hermione sacrifices herself fanfiction

Summary: The love of the Ministers life disappeared just before the end of the First Wizarding War. 19. James shouted, his hazel eyes watching Sirius with caution as they scanned him up and down. Now she has to find a way to make it back to her own time without causing irreparable damage to the past- and future. Summary: Dumbledore kept him exactly where he was supposed to be all his life.When Ron turned 18 Dumbledores spell had run its course.Now he learns to deal with a very unique problem time epilepsy. Hermione was the smart student in Harry Potter that very often saved the day. Hermione must face her true destiny when in the wake of war a mysterious object pulls her through time. She smiled as an idea popped into her head. Hermione frowned, she wasn't sure when the boys had become friends before but how was she going to make them be friends now. Arthur led them into the kitchen to join the rest of his family and begin to try and make sense of the terrible night. By far, one of the most dangerous situations for Hermione happened when Bellatrix tortured her - partially for information, but also for the fun of it. The fire sprang to life, it's green flames high as Andromeda stepped out, a large grin on her face and her hand gripping a young boys. This makes the film Hermione less relatable than her book version and some fans felt it was a bit sad that the book version of her wasn't enough. Most of Hogwarts was now rubble, the smell of smoke and burning bodies seemed to cling to the air even a year later. 3. People would be hard-pressed to find a group of friends that represented "friendship goals" more than the main trio ofHarry Potter. Sirius moaned for the fifth time as the three made there way through the forest, the Potter cousins sent each other a look. "I won't ask again, James." ", RELATED: Harry Potter: 9 Smartest Female Characters, Ranked. James spoke as though the answer was obvious. 30. "How can I let you go? "Do you mind if I bring someone?" He chuckled and took a sip of his tea, a content sigh escaping his mouth. He was going to tell the whole story as soon as Minerva McGonagall and Hagrid arrived, but after what he had seen tonight, he didn't think he knew all the details himself. Harry may have struggled to understand Cho Chang, but he is incredibly perceptive when it comes to his close friends. "Ron, Hermione, you told us how Harry had taken Snapes memories and had gone to watch them before he went into the forest. Benjy Fenwick The last place Draco Malfoy thought hed end up in after the war was Hogwarts, as their Eighth Year Head Boy, working together with none other than the bane of his academic existence, Mudblood Granger. Harry is grief stricken for a while but eventually finds love again but is hesitant to move on because he doesn't want to betray Hermione. The girls eyes snapped open and she sat up, scrambling away from the two, not even noticing the cold wetness that had seeped into her hair and clothes. Talks Not movin' or nothin'. Summary: Draco Malfoys trial before the Wizengamot results in a very unconventional sentence - one that leaves Hermione wary, Ron irate, and Draco incredibly uncomfortable.They all must confront their own inner demons in this post-war fic, when tensions are high, relationships are strained, and rogue Death Eaters are still at-large. She has risked her life many times, lost just as much as any of the other characters, and saved Harry and Ron from getting themselves into more danger, deservedly earning Harry's respect. Dteste les Dramione par-dessus tout et aussi les. He was grappling once again with his conscience when he felt someone sit on the end of his bed. Grindelwald is at the height of his power, and one Tom Riddle Jr. is set to leave Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry at the end of the term. Amidthe chaos they can't control at home and the difficult journey they take through the country, a weakened Ron begins to grow jealous of Hermione and Harry's relationship. The Weasley's children and Hermione sat around the kitchen table, nobody speaking as Ginny continued to cry quietly while Hermione tried to comfort her. Break His father refused to allow him to go down there by himself which meant he was stuck playing in the garden all day. Hermione and Ron were both crying silently as they tried to imagine why Harry had given himself up. Hermione's mouth fell open, she nodded her head and through herself out of bed, dressing one of James' old jumpers and one of his old pair of jeans before following her Aunt down the stairs and into the sitting room. Arthur and Molly held onto George and Ginny as they both trembled. Your job is to convey