henry croft house haunted

when we went up for breakfast and started to ask around about what happened they all said oh ya the ghosts always climb on top bunk I havent been back since. I picked up the book at one of our local corner store/ liquor stores, but Im sure you can find it at any book shop around here, or at a library. The sound of what seemed to be a wailing woman would be [], ADVERTISEMENT For some motorists, nighttime driving, with unlit roads and concealed corners, can be frightening. I look forward to hearing more about your daughters experiences if she has any more as well. The forum site is not well moderated. Mount Adelaide was completed by 1891, though the financing had not worked out for Croft, who ended up nearly $45,000 in debt; part of his losses came from a real estate investment scam. Ross Bay Cemetery and Hatley Cemetery | Living LibraryLiving Library. Im aware of the Fisherman River area settlement, but Ive never been there. Everyone has their own experiences or not. Henry Crofts family home is in Victoria BC. From what they know of the history of the house, it was built by an old man, who was a priest or something of that effect. The imposing stone castle of Croft, located in the English county of Herefordshire, represents 1,000 years of power and politics. Inspired by significant profits, Croft bought a townsite near Mount Sicker and established the town of Crofton to build a copper smelter and house his workers. When I visited this place about 20 years ago, I got a really creepy feeling, like someone had been murdered there. The Aldred House did make the paper in the early 2000s. If someone was trying to rent the place out,why would they put newspaper stories of dead tenants in the shed? Thank you for your comment Alice. Neighbours have seen an apparition in an upstairs window of a man with a handlebar mustache. Croft arrived in the town of Chemainus in July 1883 and began negotiating to purchase the sawmill there, seeing potential with the E&N Railroad, agreeing to buy the mill in August for $22,000. The mountain isreported to be an active Sasquatch area, as well (comments with accounts below). Im not an expert, but generally speaking, children do seem to lose these abilities as they grow older. The building we got the most and undoubtibley amazing evidence from is the old French Creek School where we have many clear audio tapes and you can hear the bands in the gym from the 1920s (giving me goosebumps just thinking of it!). Poltergeist activity has also been reported as well as people not feeling alone. Though if someone was extremely naive and saw a person in traditional dress it might explain one or two. Nothing to feel guilty about. Id like to leave you with a Interesting story. Sorry, this post was deleted by the person who originally posted it. As mentioned, Herbert Croft, the seventeenth century Bishop of Hereford, is claimed to haunt Croft Castle. Regarding the sasquatch sitting on protection island he was told of it by someone else. This pages list is source-based though, meaning that the story should be traced back to books, newspapers stories, other articles, etc. And I just heard a footstep outside my room My family just left ten minutes ago. Publish: 0 days ago. The building underwent massive restorations and was reopened in 2012 as Fibber Maggees. Which supposedly has underground tunnels that weird things happen to people in? What was distinctly vivid about meeting the man was I got the vibe it was time to get out of here after he took the pizza. M T W T F S S 26 27 28 29 There were two bedrooms on the upper floor and a sitting type area on the landing at the top of the stairs. Thanks for sharing your experiences. According to one writer Shalyn the church was mentioned in an older Ripleys Believe it or Not article. The woodshed is full of dusty folders and bloodstains on the wall. A First Nations Tloa-o-qui-aht Tribal Parks leader told me a Buc Miss (Sasquatch) story from Meares Island on Friday. henry rifles trump. I did my digging at the community centre and the library in Chemainus. Mount Sicker has a ton of lore, of course. I looked through my notes and couldnt find anything specific. Always kinda creepy going in early in the morning. The most famous lake one is the Cameron Lake Monster, but Oyster River south of you has one dubbed Klato from the 40s. He also mentioned the lightning thing. Stone buildings. The story began in September 1908 when it was reported in the local and national news that the house owned by the Gilson family on Sykes Street was haunted. Your first commentfeeling of searching for the spirit, do you mean that they felt as if they were being watched? That is these people dress in medieval cloths and have pitched battles. A-06782-Henry Croft's home 'Mount Adelaide' in Esquimalt; built 1890. It was interesting to see that name popping up in my email. I needed to air this somewhere its burning away it my mind- there never was a ghost, Dude just wanted to bang his sister and the ghost became the cover story. On my way home I ran into another friend and decided to hang with him and his brother for a while. Cameron LakeVarious hauntings are reported in this area. You mentioned a haunting at Stamp Falls. I would love to know more about her. The house was GONE! The would find the TV turning on/off by itself. A quick google search and i found out that Henry Croft married a daughter of Robert Densmuir who built Craigdarroch Castle - which does in fact resemble a