difference between adaptive teaching and differentiation

EEF Learning Behaviours specialist and secondary school SENCo,Kirsten Mould, explores the concept of adaptive teaching. The Education Endowment Foundation (EEF) is a charity and a company limited by guarantee. Differentiation means tailoring instruction to meet individual needs. Reflective Questions. It is more than simply helping students who need extra . In essence, CHECK, REFLECT, RESPOND. However, rather than just seeing 'adaptive teaching' as a matter of semantics, or even just a simple case of abolishing fixed in-class ability groupings, I would argue that it is through exploring 'adaptive teaching' that a school can journey much further with their curriculum design, their quality of teaching, and, crucially, the . Hannah has worked as a classroom teacher, English subject lead, and specialist leader in education, with over 11 years experience in the sector. And I linked those grades to their future life chances, selling the benefits of good qualifications. Differentiating the programme Where some parts of the curriculum content need to be individualised for some students, you can differentiate your classroom programme using two approaches that Giangreco (2007) discusses: multilevel curriculum and curriculum overlapping 1 . BC Ministry of Education. Is there ahelpful sequence for building staff knowledge and techniques for effective adaptive teaching. The Polesworth School ran a CPD session on Adaptive Teaching in October that sparked quite a few discussions. Then I set the bar high. Helps teachers to understand pupils prior understanding of the subject matter, allowing them to plan more effectively. NASEN: Differentiation why and how? [1]Davis et al (2004) Teaching Strategies and Approaches for Pupils withSpecial Educational Needs: ascoping study. According to Standard 5 of the Teachers Standards (DfE, 2011) adaptive teaching is when teachers adapt teaching to respond to the strengths and needs of all pupils. So for example, if we had our "high" student, our "medium" student, and our "low" performing student, we might provide a different text for each . I did not differentiate the questions I asked either I made sure every student was required to answer questions that demanded critical thinking. I made sure I modelled the very best work but, in so doing, I deconstructed examples of excellence live in front of students so they could see how to get from where they were to where they needed to be, rather than presenting them with heres one I made earlier. As well as there is the shear inertia of the traditional teaching styles in which many teachers and parents were educated and expect their own children to be educated in. For example, a specific SEND such as. Pashler et al (2007) Organising Instruction and Study to Improve Student Learning, NCER. Adaptive teaching is not differentiation by another name, with different resources, handouts, different learning objectives which automatically produce a glass ceiling for student achievement. All these scaffolds fell away over time though independence was always the aim. Adaptive teaching, as referred to within the Early Career Framework, relates to the adaptations made to teaching to ensure it provides all learners with the opportunity to meet expectations. AL technology provides instruction and tutoring support, and interacts with the student throughout the learning process. Here's how differentiation works: A teacher responds to a student's unique learning needs through the learning process, the educational content, or the specific learning vehicle or product, based on a student's interests, learning profile or readiness. With this in mind, adaptive learning may not appeal to those who have already dismissed other individualized learning methodologies. By understanding what they already knew and could do, I was able to make connections and teach new information through the lens of what was familiar, and I could ensure that my analogies landed. In 2015, The EDUCAUSE Learning Initiative (ELI) explained that "discussion in higher education has yet to settle on the relationship betweenor even the precise definitions ofpersonalized learning and concepts including differentiated instruction, adaptive learning, and individualized learning." In early 2017, the debate continues. Differentiation asks teachers to plan different tasks or learning experiences for different groups of students, with the idea being that we can better meet the needs of diverse learners. Balancing input of new content so that pupils master important concepts. The effects of scaffolding in the classroom: support contingency and student independent working time in relation to student achievement, task effort and appreciation of support, Organising Instruction and Study to Improve Student Learning. There is still lots to explore around adaptive teaching: what it means for our pupils and teachers in school and what we share with parents and carers to support home learning. Our News Alerts are emailed to 45,000+ subscribers regularly. Provide opportunity for all pupils to experience success, including by maintaining high expectations for all and making effective use of teaching assistants. Her favourite article is How to Deal with Challenging Behaviour in the Classroom. For astart, it is what you think it is: being responsive to information about learning, then adjusting teaching to better match pupil need. The term differentiation is slowly being replaced with adaptive teaching by many professionals working within education. If its relatively new, what would be the rationale for introducing it? John was in a class I regularly cite on training courses. Mould adds: At first glance, these strategies may seem commonplace. It is the same diet, but at a different pace. Most educators are aware of adaptive technologies for disabled learners, but the concept of adaptations extends into every aspect of the education environment. She is particularly interested in creating impactful resources, packed with practical ideas. The PISA research says that adaptive instruction is one of the approaches most positively correlated with student performance. This can help to increase teachers long-term professional satisfaction. When differentiating teaching to suit the needs of individual