information and if you don't . Only an hour?" While Harry uses Tom Riddle's diary to learn about the past and what lurks in Salazar Slytherin'schamber, Hermione is off doing some investigating of her own. Andromeda spoke softly as she turned to see Euphemia, sending her a sad smile. Hermione must face her true destiny when in the wake of war a mysterious object pulls her through time. 35. Andromeda spoke, her cheeks red as she giggled slightly. During the events of Goblet of Fire, Harry goes through many moments of conflict at Hogwarts, including Ron turning against him,most of Hogwarts treating him as a pariah, and having to participate in the Triwizard Tournament. I needed to talk to you to help you. She spoke, her voice harsh as she lifted the box with the time Turner out of her bag, gulping as she did so. And they have their fair share of amazing moments throughout the series. He was handsome, even at the age of eight, his hair was parted and wavy, though not long, maybe that was something he grew out as he got older, his eyes were like liquid silver and even his pout was cute. Even the author herself, J.K. Rowling said that she made a mistake when she paired Ron and Hermione. Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence. Weird Day "How have you been?" Future educationalists will analyse JK Rowling's fanfiction from various points of view. Stuck in the year 1976 alone, she's determined to find a way back to 1998. Time travel is a risky operation in itself, but the inclusion of dangerous creatures makes it much more complicated. When Harry stepped through the door and glanced all over the circular room, his heart skipped a beat. After Ron has left them, the pair start listening to music on a radio in their tent and, out of nowhere, start dancing. I love you so much," Harry said. "When will I see you again, Sir?" In a spur-of-the-moment decision, Hermione turned to hex Harry with a stinging jinx. tip: arthur merlin words>1000 sort:hits, 1. Author's Note 2.0 Her voice was polite, an aristocratic tone to it that she'd only ever heard from older Sirius. Hermione said. Hermione asked, her brown eyes meeting Andromeda's, the older girls jaw tightened and her perfect nails dug into her hand. Hermione also had to rely on the help of her friends - the people closest to her. "Edward, right?" Talk to Me His dad is an alcoholic and abuses him. Harry Potterglosses over the fact that Granger lost her parents, not to death, but by being forgotten. "Hagrid," said Kingsley kindly, "why don't you tell us what happened in the forest and then I will tell you all why it happened.". She retains Hermione Grangers memories, and is determined to change her brothers fate for the better. Seriously, recklessly pissed-off Draco. On our site, hot xxx comics and hentai images in 3D, porn cartoons, animated xxx comics in high quality, watch for free, download free torrent porn comics and animation, quickly download the material you like at maximum speed!. It was great to see the James wasn't going to change much in the years to come. Hermione answered. She patted his cheek as she left, he nodded his head and made his way to his study, a frown on his face. He blamed himself and he was ashamed of his behaviour. His skin was pale and stood out against his jet black hair, his eyes were a strange mix of blue and green and his smile had ladies swooning. Kingsley helped himself to a glass of Firewhiskey before he stood to tell his part of the story. Hermione squeezed her eyes shut as a black haired man cackled loudly in her head followed by a green light, her eyes snapped open and she began shaking, tears springing to the corners of her eyes. 22. Financially ruining a sleazy reporter ranks pretty high on the tier of protective actions she's taken for him. RELATED: 5 Best Romantic Relationships In Harry Potter (& 5 Of The Worst). "Tracey Davis. He drove the village mad with his cheeky grin and constant pranks, most supposed he was a lonely boy living in the huge house all alone so they let him get away with his pranks. Her eyes closed, scrunched up as she mentally fought to keep the images away of everyone who had fallen in the war. The man sat on the sofa, a small cup of tea in his hand, for all intents and purposes he looked the same. Tied me to a tree, did the bastards. But, despite her best efforts, she attracts the eyes of some people, and manages to fall in love, only to find that the events didnt exactly happen the way she though they had. They all waited silently until the rest of their guests arrived. Marrying almost the first guy a girl dates isn't always the best idea. She sighed and ran a hand over the silk bow holding her curly ponytail up, and looked down at the matching silk dress. Sense of the Soul by Umbre Calamitas: Ron goes back after Hermione sacrifices herself for the ritual. 