msnbc schedule changes ari melber

he stands accused of it. tv The Beat With Ari Melber MSNBC January 17, 2023 3:00pm . He received a 2016 Emmy Award for his reporting on the Supreme Court. >> yeah. smith determined he was, in his view, dealing a war criminal who could possibly convince trump to do a favor for a war criminal. I mean, it`s malfeasance. Well, that attorney general started talking about going after the doctor. and that's as you can imagine one of the most intricate places you can try a case in america. >> yeah, i'm going jump in. but at the end of the day, it's going to fall on the shoulders of maga, of trump, of kari lake, and of the leadership of the republican party that can't even deal with a guy who told his constituents a lie, direct, boll face. i think he is just the facts kind of guy. Get out of town so that you`re not caught. Mr. Engel grabbed his arm, said, sir, you need to take your hand off the steering wheel. They are going to get investigated, but whether or not this was deliberate or intentional has not been determined. 45 seconds, andrew, his sobriety, i said respectfully, verges on apparent boredom, yet it works in court. Coming up, you have Republicans dealing with actual fallout, and punishing protests, and potentially midterm problems, over all of these anti-choice rulings and the way the states are trying to ban women`s rights. Then Congresswoman Zoe Lofgren of the January 6th Committee is my special guest tonight. MELBER: So, if it`s not a coincidence, at what point does it add to the criminal evidence essentially that Donald Trump was going to try to overthrow the election and that the only reason -- it appears the only reason he didn`t do the military thing was because they told him it wasn`t going to work? And we pay attention to fact witnesses and this is his new factual account now under oath of what he said he tried to do during the actual televised violence on the day of the 6th. The other person facing a trial, criminally, Peter Navarro has new evidence that contradicts some of what`s going on there. >> there's no doubt that this is already a tragedy. prosecutors work for the government. team tomorrow is a movement that addresses urgent issues all over the world and right here at home and you can help create positive, irreversible change for children today. If you just refuse to show up, you`ll get prosecuted. Welcome back. question is, with a republican party that's two years off an insurrection and went into the midterms with an attack on the speaker's partner, and now today we see 10-year-olds almost hit by bullets, what does the republican party do with these rolling scandals of -- partly -- again, the law enforcement will give us the evidence, we'll report it out. And legally, police say the defendant in that case that I`m telling you about admitted the rape and pled guilty. There was a statement made by the Secret Service last night, saying that although there was some text lost, that none of the text had been asked for from the 5th and 6th had been lost. there's also parallels in how smith confronted authoritarians and media as part of an alleged plot. MELBER: Copy. those are people out of government. The list would start with the people who fill in for Maddow: Nicolle Wallace, Ali Velshi and Ari Melber. thank you. The Last Word With Lawrence O'Donnell. before we dive into all that i, want to share some of the key points we have discovered as we reported out this story for you tonight, and it may prove relevant to how smith approaches the insurrection and trump case, which again has a big, big decision which is rarely made in american court or law, which is whether or not to indict a former president. ask your doctor about entresto. And tonight we`ll be joined by someone you may know from politics, culture and music. start a new day with trelegy. false positive and negative results may occur. from Cornell Law School and is a member of the New York Bar. the case roiled new york while mayor giuliani largely defended the nypd. Run, (BLEEP), run. REP. LIZ CHENEY (R-WY): Next week we will return it to January 6th itself. he also gave george santos to committees. justice in america. well, i could switch us to xfinity. the country's got some big challenges highway of it, and my hope, despite the performative crazy is that the members of the republican party in the house hunker down and get serious. he ran the doj's department of public integrity, which deals with corruption. The Secret Service has an answer. that's rinvoq relief. fainting can also happen. Has there been any accommodation reached for his testimony or documents? this is outside the national civil rights museum in memphis. the charges here do not directly, concern the events of the war in kosovo occurring over 20 years ago. >> you said yesterday you had questions about his past. we offer the custom dental treatments you need, all under one roof, right nearby. he led difficult and victorious cases, including the prosecution of new york police officer justin volpe who tortured abouter in, delivered a 0-year sentence, unheard of at the time. the most common side effects are pain, redness and swelling at the injection site, muscle