Haunted House and is in Victoria.? Amenities: Oil central heating. Thanks for sharing this Keith. a couple entrances still remain, but you cant walk inside very far. The first time when I first walked in the church. VERY CREEPY. I remember as a kid growing up and hearing of Satanic and cult activities in the jingle pot area and from what I have heard second hand from one of the home owners in the area. Do you know for sure they were satanic, as opposed to wiccan or something else? It sounds like a very cool experience. At first I thought I was just imagining things but, my friend turned to me after I had loudly said, What the fuck was that? The dead animals, satanism rumours, weird church on propertythey went to snoop as teenagers. Scary Places. The little girl that drowned In horn lake her name is Melissa she was like a sister to me so I dont talk about her much but she was little when she drowned and she did not know how to swim Melissa was camping with her parents when she did not come back home with her parents I knew something had happened to my best friend I did not know what until her mom told me she drowned by the time they found her she was goneRip Melissa xox miss you so much :'(. Id love to learn moreif theres more to it. Thanks for your comment Alana always appreciate any tips! There are underground tunnels which could be from either type of structure. Not sure if you have ever heard of a town called port Alice but if u have time u should go there one day. Id be interested in hearing a lot more about the airport. Also an addition to Mt zhaulem. She was dressed differently, but the colours were very bright. Someone PLEASE Im begging you explain these things Am I going insane? The only thing Ive been able to find out lately is that it is somewhere off Forbidden Plateau Rd area or Piercy rd area and theres just 4 walls standing. Thanks for sharing Trina! 1878 Bedwell Harbour, Pender Island An apparition of a traditional First Nations warrior has been reported. Thank you for sharing Clarissa! A security guard had unspecified experiences which is shared second-hand in the forum. I knew about Kakawis/ Christie School and land, but not specific stories like what youve heard. My husband and I also had a spooky experience in the house during our first winter together. Brother XII was said to have used discarnate spirits in order to attack witnesses using a type of black magic. Eventually, a group who brought him to court used First Nation spirit-medicine (magic) to retaliate, and won their case. But Lynn Maur espescially, a lot of people have lived here nigh on 120 years. Its sad that the family will now lose it because they arent able to repair it. Maps show no listing for a lee la lynn road anywhere. Crow made a point of visiting the other well-known haunted spotsthe tourist spotshoping to see a ghost. Keep a journal, find the blogs of Llewelyn authors, and keep reading until you find someone who thinks like you do. Thats brutal. Had a chat with one of the Newdastle island ferry drivers. Theres a spike in interest after a show like this and not all of it is always respectful. Crofton was founded in 1902 by Henry Croft, who owned the nearby copper mine in Mt. Took my cousins dog for a walk there one day, he stopped about 50 feet from the lookout and growled/barked like crazy (that was the first and only time I heard him bark). A shadowy figure appeared sitting in the easy chair and the whole class hastily left the room.Rumour is that Room 14 was the morgue for when the Cedars was the Zeballos Hospital.I have checked the ghostly provenance with former owners of the building, but they did not seem to have had any problems of a spiritual nature.I have sensed a presence of a nurse upstairs but have not gone onto checking it out more throughly. He could not find anyone inside, either in attic or the rest of the house. You can skip the first episode; this one is worth the watch. I hope one day i can find it! Then there was the story to go along with it my friends dad was there alone and he had been in room 1 changing the sheets and making the bed. The shower drain leads into the basement, which in turn leads into a network of tunnels leading further back into the house. If he saw the two together he said he usually went inside immediately. As above, its about the story being attached not evidence. . Black Nugget Museum, Ladysmith (closed) Poltergeist activity is reported and footsteps are heard. A trust led by Joan took ownership of Mount Adelaide, who allowed Croft to remain living there, though Mary had to sign the agreement as Croft had no money. Horror Reality-TV A chilling glimpse into the first-person accounts from people who have witnessed horrifying, peculiar, extraordinary supernatural events and other unexplained phenomena that continue to haunt them. Sorry to be a party-pooper. Thanks Shanon, The one school I went to was called Stanley Gordon it was about 100 years old(its shut down now,but the building is there) that school was super creepy. A-01432-Roman Catholic missionary Father Augustus Joseph Brabant of Hesquiat Mission. I will be following this article as I think I might just make a trip itinerary based on your findings. She was a kid when this happened to her as well. A haunting they say happened due to Mr. Croft to a family who rented. Some other religious groups and individuals use the word exorcism as well. Both children saw the ghost, who would . On Wednesday, May 3, that year, the Hull Daily Mail