students . In ahelpful document entitled, Differentiation Why and How?, NASEN capture some of the problems:The possible danger behind this is that it may lead to alowering of expectations, particularly when in-class groupings are permanent e.g. Pace is set such that it is unique to the learner, Academic goals for each student may vary throughout the learning environment, Relies on students taking ownership of their own learning, Teacher adopt the role of Guide-on-the-Side. Section 5 says that new teachers should learn that: According to the ECF, new teachers also need to learn how to: In short then, whereas traditional differentiation focuses on individual students or small groups of students, adaptive teaching focuses on the whole class. It also encapsulates the importance of investigating the reason behind the struggle, as opposed to merely addressing the struggle itself. What diagnostic assessment procedures are commonly used in your school? Despite institutional and government encouragement to adopt student-centered learning styles, many educators still adhere to more traditional, teacher-centered, didactic classroom methodologies (Pennington, 2009). This is formatively assessing the learned curriculum before embarking upon the next planned chunk of new learning. Prompting learners with key words, visuals, sound bites or other sensory stimuli. I also explicitly taught frameworks and memory aids such as mnemonics to remember key information. Learning as We Go: Principles for Effective Assessment During the Covid-19 Pandemic. ) [1]NASEN also remind us that there will still be pupils with SEND who need and benefit from different resources, teaching materials and strategies to access their learning.Is it time for adaptive teaching to replace differentiation? However, effective implementation, developing a shared understanding of what they look like in practice across a school, is a challenge. Chief among these strategies, then, is scaffolding In her blog, Mould continues: Scaffolding aims to provide students with temporary supports that are gradually removed or faded out as they become increasingly independent. Some, for example, still associate differentiation with three coloured worksheets or tasks for three distinct ability groupings. The learning tasks always consider the students' strengths/weaknesses. Having a full understanding of every child is extremely important in adaptive teaching, Mould explains. Adaptive teaching is less likely to be valuable if it causes the teacher to artificially create distinct tasks for different groups of pupils or to set lower expectations for particular pupils. who owns hask hair products; psychiatric interviews for teaching: mania; einstein medical center philadelphia internal medicine residency; mel e learning elysium; silas weir mitchell disability; how to calculate probability less than in excel; how to light a water heater with electronic pilot rheem At first glance, these strategies may seem commonplace. It is, in effect, the difference between teaching up to 30 different lessons at once, matching the pace and pitch to each individual student and providing different tasks and resources to different students, and teaching the same lesson to all 30 students, and doing so by teaching to the top while providing scaffolds to those who need additional initial support in order to access the same ambitious curriculum and meet our high expectations. Choice of learning activity as well as choice in the assessment (how the student will demonstrate understanding). For example: Provide opportunity for all pupils to experience success by: But even this requires further unpacking. What we now perceive to be effective differentiation has changed dramatically from what was once considered to be good practice. Specifically, adaptive teaching requires teachers to: Adaptive teaching also forms part of the new Early Career Framework (DfE, 2019). As a result, many went on to study A levels in the school sixth form and then onto university, despite having been previously written off by the system. Synonym. Meet individual needs without creating unnecessary workload, including by planning to connect new content with pupils existing knowledge or providing additional pre-teaching; building in additional practice; reframing questions to provide greater scaffolding; and considering carefully whether intervening within lessons with individuals and small groups would be more efficient and effective than planning different lessons for different groups of pupils. We are all still grateful you stuck with us; you wont believe how much having that C helped us all so thank you.. I made sure the development of study skills such as self-quizzing and revision was also planned and explicitly taught, first in a domain-specific way then as transferable skills. And I linked those grades to their future life chances, selling the benefits of good qualifications. Below are links to two podcasts that influenced the thinking behind this article. Highlighting and emboldening key learning points. Allow students to choose their writing topics. Is teaching adapted before and during alesson? This is not supported by evidence and attempting to tailor lessons to learning styles is unlikely to be beneficial. This has made it necessary for teachers to adopt new measures, such as differentiated teaching and learning strategies. There is another problem with differentiated teaching, too: ED Hirsch in his book Why Knowledge Matters (2016) says: When a teacher is attending to the individual needs of one student in a class of 20, 19 are not receiving the teachers attention.. However, effective implementation, developing ashared understanding of what they look like in practice across aschool, is achallenge. Differentiated instruction strategies for writing. Adapting language to ensure all learners understand the content. Indeed, there was little difference in my teaching between the two classes: expectations were high and the work was challenging. Use tab to navigate through the menu items. This may be, for example, through the use of targeted teacher or TA support, pre-teaching vocabulary, releasing lesson content online early, or providing audio summaries or lesson introductions before the lesson. So, what is adaptive teaching? The Differentiated Instruction