pain, tiredness, headache, shivering, fever, and upset stomach. Terms of Service (last updated 12/31/2014). no matter your purpose, at pnc private bank, we will work with you every step of the way to help you achieve it. try head & shoulders shampoo. tv The Beat With Ari Melber MSNBC January 12, 2023 3:00pm-4:00pm PST . Dr. Jason Johnson replaces Ari Melber on MSNBC. for all of smith's unique experience in prosecuting heads of state or dealing with prosecutors like giuliani at the local level, he also has experience specifically in this area. thank you for being my hero. political ratcheting up of these citizens who think they can go out and solve their failed failure by taking out someone's. they can help you create a retirement-income plan designed to balance growth and guaranteed income. i've never been healthier. >> john and i are honest and realistic with the american people. I saw a South Carolinian and Jim Clyburn go to a home of state in Ohio to make sure he sabotaged our political opponent of not his liking. your thoughts tonight. web pages >> the story sending shock waves through the presidential campaign. 03:00 am. many taking rinvoq saw clear or almost-clear skin while some saw up to 100% clear skin. And then I do. Now they`re heading toward the last scheduled hearing that we know which will be in primetime next week. there's no outrage coming from republican leaders right now. PHOEBE BRIDGERS, SINGER-SONGWRITER: It`s almost like tweeting but really sad. at the time it was also cast as a, quote, blow to the justice department's beleaguered public integrity section, helmed by jack smith. they deflect to weaponizations of the government, right? >> very different historical context, but interesting to see smith again deal with the world that we actually live in. he admitted, no, i'm jew-ish. We see in the Secret Service messages that they evaporate with time or with help, and why do they disappear in the same month as something as historic as this attack on the Capitol? now, in that same work dealing with corruption, smith did notch a victory at a trial level, convicting republican virginia governor bob mcdonnell of charges from his days in office, but even that was complicated. i want to ask you one other thing. hold up - yeeerp? After the president was told people were armed and after he got to execute what has now been proven his plan to trick law enforcement and the police into not knowing that there was a march plan, that he announced and wanted to be, quote-unquote, "look spontaneous" so they would be caught unaware. cashback on flapjacks, baby backs, or tacos at the taco shack. >> huge deal even if you didn't hear about it because it's in a different region. take care. oh i can't hear you you're froze-- ladies, please! MELBER: You can`t really say, we`ve all joked like that. Now, what I just told you is a reported fact. we're going to lean in, take the facts and figure out what his record suggests about the work he's doing now, and we have rare footage of smith in action, footage that has not aired on american tv, so you're almost certainly going see it for the first time now. At a minimum, that is a terrible choice of words. Unless we`re like that anonymous Secret Service guy who`s more interested in (INAUDIBLE) than he is at getting at the truth. error they say or there`s more to it? If they did, why did they disappear? the interesting aspect of feature of this that we seemingly as a culture, society, and certainly within our political class are not addressing is the correlation between that hot rhetoric and the subsequent attempts at violence or direct violence, whether it's what we witness with the governor of michigan and the attacks and attempt on her life and family, to what you just reported. I`ve mentioned to folks, the committees you`ve been involved in data back to Watergate. that's point one. because doors were meant to be opened. (einstein) brilliant! breztri gives you better breathing, symptom improvement, and helps prevent flare-ups. MELBER: You know, Mike, we`ve talked before -- they talk in sports about fair weather fans and politics, they talk about the bandwagon. (cecily) i think the bike's probably faster. But that he tried to overthrow the election, through multiple steps and overt acts, that would appear criminal. NAVARRO: The report I did, the three volume Navarro report on PeterNavarro,com, by the way, voting machines were like a footnote to a footnote. doors lead us to places we've never been. those are true heroes. i just want justice for my baby brother. >> the accused in committing their crimes, tried to amplify the damage they caused by exhorting the media in kosovo to public -- the ethical, journalists of kosovo refused to public the documents the accused tried to give them. the question is whether there would be any justice for that horrific attack carried out under the color and power of law. when the facts suggest they have to turn and investigate their own -- government leaders, their own bosses, the police who are their government teammates in investigations -- that is harder. no child should have to suffer from the devastating impacts of hunger and poverty, but when we work together, we can make a difference. my report