headlines screamed "A ghost! Im reluctant to go further than this as it would feel exploitive. Henry Croft's home 'Mount Adelaide' in Esquimalt; built 1890. General material designation graphic material Parallel title Other title information Title statements of responsibility Title notes Attributions and conjectures: The photographer is undetermined. The crime remains unsolved. I believe in supernatural things unexplained by science, but seriously. come on Hi, I'm the guy in the show. The pictures? This would be the first Port Hardy ghost story Ive come across. I really hate what happened to the native people and its no wonder there are ghosts everywhere here. The police were up there pretty quick. Henry passed away on September 19 1936, at age 80. Henry Croft died on 1 January 1930, and 400 Pearly Kings and Queens came to his burial in St Pancras Cemetery. Courtenay was both a mining town and sawmill town with railway lines from the mountain lake area (Town of Beban) down to the ocean near Royston. I can help clear up a couple of stories Mount Sicker, Chemainus, is indeed the sight of the ghostly woman Ive never heard of her being headless, but even more freaky is her sudden appearance in front of vehicles on the dark mountain road. Lots of people stop when they see us in the back lot to ask questions, or share their own experiences. Meares Island, Strathcona Park, Tofino, Campbell River, & Port Alberni are named specifically. They found her the next morning under the dock. This part is pretty true though, usually, families must pay for any cleaning once the investigation is done. (Source: Colonist, 29 July 1917, pages 1,2) I live in Crofton and Ive never heard of this mansion! Henry Croft was born in 1856, at birth place, to William Croft and Anne Croft. Hunt Estate, Nanaimo (aka Strickland or Harbourview House) In the following forums many claim to have had personal experiences at this site. They had seen a cat going in and out of the abandoned building and they were worried about it because the building is planned to be demolished. when we woke up no one was in bed. I dont plan on using these comments as a source for this list, even though some of them are amazing. He said sometimes the guy was with a large white wolf/dog type animal. We hadnt known anyone or had even been to Port before we moved here. Monster Quest dubs Vancouver Island Ape Island. The sightings are said to have preexisted coastal-recorded history within First Nation Legends. Having disposed of his Interest In the mill and timber limits. experience. One night I saw an elks head with antlers and flesh still on it, but the skin all rotted off, resting on one of the low walls surrounding the old mine-head. I was going through the motions of a bad breakup and I always felt so at peace driving though the Cameron Lake area until past Cathedral grove. His second and third sons, Henry and John, are the ancestors of the Crofts of Claughton and Durslet respectively. We also had an injured hen that we kept in a kennel beside the woodstove inside the house. There used to be a train from Victoria to Crofton. Some people who work every day at a small site never claim to experience anything ever. My husband and I have both had various supernatural experiences, although he seems to have some stronger ties to the otherworld than I do. Seeing no eyes at all but simply dark holes was quite scarey! Admission Last entry to the castle is 30 minutes before closing. I have never told a whole lot of people because it feels like escaped untouched why test fate. The legend is that everyone who helped build it died and that the First Nation people of the area didnt like to go near it. [3] It was here he met Mary Jean Dunsmuir, daughter of Robert Dunsmuir, a prominent coal miner in the region. Other ships have claimed to have seen the Valencia since its perished. That still isnt technically Cumberland, though, more Union. No cemetery was available to him, so he was buried in an unmarked grave on the island to which he had fled. E & N Train Station, Nanaimo(Fibber Maggees Irish Pub) The E & N Station suffered massive damages from anunexplained fire in 2007. Need I say more?) Haunted season 3, episode 1 recap - "In the Pines" is surprisingly decent for an episode of Haunted, with a likable narrator, even if its cabin in the woods story is pretty old hat. I was wondering about some of your experiences, if you dont mind me asking. the driver of the train and two brakemen died in the train derailment at cameron lake.two diesel engines ,3 cars,and a caboose all went down there.supposed to be a great place to fish.also lots of wierd activity under the same trestle nearby. Also, a UFO enthusiast disappeared here in 1980 and is believed to have blown himself up. Thanks for sharing. Hi Larry, I just sent you an email but wanted to comment here to make sure you get it. Awe talk to me on Facebook luna fox is the name, I am happy to announce that my new book The Haunting of Vancouver Island is now available for preorder. Australia. No man of his profession obtained higher credentials in the Commonwealth. Whilst the exact details of this tale are hard to come by, some have suggested that the remains belonged to Owain Glyndr, who was reputed to be over six-foot tall. Very interested in hearing if activity resumes at the Post & Beam. Hi Mary. At dusk in the summer, the males show off to the females by zooming upwards after power diving. I also saw people in robes moving around a fire,chanting. And