and Adaptive Learning Infographic provides an overview of what differentiated instruction is all about and sheds some light on key concepts related to this instructional method. In my bottom set boys class, I ignored the target grades my students had been given. What sort of adaptations are we talking about? AL companies, such as Realizeit, are gaining traction, as student satisfaction and success rates gain percentage points. Definitely not. You may want to read more about your child's rights, too. BCs New Curriculum - Curriculum Overview. Students learn at different rates and require different types and levels of support from their teachers in order to succeed. And I told my students to ignore them too. I recently had a reader ask me to clarify the difference between tracking and differentiation. What is the right balance of new content to mastery of existing concepts?How are schools and Trusts tackling adaptive teaching?School leaders play avital role in helping staff achieve precision around exactly what particular practices, like adaptive teaching involve in classrooms and across the school (their active ingredients). (2009). DL technology can determine a unique pathway that navigates the student, however it does not necessarily adapt the path, as the learner moves forward. AL technology takes prior learning into account, differentiates the pace for individuals, and accommodates different curriculum sequences. Titles include SEND in the Classroom and Challenging Behaviour. Educational Needs: ascoping study. Helps to nurture a greater respect and admiration for education, ensuring pupils are motivated and engaged in their learning. What is the difference between Personalized Learning and Adaptive Learning? Differentiated Learning (DL) Teacher fits approaches and resources to individuals needs, based on what has worked historically, with similar students. Perhaps the misconception around differentiation lies within the word itself: DIFFERENTiation. The more helpful term of adaptive teaching is much clearer in its aim: it is teaching and learning practices that help all learners to achieve by better suiting their needs. We want to ensure that there is a shared understanding of the importance of adaptive teaching in the delivery of our ambitious curricula for all students. The program acts as the instructor and tutor. Over a series of 15 slides, students will examine images and informational text and participate in activities to uncover the differences between these types of natural resources. 05/21/2022. After all, adaptive teaching is leading to providing differing inputs; true, and in that much broader sense of the word, then differentiation is not dead. For example two student who were initially on the same path may receive different lessons based on their previous work in the course. They were what I would euphemistically call a lively bunch. Instructional Science, 43, pp615-641. Being adaptive in both the moment and as a result of considered, planned adaptive teaching strategies will help to yield better academic outcomes for pupils. I did not differentiate the questions I asked either I made sure every student was required to answer questions that demanded critical thinking. My comments never compared a student with others in the class, but rather they compared each student with their earlier selves: my feedback made clear where they were now, how far they had come, and what their next steps should be. Such high-quality teaching adjusting, adapting and assessing in the classroom is of course crucial for the progress of all pupils. Differentiation is a vital skill in a teacher's toolkit. What Are the Problems With Differentiated Instruction? Whilst providing focused support to children who are not making progress is recommended, creating amultitude of differentiated resources isnot. The Education Endowment Foundation (EEF) is a charity and a company limited by guarantee. Teaching Strategies and Approaches for Pupils with Special Educational Needs: ascoping study, Does Ofsteds use of research require improvement? However, I do wonder if this market is in truth somewhat limited. In fact, it is second only to ensuring students are from wealthy backgrounds! And yet, spoiler alert, they all came out with Cs and above. It hopefully provided clarity and to an extent a renewed sense of autonomy, for those where perhaps the original message about the importance of the same diet for all students has become somewhat mudded. If differentiation comes with too much baggage, it may be timely to move forward with new terminology and ideas. SENCO Kirsten Mould explored the practicalities of adaptive teaching in a recent blog for the Education Endowment Foundation (Mould, 2021). Not 're-invent' or 'make-something-entirely-different'. Differentiated instruction is a teaching method in which teachers adapt their instruction to accommodate a variety of learning needs. Are there ways to communicate and celebrate successful strategies across classes and with families athome. To convince them, I explained how the targets had been calculated and tore apart the logic. Within the practice of effective adaptive teaching, all learners experience the same high expectations set out by the teacher, with differing layers of support, to help them make good progress and achieve well over time. However, we know that we need to think about this in subject-specific terms too.What questions about adaptive teaching are helpful for leaders and teachers thinking about your approach to adaptive teaching? From a venture perspective, adaptive learning appears to have a ready market in both K-12 and post-secondary education, where there can be some variation in learning outcomes and students have years in order to complete their studies. We are all still grateful you stuck with us; you wont believe how much having that C helped us all so thank you. Matt Bromley is an education advisor and author with more than 20 years experience in teaching including as a secondary headteacher and MAT director. Further, while this would imply that technology would be taking on a greater role in educating students, teachers would have more time for the often non-quantifiable elements of the teaching profession, such as focusing on the personal, social and emotional development of students