on him continues when we're back in 60 seconds. So, we need to congratulate that and we need to focus in and make that light of laser. birds flyin' high, you know how i feel. he calls himself the maga king. So, I will just -- I will just say that it`s something people can learn from whether they agree with you on everything or not. we visits the homes tot democrats to, in his idea, dispute the elections. I also want people to run for statewide elections that may not have or didn`t think they had the courage and the money to because we`ll get behind you and support you. And this is a story that`s not too good to be true. So I think he is just blowing smoke for the court because if he were serious, he would have produced all of those documents that we have been waiting for for these many, many months. And as Biden faces this obstruction and economic headwinds, and that hostile Supreme Court, there are progressives saying now is the time to go big. MELBER: Turn into a story of action as well as accountability. because doors were meant to be opened. January 6th Committee member on the upcoming primetime hearing next week. ask about ubrelvy, the anytime, anywhere migraine medicine. We`re gathering the evidence as we speak, and we`re going to fight this to the end. (einstein) i'm switching! and that's because the feds came in with an independent tough prosecutor who apparently had no fear in face of giuliani and the largest police force in the nation and all the other pressure at play for any young lawyer who might be thinking at. if you're tired of staring down your copd, it's a new dawn, it's a new day stop settling. tell your doctor if you have a heart condition or high blood pressure before taking it. they go the trial in special cases, and they win. But I also want to update you on the other big news tonight. there was a memorial service held for him today and a gathering, a protest. PETER NAVARRO, FORMER TRUMP WHITE HOUSE ADVISER: That I would like to get more to the bottom of. We`ve had from the ground up, not the top down. That`s not something that I would have put forward by any stretch of the imagination. He still at that point according to this testimony wanted to join them himself. It`s like those tweets that say big if true and that it`ll be like the universe is collapsing or whatever and you`re like, well, the if is carrying the whole tweet. not the committee, not the house doing it, but the actually doj. MELBER: I hear that, and the documents are important. zifans love zicam's unique zinc formula. And remember, it can be hard to figure out who to take seriously or not, but Donald Trump wrote the January 6th announcement tweet by beginning with a reference to Peter Navarro`s report. it's for people 45 plus at average risk, not high risk. now, that was an option available to smith, but honestly, a really bold one. MIKE: Toughen up. smith in 2011 led that indictment of john edwards. Was this some kind of a technical mistake or was this deliberate? Melber also serves as MSNBCs Chief Legal Correspondent and an NBC News Legal Analyst, reporting on law and justice stories across all NBC platforms. Examining the high stakes surrounding key issues affecting communities across America, cutting through the political noise with compelling . cold coming on? OK, no longer, stand by, and don`t do anything up there. I love you, you were wonderful things. so, here's some of what we learned. showed up on friday. so, you know, more fun and games to come, but this is what you expect. You look up in New York and New Jersey, they are unionizing. then they beat and sexual assaulted him. He has of course accepted responsibility for all kinds of things that he claims were allowed, like his so-called sweep but we also found this clip of him publicly promoting the idea back in December 2020. it's an msnbc town hall live from new orleans with trymaine lee, chris hayes, and joy reid, 10:00 eastern tonight. people 50 and older with at least one heart disease risk factor have higher risks. >> president of kosovo is in the hague for an interview with prosecutors who have indicted him on war crimes charges. i can play basketball. >> yeah. MELBER: Right, radical change, doing it with people who are connected to the community, and interesting to hear you criticize some of the incumbent Democrats for what you see as the change and you`re naming names, which reminds people you`re in this fight. thanks, dad. It is suspicious what the Secret Service is up to. he went on to develop an expertise in the hard cases that other lawyers sometimes duck. thank you for your time, andrew weissman. >> after the election in november, solomon pena reached out and contracted someone for an amount of cash money to commit at least two of these shootings. on January 17, 2023, thank you so much for letting us into your homes during these extraordinary times. So, on the local level, whether it`s council person, commission, or worse person, I want regular people running. so this is all leading to a cataclysmic point. so let us focus on the how. Search the history of over 778 billion July 24, 2017. thanks for returning. Well, one of the most Trump- friendly and loyal Republicans in Congress, the Ohio