother had lung cancer and unfortunately died from it. It occurs between 2,500 and 8,000 ft. above sea level. housing authority inspection checklist. Sounds like you are moving forward and they are being prompt with getting things done. I found I had a problem with a routine X-ray for a drug methotrexate I was to go on. So PET scans are not perfect for distinguishing cancer from other lesions. My mom is a 66 year old woman who has never smoked. She is 68 years old and they told her she had less than a year (she was also told 1-2 months maybe a year). It appears you have not yet Signed Up with our community. So I have found out that my mum has had an x ray and ct scan and a shadow has been found on her right lung. Good luck! It builds up in the lungs and leads to fluid buildup. A biopsy may be needed to make a sure diagnosis. Very good to hear her remaining kidney is clear. I really appreciate it. On the x-ray they did notice a shadow on her lung. Fluid buildup in the lungs is a common problem many people encounter as they enter their golden years. And I am not frightened of dying, any time will do, I dont mind. We just pray that she is on the scale he gave her of it could be nothing? When a person smokes, their lungs struggle to get rid of carbon monoxide, which forms when a person breathes in tobacco smoke. They never did investigate my axillas further, but I did explain again re my long term medical condition and we all agreed that this was what the PET was showing. THank you all inadvance, trying to remain positive for her and find other things it could be to stay away from the "Cancer" word. The cancer may have spread to other parts of the body through the lymph system or bloodstream. She had another X-ray a few weeks ago which showed the shadow had stayed the same as the first X-ray nearly two years ago. They were both axillas, my groin and my colon. The PET scan it sounds like will see if there are signs of active disease around the growth and tell them if they do need to proceed to biopsy. I will make sure she keeps getting her checks. Once she has had the CT scan/diagnosis please come back to us, we can then help further. Pulmonary edema can be treated with proper medication and treatments led by a knowledgeable medical team. Unfortunately, the only way they could tell was to operate and it turned out to be cancer. Hello worried daughter, I understand your concern. My dad has even gotten in on them too! but I manage to keep it stable most of the time.Best wishes to you both. This is called residual volume. Also a problem with Acidex as it interferes with other medications. Into the last good fight I'll ever know. Walking is one of the best options as it is easy on the joints and has very little risk of injury when done consistently. I will get stronger for her and be in more control but its so upsetting right now. This allows for the detection of recurrent cancer or possible metastasis (spread of cancer) so appropriate treatments can be started immediately. !. I am not sure if all areas are as efficient. Lung cancer often causes no symptoms until it has reached an advanced stage. In September she developed a cold and cough that just would not go away. Have you been sick? "There are no perfect people, only perfect intentions" - Robin Hood Prince Of Thieves, I've learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel. - Maya Angelou, "Once more into the fray. Some clues might be found in your medical history, family history, whether you smoke, and if you're exposed to occupational toxins. Verywell Health articles are reviewed by board-certified physicians and healthcare professionals. She gets winded when she just walks to the kitchen. I thought a PET scan can tell if it is cancerous. When they said this my initial thought was oh my god I am riddled with it. A biopsy would yield a definitive diagnosis. Clot: I am assuming she has lung clot ( pulmonary embolism ). blair and son funeral home smiths falls / top of the world patty griffin meaning / my mom has a shadow on her lung. Know what you mean, its easier if the whole family do it. A lung "shadow" is a description of an abnormal appearance that can be seen on a chest X-ray. These are small growths which are usually harmless but can grow and become cancerous. Unfortunately,sometimes when dealing with insurance companies, one must go through the various steps. My mom was recently diagnosed with a large cancer tumor (bigger than a grape fruit) in her left lung. Ask our community of thousands of members your health questions, and learn from others experiences. Lung cancer forum requires membership for participation - click to join. I am a 47 year old South East Asian male. She keeps being told numerous things like pneumonia, Chronic obstructive pulmonary . Re you thinking that the PET would tell you if it was cancerous, please re read my first response to you. It may also cause the development of pulmonary edema. Recovery took awhile and I had chemo afterwards as a mop up. She has had a persistent cough for well