34. Rating: M. Word Count: 186,047. I grew up in a loving household. So, I had this story idea, but I've already got 6 stories on the go and a folder full of countless others on my PC that I've started and haven't finished. "Hermione, a lady never shouts." "Dear." Jealous Lion The series has sold over 500 million copies, been translated into at least 70 languages, and spawned a global media . "Aunt Euphemia?" Harry Potter: Hermione Vs Luna: Who Was The Better Character? I love how she puts everyone before herself. "He just gave up," sobbed Hermione, "why would he do it? I convinced him to give me an hour to talk to you," Hermione said. "'Arry never said another thing, just stood there starin' at Voldy. When Hermione first appeared in Harry Potter, she was just a child, and yet she already knew many more things than her classmates.Her intelligence was her defining feature and it helped her more than once during the darker times that were to come. She held the timeturner up to her face, taking in the silver and gold sand inside, the writing on the outer circle before placing it around her neck and turning the little knob out the side. "Maman loved Shakespeare." "Euphemia, have you seen JamesOh hello." Nightmares or Dreams Luke the Muggle Be My Mistake 40. "Over here, Ma!" His voice was tired, something Hermione had never heard from him and it made her stop as she stared at the floor. Rats "Ermlike pranks, jokes and Quidditch." Ideals espoused in the wizarding world like the gospel. "Nice to meet you, I'm Sirius." Hermione's hair was a tangled rat's nest and Ginny looked less than fully awake. Ron and Hermione had also added some suggestions and he arranged to have them all monitored. Hermione Granger is brought up in the mundane but fully understands her heritage before she's sent to Hogwarts. Hermione Set Snape's Robes On Fire. Hermione married Ron, who was her school sweetheart, but on a closer look, these two don't have that much in common. Chapter 5: A Sacrifice For Love. It sat on top of the hill, the forest surrounding it, a lake behind it and huge fences and gate preventing anyone unwelcome from entering. "Crookshanks!" I picked his body up and carried 'im back to the castle.". Violence should never be the solution, especially for someone who never resorts to the act. I've used Daphne Greengrass here because I'm reading this story at the moment where the relationship between the two is similar and I've found it really cute and sweet): Harry was in bed having another sleepless night. Euphemia asked as she made her way from the kitchen, she glared at her son before smiling at their guests. Hermione nodded her head and pull the two boys from the sitting room. You have seen the horrible impact these events have had on Harry and I am sure it would only get worse if the story spread any further." Hermione pulled back from the hug and shook her head. Summary: Up from the ashes of seventh year grow the roses of the eighth. Seven Hermione felt herself grin as the two began talking, slowly . Hermione spoke softly as Euphemia began searching through more clothes, her eyes wide as she turned to face Hermione. "You look like your mother, except the hair." Harry, Hermione, and Ron didn't automatically become friends the moment they met. Three displaced soldiers wind up in 1981 and only have a few months to end Voldemort, Death Eaters, and a pack of vicious werewolves before The Prophecy is set in motion. But Hermione even manages to stand up to her. She could imagine that this was what Harry had looked like at seven nearly eight but probably with less attitude, then she felt her throat grew tighter at the thought of Harry as pushed it from her mind. InChamber of Secrets,after Hermione recovers from accidentally staring into the eyes of a Basilisk, she runs into the Great Hall and right into Harry's arms. Disclaimer: Only the plot, people, only the plot. Euphemia suddenly asked as Hermione sat herself beside her cousin, reaching for a cookie and nodding her head. Harry and Hermione have always acted as shoulders for the other one to cry on in times of stress and sadness. Hermione has never stopped believing in Harry and this moment makes it clear that she will always be in his corner. "They will still be there when you are older, enjoy your life Hermione, at least for a while." Granger's constant ability to think on her feet never fails to keep her friends safe. 38. Hermione then takes action and sets Snape's robes on fire to distract him. She transports them to Muggle London, diverting the Death Eaters' attention for a moment. Harry closed his eyes at