kitchen staff, including myself, would hear loud thumping from above them later at night. I never heard of any stories from there before. I did read through the site yesterday so perhaps I already read about them. Homes are built there now. It was one of the most creepy places Ive ever been to. Hello. The following CD narrator claims to have captured images of orbs in the courthouse, as well. Did you know there is an abandoned Dutch settlement on the hike out to Cape Scott? Like I said, I dont consider myself an expert by any means (Im distrustful of those who say they are really), but I have researched the folkloric aspect of ghost stories for most of my adult life so maybe some of this will be helpful to you. As this list is source based we need a newspaper story or book reference to add it to the list. The Dorchester Hotel in Nanaimo as well. No sign of animal attack. According to a member of staff working at the castle, Sir James Herbert Croft (d. 1941) and his sister received an unearthly message via the board whilst using it one night. The apparition of a woman in a long dress was seen by at least one witness. or even what era of clothing she might be wearing? Rob, your theory does sound pretty solid to me. Picture one. So we sat on my mom's bed for about half an hour while the house kept tearing itself apart. Many Many rumors of Ghosts in the Mill in Certain Loactions. Sounds like a terrifying place to grow up! Whatever these types of experiences really are, I believe odd details where things dont make sense logically probably hold the most clues. does anyone notice on the trans-Canada highway close to the Petroglyphs outside Nanaimo on the east side of the highway across a hay field there is a single-door, hardened concrete entrance protruding at the edge of the wood line, it can be hard to spot if you drive to fast on that straight portion of highway there! There are a lot of serpent claims on and around Vancouver Island like a ridiculous amount. Croft and Mary Jean were married on June 29, 1885. He is survived by, besides his widow, one sister and three brothers. 5The exact details of the story are difficult to locate, being referenced here and also told by volunteers working at the castle. Hello Shannon, Quite the overall strange. The location us near the butter church and we have mass battles weekly with 50 to 100 people attending. Curious if you/any one has had similar experiences or heard stories. Im not certain that the spirit of this little boy is in fact a spirit of one of the children massacred, but it goes along with what I have learnt. The site of a massacre. What happened to your 8 friends you left behind? There is a geocache hidden next to the ring as well. Henry Croft (January 15, 1856 July 28, 1917) was an Australian-born lumber and mining magnate on Vancouver Island from the 1880s to 1900s. It had many things in it that would seem could be fake (news paper articles still lying around in a shed after so many years?) We were so confused, as we both heard it clear as day. Multiple witnesses claim to have seen or experienced phenomena (more). I feel like the ghost child, by wanting your daughter to find him, may be that he wants his body found so he can finally rest. I can tell you a ghost story about every single room that the public has access to. a volunteer conducting a tour at Croft Castle. Could hear sounds but never paid much attention to them. I would guess that it would have something to do with WWII? I put the pics on my Google page. I find it especially interesting, the figure sitting up higher in the corner. One site claims that shadow figures have been seen here as well. Item M02675 - Henry Croft family home on Dunsmuir Street known as "Mount Adelaide" Madge Hamilton collection Henry Croft family home on Dunsmuir Street known as "Mount Adelaide" Title and statement of responsibility area Title proper Henry Croft family home on Dunsmuir Street known as "Mount Adelaide" Record type Photographs Level of description why that location? I didnt have time to meander around for long as I was headed down to Victoria, and took a small detour to check the old church out. He told me that him and his sister have seen and heard a little girl in the downstairs hallway playing with a ball and calling for her mom. Most Haunted Places. Bedwell Harbour, Pender IslandAn apparition of a traditional First Nations warrior has been reported. Many burial sites turn out to not be true (all of Victoria built on Indigenous burial grounds, for example). Havent been out that way for a long time, cant remember what led me to discover the place. The amount of history there is insane. But I now know the people and the friends/family they bring with them are who they say they are. U said u wanted details I 4got just one, after the ladies baby drown n she disappeared her body was found floating in the river about a month after her baby died, they didnt know if it was an accident r suicide or foul play, there was no evidence 2show how she ended up there my Gramma said. Henry's second wife, Anne Boleyn, held his interest as his mistress for six years but had just a brief reign as Queen. That lodge has since burned down (unexpicably) and been rebuilt. I know a few other folks that feel it too. 2 In Victoria. It is perhaps then no surprise that this historic fortress is reputed to be the most haunted house in the Midlands region of the United Kingdom. Founded in 1902 by copper magnate Henry Croft, Crofton not only looks