over 10 years and nothing has ever been found as to why. How to Correctly & Accurately Diagnose Lung Cancer, Possible Causes and Evaluation of a Persistent Cough. The chest consultant was more concerned with my HH as not much they do for it he gave me Acidex and said put the bed head up, can't do this due to needing to elevate my legs. My parents haven't been together since I was a young child and as my father (88) is starting to display some pretty profound signs of dementia, I've kept my mom's diagnosis to . The type of treatment for lung cancer will depend on many factors, such as the size, shape, and location of the tumor; how far it has grown; what kind of tissue it consists of (i.e., lung cancer vs. breast cancer); and whether it has returned after previous surgery. Sorry to hear about your mum's worries and your diagnosis, it must be a tough time for you both. slightly. I know how scared my daughters were when I was going through all the tests to try to find out what was wrong with me (my only symptom was weight-loss). After a person takes a deep breath, some of the air remains trapped in their lungs because there's not enough room for it all to go out. Take good care of each other x. We will get back to you as quickly as we can. I really hope it is good news you get, but please let us know either way. How does prednisone work to relieve cough from asthma? I have since found that a small lump was found on her upper right lobe back in June and it has been monitored. A chest CT scan gives us a better idea about the size, shape, character of the shadow (that was seen on X-ray) to . I believe in my case because it was already in the lymph nodes of the lung, and lymph node of the trachea. American Cancer Society. Being overweight leads to fluid buildup in the lungs. It may cause fluid buildup in the lungs by putting strain on them and reducing oxygen levels. Also, avoiding exposure to asbestos, radon, and polluted air and water is helpful in preventing this disease. Otherwise, the nodule could grow and cause problems later on. In addition to providing a clear diagnosis, a biopsy sample is examined with a microscope to give healthcare providers important information about the molecular characteristics of the mass and whether it is cancerous. All the best to you too. Squamous doesnt have these options. Hi I was ill in January of this year sent for an xray which showed a shadow I then had a CT scan which showed a tumor the hospital said they were 98% sure it was lung cancer and for 3mths they tried 6 times to get a biopsy but couldn't the PET scan showed it as worse they went to start chemo and radio therapy realised that they had not tested my blood since Feb for infection after 3 lots of very strong antibiotics what they thought was LC disappeared, they then agreed to operate (they had told me it was inoperable) the tumor was removed and was also benign. Being elderly doesnt seem to make any difference, she will be closely monitored and they wouldnt do it if her heart/lung tests werent good enough. Copyright 2020 - 2023 Stamina Comfort Inc. What does it mean to have low lung volume? Lung cancer patients usually receive chemotherapy, radiation therapy, and/or immunotherapy as part of their treatment plan. They did a high resolution CT scan. Mum diagnosed with stage 4 lung cancer which has spread to pleura. These tests can reveal if the cancer has spread to other parts of the body. regards PET scan .i was referred on the Monday ,they rang me with appointment for the Thursday. The amount of air that can be held in the lungs is called lung volume. Ive been helping my mum by giving her calorie controlled meals I cook for myself and my husband. Have faith and wait. To me it sounds like they have caught whatever it is early, which is very encouraging. So try not to worry about it to much. Theres no reason for it, Weve all got to go sometime. Pink Floyd, I should've been more than this, I was gonna be something big, But I never did anything at all Dan Owen - Icarus, If I leave no trace behind in this fleeting world, Hysterectomy support from the Macmillan Online Community forums, Healing the Heartache: Practical Tips for Coping with the Grief of Losing a Parent to Cancer, Once more into the fray. Your loved one should aim for at least 30 minutes of moderate activity every day. X, My mum is going through the same thing right now . Tumors may grow back after they've been removed. Overlapping structures, such as organs and blood vessels, can appear on the image in a way that creates the appearance of a shadow. This finding is not actually considered a diagnosis, but rather an observation that could be caused by several different lung conditions. My mom went for a scan last August as they found a shadow on her X Ray, they confirmed that the shawdow was indeed there after the scan and recommended another one in Three months, we just got the results from that scan and nothing has change the shadow is still there. One year later i had a double lung transplant and am now breathing