as they grow and learn. Partly, as a result of feedback from the session, we delivered a streamlined version to Curriculum leaders & SLT early last week. So what are the differences between Adaptive Learning, Personalized Learning and Differentiated Learning? Here Assistant Head, Caroline O'Regan talks about ensuring a shared understanding of the importance of adaptive teaching in the delivery of an ambitious curricula for all of our students. what would martial law in russia mean phoebe arnstein wedding joey michelle knight son picture brown surname jamaica. And this takes time, planning and agility within the classroom. The success of adapting teaching also lies in careful diagnostic assessment, in order to avoid prescriptive and inflexible delivery4. Focusing on the whole class In short then, whereas traditional differentiation focuses on individual students or small groups of students, adaptive teaching focuses on the whole class. Mere observation of teachers' responses to differences between different groups of learners is insufficient to Large print text, audio recordings, visual interpretations, and a slew of other adaptations address the multiplicities of learning preferences in the classroom and often enhance the . There is a wide variety of reasons that make differentiated instruction a necessity in the teaching pedagogy. Introduction. Put simply, if we dumb down or reduce the curriculum for some students, we only serve to double their existing disadvantages, rather than help them overcome those challenges to achieve in line with their peers. Learning progresses typically in a linear manner. Speaking to pupils, making use of assessment outcomes and working closely with colleagues can help you to ensure that the adaptive teaching strategies you use have a positive impact. As indicated previously, some of this is due to the perceived workload, but for others there remains questions about the efficacy of personalized learning. There was, I said, nothing to prevent them from achieving the very top grades if they worked hard enough. Case in point, the new British Columbia curriculum, which is in the process of being implemented, emphasizes that personalized learning and differentiated instruction are some of its foundational principles along with the explicit acknowledgement that not all students learn successfully at the same rate, in the same learning environment, and in the same ways. (BC Ministry of Education, 2017). This can help to decrease gaps in progress and attainment between learners. Every student worked towards the same goal and crucially that goal was the same as Id set for my top set class. Most importantly perhaps, I made sure that every student in the class completed the same task I did not differentiate tasks according to ability nor did I produce differentiated resources. Differentiation vs. Tracking. Time needs to be diverted to identifying reasons for learning struggles, not just the struggles themselves3. The third bullet point alone is the topic of an entire EEF guidance report: Making Best Use of Teaching Assistants! The objective of differentiation is to lift the performance of all students, including those who are falling behind and those ahead of year level expectations. In essence, , The Education Endowment Foundations article on what Adaptive Teaching is, Adam Boxers overview of Afl/formative assessment, Dr Nick Soderstroms piece highlights the distinction between learning and performance. It encompasses the importance of effective planning prior to the lesson, as well as the adjustments made to teaching and learning throughout the lesson. Davis et al (2004) Teaching Strategies and Approaches for Pupils. In my bottom set boys class, I ignored the target grades my students had been given. Ashared language and understanding of what works in each context isvital. Hardworking teachers today are differentiating instruction according to factors such as: The process is beneficial to students but difficult and time-consuming for teachers. Neither is it an excuse for deviating from the shared scheme of learning and doing your own thing. So, what happened to John after he left school with his C in English? ISTE defines differentiation as "a type of learning where instruction is tailored to meet the learning needs, preferences and goals of individual students." Most schools and districts follow prescribed learning standards or objectives that all general education students must meet by the end of each grade . It uses data and analytics to continuously adapt the learning path. When looking at 2018 educational technology trend predictions, Adaptive Learning is appearing on most lists. Seeking to understand pupils differences, including their different levels of prior knowledge and potential barriers to learning, is an essential part of teaching. June 14, 2016 |. The difference between an individual support approach and a more universal approach is shown clearly in . DL technology can determine a unique pathway that navigates the student, however it does not necessarily adapt the path, as the learner moves forward. Teachers are used to the idea of first, now, next building the bigger picture and making connections for learning.. It is, therefore, vital that teachers understand the varying levels of need within their classroom, as well as any barriers to learning students may face. What does adaptive teaching mean for Education SouthWest? david perkins metacognition . Differentiation means tailoring instruction to meet individual needs. Challenge is an essential aspect of learning. Differentiated Instruction and Adaptive Learning Infographic. And there are other questions we might ask about this section. - Whereas ' adaptation ' is responsive to different needs as and when they become salient Today are differentiating instruction according to factors such as Realizeit, are gaining traction, as a of. There ways to communicate and celebrate successful Strategies across classes and with families.... Adopt new measures, such as: the process is beneficial to students but difficult time-consuming... Would euphemistically call a lively bunch language and understanding of what they look like in practice across school! 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difference between adaptive teaching and differentiation