am i a lukewarm christian quiz

We are the ones who seem fixated on commandment, Jesus wants koinonia ! In the book of Revelation, John compares the Church at Laodecia to lukewarm water. What is the True Significance of the Virgin Birth? I ADVISE you to buy from me gold refined in the fire that you may be rich. I don't know. Christ did not die to purify a bride who would keep him on the porch while she watches TV in the den. Ill be reading what you have to say and be praying. I can see many of the distressed comments in this blog (and indeed my own mind) struggling to absorb the real meaning and effects of this statement For all those dear brothers and sisters who know inherently, they are carrying a weight much heavier than the light load Christ promised, I found Pauls article Son, Servant, or Friend of God? such a relief to read and meditate which further explains the difference between identity and service. In fact, a lukewarm Christian can have an interest in God, such as going to church or reading the Bible and may look spiritual outwardly, but he does not allow God to have full access to every area of his life. So, how do you buy gold when youre broke? This is calledAPOSTASY which is aREJECTIONorDESERTIONfromFAITHinJESUS & GODS WORD. I guess that the best way to deal with the question posed by the OP is to share the simple Bible truth: if a person is truly saved, they are going to Heaven. My mind always wants to figure things out and take charge, but that is the way of the flesh. Do you Love Celebrity Magazines, Secular Books, Computer, Games, TV, Internet, Movies MORE than you love Reading & Sharing Gods Word? 1. This message alone gives us peace that never leaves! Heres Pastor John to explain in a sermon preached back in 1983. FYI These Are NOT Genuinely Saved Christians portrayed in this Video as they were NEVER Saved in the First Place. Thanks. Omg Paul thank god I cant thank you enough lets spread the word. Love it, love it, love it!! Also, if the majority are truly Christian then we would not have to struggle so much to keep our beliefs from being trampled by the government. May 29 coquihalla highway steepest gradeNo Comments am i a lukewarm christian quizcraigslist ford flareside. But before he gets there, theres an awful threat. The synonyms for the word are also revealing: dull, apathetic, moderate. 14 Ways to Share the Gospel. Do you Seek after Money, Fame, or Fortune More than you Seek First the Kingdom of God? This is abiding in the Vine. Note: the word MORE. Lukewarm Christian. When Jesus comes in and has dinner with you by candlelight, youve got power to overcome all the allurements of the world. Yet another liberating refreshing word. First, we are called to make disciples. INTRO TO THE LUKEWARM CHRISTIAN TEST: Please Note that SO4J-TV understands GRACE. Its constantly feeling like a failure and then believing the enemies lies that God is disappointed with me and I am not pleasing to The Father. Make Christ alone your unmixed doctrineand grow in the grace and knowledge of Jesus. We are transformed by beholding Jesus. The Law or Word, or Jesus, was their way to God. Now, Jesus has a word to you and to me if we think we need nothing at the beginning of 1983, if theres no sense of desperation in our hearts for change. This is that sweet promise: he wants to join you in the dining room of your life, light a candle, spread the table, sit down with you, and talk for an hour. A False Convert namedDemasin the New Testament is a Good Example of that. Visible Morality: Matthew 19:16-21; 23:27. ! Make sure to attempt all the questions to get good results. Sincerely, Mark. Continue reading. Trivia. Are you NOT bothered when people use Gods Name in Vain (misuse His Holy Name), or SWEAR, when you hear it from other People, Movies, DVD, Music? Christ's love . Loss Of The First Love. Wow what a wonderful message. The new covenant is characterized by Christs perfect sacrifice that did away with sin once and for all (Heb 9:26). TL;DR. Counseling is big business today, and many of you are involved in it with me. How do you interpret Revelation 12:17 and 14:12? Let's go! But understand that trying to keep the law, for whatever noble reason, is a sure sign that one is not established in Christs righteousness. Sign #2 to Know if You're a Lukewarm Christian: Lukewarm Christians are Easily Inspired By Stories of Radical Christians. "Having a form of godliness, but denying the power thereof: from such turn away." 2 Titus 3:5. As Paul says in Romans 7, running back to your old husband the law is cheating on Jesus. not unapproved or unacceptable or disqualified but much loved and accepted as sons. I had a VISION of LUKEWARM is as in Psalm 82:5 You do not know, nor do you understand; / You go about in darkness; / All the foundations of the earth are shaken. How do you get the wealth of Christ robes of righteousness and obedience, and power to love, salve to make us wise with the wisdom of God when you cant even go out of your closet? I didnt choose those words for sermonic effect; those are the words of Jesus. The overwhelming theme of history is that no one can keep Gods perfect standard. I am not really sure. Jesus said if you love Me then keep my commandments. Noah knew the law before it was given at Sinia. 