her touch, savoring the feeling of her warm skin. "I couldn't let you die, Harry. Movie News, Movie Trailers & upcoming Movie Reviews, The Leading Source for Gaming News, Reviews, and Interviews, Harry Potter: The Best Moments In Harry And Hermione's Friendship, Harry, Ron, and Hermione may not have always made the best decisions, Harry Potter: 10 Times The Movies Ignored How Magic Works, Harry and Hermione's friendship isn't given as much attention, Harry and Hermione wander around aimlessly until they come upon Harry's parent's grave in Godric's Hollow, Harry Potter & Game Of Thrones: 5 Couples That Could Work (& 5 That Would Be A Disaster). "Dumbledore would have shut you down anyway because of my mother's blood wards," Harry said. "I don't know why you're laughing, young lady, don't think I didn't notice you staring at Sirius." This is an important revelation about Hermione's personality and opinion of her Harry. This quirky little moment inDeathly Hallows Part 1 is unique to the film and left quite a few viewers scratching their heads. She also publishes in a number of Czech magazines. "Dear, this is Hermione, she's" Euphemia began, her hand on the girls shoulder, a kind smile on her face as she began speaking to her husband. Summary: Wishes have a nasty habit of backfiring, as Draco discovers. Pairing: Remus/Hermione, Draco/Harry, James/Lily. Long Time Coming Sexual content in chapter 2. Kath has loved movies, TV, and literature ever since she was a child and her father first played Star Trek for her. Harry and Hermione have only known each other for about two years at this point, but they have both done incredibly dangerous and insane things to protect each other. Hermione, however, sticks by him through all of it. Family and Blood Purity. When he tries to deflect the compliment, she tells him that "there are more important things friendship and bravery.". Ginny kissed him, beaming at the dark-haired . 274 guests Euphemia sent her a look before she turned on Hermione who was laughing. Hermione asked softly, the words out before she could stop herself. "Please Harry, try for me?" Hermione's mouth fell open and her cheeks burned bright red, sure she was older than most people thoughts but at times, more often than not, she had the emotions and feelings of a eight year old girl. Always remember me, always love me, but don't let it hold you back from being happy." He stomped his foot, how was he ever going to find the cat in this cold, he was only one seven year old. . The love of the Ministers life disappeared just before the end of the First Wizarding War. Summary: Happiness can be found, even in the darkest of places, if one only remembers to turn on the light. What the Marauders did not expect was to throw the best party ever and have someone gatecrash it. In Harry Potter And The Deathly Hallows: Part One, the tension between the three best friends escalatesquickly after theyarein hiding in the forest, primarily due to the Horcrux they're attempting to destroy. Fleamont spoke as he rounded the corner, he was in his usual dark purple robes, though his eyes were on Hermione. Andromeda Black asked as she looked over Hermione, her eyes filled with tears. Her reliance on Harry's brotherly embrace gives her a moment to be vulnerable, proving her trust in her best friend. Hermione Granger-Weasley died ten years ago and her father seemed to be the most affected person since her passing. "I want the cloak back." Her task is to prevent Tom Riddle from ever creating his Horcruxes. When she gets the news that she'll be expected to marry Professor Snape to not only protect herself, but also serve as another double agent for The Order, she's unsure how to cope with all that is . Her eyes stopped on James and she let out a gasp, a hand covering her mouth before her eyes flew to Euphemia. In the meantime, Harry, being in a similar situation pining after Ginny Weasley, tries to comfort Hermione in her distraught state. James began to whine, his bottom lip coming out in a pout. Summary: "Miss Granger, you are the only one capable of making such a journey." Dumbledore spoke, Hermione flinched as she thought of Luna, how she spent most of her day not remembering who she was, how she could barely feed herself on a good day. NEXT: Harry Potter: Hermione Granger's 5 Greatest Strengths (& Her 5 Weaknesses), Kath Leroy is a writer at Screen Rant. "I'm Hermione Potter." Hermione's bravery helped her best friend and others along the way. "As much as I admire your dedication, I believe you should spend these next few years enjoying this childhood, as it seems you never really had one." 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hermione sacrifices herself fanfiction