fine! Content on HealthUnlocked does not replace the relationship between you and doctors or other healthcare professionals nor the advice you receive from them. Cancer Survivors Network. It's non small celladenocarcinoma stage 2a with N1. And it can be caused by more than dozens of different conditions; however, the following are some of the most common ones: Fluid in the lungs is akey symptom of heart disease. She has also changed her diet and lifestyle to help her to loose weight which weve read can help with COPD. She keeps being told numerous things like pneumonia, Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. While a shadow on a chest X-ray can be distressing, try not to jump to conclusions and assume the worst. Patients with shadowy lungs may become sick more often than those with clear lungs, but they can still be alive without knowing it. Is your area one of the dirtiest-air cities in the nation? The CT Scan had remained the same after 5 weeks showing that the shadow hadn't decreased or increased. Lung cancer risks for people who don't smoke. So knowing all the risks associated with this condition, you should take steps to prevent your loved one from acquiring this condition. It highlighted four other areas (or hotspots as they called them) other than my lung cancer. Into the last good fight I'll ever know. Fluid buildup in the lungs is a common problem many people encounter as they enter their golden years. She Ways to cope with diagnosis of lung cancer? Nor does any areas it does highlight automatically mean that it is cancer. Even if it's something serious like cancer, catching it earlywhen it's most treatableis always a huge plus. My dad is currently fighting colon cancer so we are going through a lot right now. However, this isn't always the case. Don't be afraid to gently chase those results either, it never hurts to remind them you are waiting. Am Fam Physician. It is so hard to change your lifestyle, Im a terrible yo yo dieter! My mom has lung Cancer! She had a CT scan which ruled out cancer. I am her main carer as well. Face & hands swelling - Is this a sign of the end, Do Not Sell or Share My Personal Information. Verywell Health uses only high-quality sources, including peer-reviewed studies, to support the facts within our articles. To know more about our caregiving services, feel free to contact us at 973-338-0124 or through our, 30 Incredibly Touching Quotes on Caring for the Elderly, signs and symptoms of fluid in lungs -, signs of fluid in your lungs -, signs of water retention in lungs - findadata, 2 Broad Street - Suite #202, I haven't looked up what exactly it is you say they have found, but the fact they call it a nodule, suggests it is small. My mom has been experiencing some pretty severe health issues and yesterday, she received confirmation that she has lung cancer and a tumour on a kidney as well. I recently had a CAT scan for the same thing. A lung "shadow" is a description of an abnormal appearance that can be seen on a chest X-ray. Use of Chest X-Ray in the Diagnosis of Lung Cancer, Physical Exam Findings Before a Lung Cancer Diagnosis. The person may feel suffocating and pass out in between breaths. I am just worried because she is elderly. A mass refers to a growth of over 2cm, a nodule is a growth of less than 2cm and a shadow is just what it says, a shadow. Thank you for replying. Since that was the only thing seen in either lung, they believe the main tumor was originally there amd moved right across to her upper spine. Your loved one should aim for at least 30 minutes of moderate activity every day. The doctors ( Pulmonology, Oncologist) did . I'm down with acute bronchitis which I get every 2-3 years and which normally lasts 1-2 weeks & then I'm symptom-free. But take comfort in the fact that it very well could be something else. What Do Herpes Sores Look Like at Different Stages. We at, offer a comprehensive solution that can cater to all your loved ones needs. If your provider does suspect canceror at least cannot rule it outthey may order a number of tests, including a CT scan, MRI, or PET scan. If you know your loved one adds extra salt to their food, try serving prepared foods that are lower in sodium, such as broths and fresh or frozen vegetables, instead of canned goods containing salt. Even going to a high altitude may lead to altitude pulmonary edema. 2 clear scans since and hoping for a 3rd in January. X, Hi I had the same thing large shadow on lungs when first noticed there was a big panic and I had to endure two weeks of worry thinking it was cancer but that was 7years ago it has never changed in size or shape had 10+ct scans. She is 59 and has the end stage of COPD. 2007;75(1):56-63. Have since found that a small lump was found on her lung with clear lungs, but they still. Mum by giving her calorie controlled meals I cook for myself and my.... Radiation therapy, and/or immunotherapy as part of their treatment plan change your,. 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my mom has a shadow on her lung