Congressman Jim Jordan, posted online, quote, another lie. So, we`re going to insist on getting those texts if they`re there, and they need to deliver them to us right now. >> absolutely. tonight on msnbc there's a national day of racial healing. -that's right, dr. gary. Ari Melber is a renowned American attorney and an Emmy-award-winning journalist currently serving as chief legal correspondent for MSNBC as well as the host of The Beat with Ari Melber. RONALD REAGAN, FORMER PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES: We did not, repeat, did not trade weapons or anything else for hostages. But I take your careful legal analysis as well. ubrelvy helps u fight migraine attacks. January 6 Select Committee member Zoe Lofgren joins Ari Melber to talk about the January 6 Committee investigating the deleted Secret Service text messages from January 5th and 6th. But here is the A.G. TODD ROKITA, INDIANA ATTORNEY GENERAL: Then we have this abortion activist acting as a doctor with a history of failing to report. nichols then died two days later. And shout out to again Killer Mike who offered some of those lessons a decade back in the iconic anthem Reagan. but it is true you don't want to use the criminal law for a gray area. We`re going to get into that tonight in an important way. the test is going to be how you govern the house in concert with the white house and the senate, especially senate republican who is look at this leadership in the house and shake their heads. trelegy for copd. if you're hearing echo of liz cheney's accusation against trump over that kind of obstruction, witness intimidation in the coup probe, the alleged coup is now part of what smith is probing. It doesn`t matter you have imperfections. you. Because once you seize the voting machines, you can engage in all sorts of manipulation. I just want people to know like, Dave, let me know. but now, i can disrupt eczema with rinvoq. your contribution will help improve the lives of children and families around the world and you'll receive updates on how your support is tackling the issues you care about most. you will hear from victims who have waited two decades -- two decades to be heard. anguish that this has caused my family, our lives will never be the same again. the city of memphis said today for the first time they will release footage related to the footage once the probe ends. I promised the new music here, which is also political. It`s from the newest episode of "MAVERICKS" with Ari Melber. Once there is information put on the table that`s credible, she testified under oath, that comes awfully close to the president choosing to lead what he knows is armed, what he knows is an effort to overthrow the vote count to certify the new president and which he apparently intends to lead himself down at the Capitol, then it is incumbent upon DOJ to carry that further and fully investigate whether this is incitement, whether it`s insurrection. it's not a what if or a when, it's here repeatedly. The mystery here about the Secret Service, and why a law enforcement agency that is known for its rigor and its care, it has a very important set of jobs and its protectees, has suddenly been caught deleting text messages from when? it can quickly stop migraine in its tracks within 2 hours without worrying if it's too late or where you are. Sunday, January 15th TV listings for MSNBC USA. And as we watch the evidence here, the public can try to make sense of it. schedule your appointment today. but the test isn't whether or not marjorie taylor greene gets an assignment or, you know, santos, you know, is overlooked. woo! So I think it`s not a coincidence. and for a kid like me, who's had 13 operations, and can now walk, you might think that i'd say my hero is my doctor, or nurse, or even my physical therapist, and they are. there's new video of fed taking this suspect, solomon pena into custody in new mexico. But in terms of whether it was right or wrong, it was wrong. FLANNERY: Yes, I think it is enough. But it turned out to be much worse than that for a news outlet. You see the words voting machine there. whether it was a police-led crime is the open question. to help others, who can't always help themselves. silent retreat? rinvoq can lower your ability to fight infections, including tb. we do not tolerate nor stomach political assassinations. said that they deleted these texts on from the 5th and the 6th after he asked for them. ask your doctor about once-daily trelegy, and save at, tonight on "the reidout" -- >> if she gets to pick her judges, nothing you can do, folks. LOFGREN: Well, it seems more than coincidence that he has what is described as this unhinged meeting where he is going to appoint Sidney Powell to be special counsel or -- and going to seize the voting machines, and then as soon as they are ushered out, he releases really the call to arms, also citing Mr. Navarro and the voting machine myth. during the rise of trump, who champions the idea that republicans have a right to rule by force if necessary. in our special report right now we're going to chart smith's road to this current assignment, deciing whether or not to indict an ex president. the other area of law that involves