directly across to Saltspring Island, but provides you with the means to get there too. Hopefully, this is the case and not a sacrifice (I cant see anyone being able to legit sacrifice an elk). My friends brother stopped to take a leak by the side of the road, my friend and I were chatting about various things. A few years ago, a coworker of mine decided to put these stories to rest, and had the High School students video the room while calling the spirit out. Also, why was everyone so chill when the lights went off?! Lots of videos have hit the news too. Especially being that young! I actually live in Crofton. I do remember that there was a house near the church. I dont know enough about these sorts of things to comment with any sort of authority. (Thanks to my boyfriend who grew up here and knows just about everything about the valley.). Stamp Falls & Somass River, Port AlberniStamp River is a tributary of Somass River. Too scared to leave the confines of Christianity, but rebellious enough to shake a fist at it. jeanette dimech aujourd'hui. Seven ghosts are known to roam this 20,000 square foot, 30-room structure. So several people have had experiences at the same time? I dont know the details, when it was, or where on the lake. [6], In 1890, Croft was elected to the British Columbia Legislature with 146 votes, or 34.27% of the ballots, representing the Cowichan region. Would be cool to compare. Keeha Beach (Bay), BamfieldTheres an oral tradition on Vancouver Island of this beach being a sacred or holy place where several people have had personal experiences. I know that children are more open to spirits, and my daughters paternal grandfather was a medicine man (he has passed and we dont know much more than that about him) do you think she could carry on in life seeing and feeling the presence of spirits, or will she lose that in time? While camping in 1998, I myself witnessed strange lights at the south end of the beach (more below). Cameron Lake also had an entire train go off a trestle with no survivors I have been told. Read more 0 Washington Avenue Grill The cannibal witch is called a wendigo by the the first nations people back east. Nature Beings, Ghosts, and Ancestor Spirits. The second one, which is the remains of an old mill, is located next to the Tsolum River, on Farnum Road. Thats one that needs to be included, Hey Jack! Mr. Croft was 61 years of age, having been born on January 15, 1856, at Mount Adelaide, Darling Point, Sydney. I had stopped my Truck at what is called the view-point rest area located on the Malahat Highway as I was heading South. Driving through there at night you made sure your lights were on. Myths are of the past. T he Croft is a haunted house story that has a strange resonance with current, real-world horrors. A-06788-Hugo R. Beaven's residence, 'Arden', Beach Drive, Victoria. So he smoothed the bedding again and yelled dont sit on the bed. This time no one sat on the bed. I know youre a ways from there, but youre still closer than me, so I thought Id ask. Cool, creepy place, Hi Shannon, thanks a lot for this blog page. Picture two. Lowest rating: 3. Walking Routes. The Haunted Palace: Do Ghosts Wander the Halls of Hampton Court Palace? We live in Ontario and I was not aware of a lot of this info. During the closure, a security guard was employed to make sure that the site was secure after the builders went home. Doors open and close on their own, and are often locked unexplainably. Weird dog. Thanks for sharing Catie. I am sorry, but these people were not even born then? Joey..I one hundred percent believe you. Sometimes that included his wives, children and anyone else. The Bastion Fort, Nanaimo(open) Audio and poltergeist activity has been reported since the 60s. The tea cups would rattle on the shelves. Hope youre doing well! At the end of Lake Trail Road (on your way to the old ghost town of Beban) as it hits the Comox Logging Road (Comox Lake Road) that goes out to the Rod & Gun Club/Comox Lake. Since this comment I did talk to one person who works at the mill who said he thought it was haunted as well. Mount Tzouhalem, Duncan An apparition of a First Nations warrior has been reported, believed to be Chief Tzouhalem (forum). Harbour House Hotel, Salt Spring Island(open) Audible phenomena and poltergeist activity is experienced. That is very interesting and a bit scary, about the influences spirit children have on ours (as well as adult spirits im sure). Also, pots and pans moving, lights turning off and on; one day working the morning shift I opened, no a soul or sound everything sleeping sound asleep at 5am, just came back to the front desk from opening the pub and gift shop, was walkingand a lady said my name, hurry come! I went upstairs to accounting to see of anyone was up there, no one, as well as the pub and dining room and kitchen. Dusk in the English county of Herefordshire, represents 1,000 years of power and politics see anyone able..., & Port Alberni are named specifically basement, which is the remains of an old mill, is next. Blown himself up source based we need a newspaper story or book henry croft house haunted to add it to the Tsolum,. Own, and keep reading until you find someone who thinks like you do i already read about.! Ships have claimed to have used discarnate spirits in order to attack witnesses using a of. And individuals use the word exorcism as well might be wearing been told thats one that needs be! 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