scrutinizing politicians in our system is called corruption or public integrity. i used to say when i was in government, gray is for civil cases, not for criminal cases. officials say the cause of death has not been determined but his family accused the police of beating him and causing him to suffer a heart attack. >> yeah, we'll be done with all committees. MELBER: She said that at the last hearing. what happens in their career after a given case. most meals and all snacks. So, what I want to do with things that are radical, and not things that are radical, like destroying the police department, my father was (INAUDIBLE). sodomizing him in a police station. sorry, i had another thought so i got back in line. VANCE: Well, that no comment was a longtime coming there. and i can walk. You can now plot plan, strategize, organize and mobilize to deal with it on the front end and not too bad. But first, we`re hearing about this go bigger go home. To go at the deeper roots of problems in the structure of America, which is something the artists and activists Killer Mike is explored in his work and his art and on the campaign trail. And I wish you a great weekend. but eventually, it will remind you. 7:00 AM. then there's the flipside as bob mueller found, that if you do, that might require some other different out of court skills. shingles doesn't care. MSNBC Chief Legal Correspondent, Host of 'The Beat with Ari Melber'. he seem to be someone who understands if you two into a country, your own or another, and start indicting sitting or former presidents, there are. he'll be in court tomorrow facing conspiracy charges. despite treatment it disrupts my skin with itch. So -- but I like to see a radical -- a radical change in how we view politics. >> reporter: this is very serious and very dangerous. I want to thank Young Thug who`s currently under indictment and locked up for being a part of this record. they can't deal with him, so what do you think they're going to do with something like this? REP. ZOE LOFGREN (D-CA): Sure. two, smith is careful, sober, i would say dry to the point of, frankly at times, being boring in his presentation. But the government has to create laws that protect people and especially children. MELBER: And then when you do that, you`re sure it`s going to work or you`re just doing it like to be real. one, there's nothing that's going to prepare you for the media onslaught, and that component of it. they brought campaign finance charges, accusing edwards of using doe neighs to conceal his mistress from voters. Original release. take a stand, and start a new day with trelegy. i want to turn to something important next on justice in america. This is the kind of information that pretty much mandates thorough investigation by the Justice Department. But it only happens when one brave person steps up like that brother did in the northeast, and we`ll be supporting him as well. he had maga gear. with open questions about whether trump aides like rudy giuliani will not only, say, lose his law license, which is happening, but whether he'll ever face actual charges. who is it? . >> just normal stuff. the world could use. But the point here tonight before I bring in our experts is paramount. So, this is all happening. >> my staff raised concerns when he had a staff member who impersonated by chief of staff, and that individual was let go when mr. santos found out about it. for copd, ask your doctor about breztri. some more heroes and your call will make a difference. This was the plan. Guest hosts for the series include Mehdi Hasan, Jason Johnson, Alicia Menendez, Katie Phang, and . Let`s let the debate floors. unlike older medicines, ubrelvy is a pill that directly blocks a protein believed to be a cause of migraine. in this instance, the person you just heard from found eight bullet holes in her home a few weeks later. But thanks to Reaganomics, prison turned to profits `cause free labor`s the cornerstone of U.S. economic --. Actually the first thing I did I walked in, I looked at him and I said, "Who are you?". indeed, they get most defendants to plead out. we all have heroes in our lives. The other big news here has been about the Secret Service. I mean, in various ways, that is very troubling to say that we are going to pick myself as president and disregard the votes of the American people and the electoral college. in that case and other cases, smith lays out what he says is his evidence, citing the war crimes he says he's pursuing. when people with vindicated in the jury process, that's how it's supposed to work. he's faced down the arguments of doing so already, about line drawing and whether this all becomes politics. >> that was mayor giuliani at the time, but the scandal and obvious legal question he knows as a prosecutor was not whether some other unnamed government employees were good people. i've got a plan to which i'm sticking. In this special report, MSNBC Chief Legal Correspondent Ari Melber shows you how Trump's DOJ . It is a whole subsection in his report about voting machines. Evidence as we speak, and he received a 2016 Emmy Award for his or! 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msnbc schedule changes ari melber