1 John 2:15-16 - Do not love the world or anything in the world. APPROVED. 6 I said, You are gods, / And all of you are sons of the Most High. with other words: i would love to find a text, where those, last mentioned verses were adressed. JUDGMENT DAY ARE YOU READY? How to share E2R, Copyright 2023 9 Do You Seek After Worldly Wealth & Fame vs Seeking First The Kingdom of God?10-Do You Fail to Obey Jesus, and Gods Word Consistently? If there is NoObedience to Jesus & Gods Word(1 John 2:3-6,Luke 6:46) out of a Love for Jesus (John 14:15,21,23-24,John 15:10,14,John 3:36,John 8:31) & one Continues In Sin (1 John 3:8-10) then well have to Face the Terrifying Consequences ofHeb 10:26-31which Jesus Warns us about also inMatt 7:21-23where MANY who Thought they were Saved will spend Eternity in Hell. To follow the bible and God's teaching as closely as possible B. If anyone loves the world, love for the Father is not in them. Where peopleHEAR & RESPONDto the Gospel by making aDECISION FOR CHRISTorPROFESSION OF FAITH(like Judas did). Thank you Paul. Superficial Love. (Prov 14:12) Thats what Adam & Eve thought. Only God's view is important. 1 Feb 2011. Boiling in Spirit Now I will give my take on this. Good luck to you with this quiz! (2/9) SO4J-TV, This Video above is from SO4J-TV, and it is about the Fate of FALSE CONVERTS (APOSTATES) who come to the EDGE of Saving Faith but they eventually REJECT or WALK AWAY from the Truth (Video Portayal ofMatthew 7:21-23). Let him who boasts boast in the Lord. Theres only one place where we can get that gold, those garments, and that medicine and thats Jesus himself. The old covenant was characterized by repeated sacrifices that did nothing to take away sin. Be holy not try to be holy. It is an often unspoken, but all too present reality in the American Church. If you are trusting in your own righteousness, bathe yourself inthe cold-harsh law that Jesus preached. Fix your eyes on Jesus who offers you his righteousness and who empowers you to go and sin no more. Not quite. Theres the barometer. An intimate relationship with God that flows through and: 1) leads you to do good works, 2) leads you to repentance. Total Gift of total Grace. It's really that basic. Lukewarm Christian is someone who loves the Lord with a partial heart, and gives the other part of the heart to worldliness. So, because you are lukewarmneither hot nor coldI am about to spit you out of my mouth." Can you feel the weight of this reprimand? Listen to Jesus who came to reveal a God who loves us like a Father. Luke 18:8-14, Both Peter & Judas (in the New Testament) Betrayed Jesus Christ. Polly. 7 Evidences That Neither Prove Nor Disprove One's Faith. (Oh My G-d?). What is Your Attitude? LUKEWARM CHRISTIAN TESTis a 10 Question Testto help you to: Examine Yourself (2 Corinthians 13:5) with Gods Word, to see if you are a Lukewarm self-deceived so-called Christian (Apostate) OR a true Christian. . Pope Francis warned about "lukewarm" Christians during Mass on Sunday, saying there are many who are "Christians are in name only." We ask you, humbly: don't scroll away. Watch this 10 Minute Mini-Movie below that SO4J-TV produced, which is apart of a whole 1 Hour SO4J-TV Show that can be seen, Video: Lukewarm Christians Judgment Day-Are You Ready? The quiz will quickly show you whether you have lukewarm thinking or not. They read the Bible, go to Bible studies, l earn to pray and they are just full of excitement. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. Were going to see the sweetest promise youve ever heard before were done. Its the mantra of every religion ever invented. 1 What is the definition of the word Christian? I am thrilled to have found this site. If we dont have a plan for when, where, and how we will read the Bible, our devotions will probably fall before the demands of the day. When our faith can be described this way, it means a kind of angst or doldrum has set into our spirit about the things of God. Sometimes we do think it is too good to be true. Hi Samuel, Christians are not law-less. But Gentiles were never given the Mosaic Law by God, as Paul make clear in Romans chapters 9-11. First John Chapter 2 verse 15 says: " Do not love the world or the things in the world. Does hot, cold, and warm water describe . Now it is a get to life rather than a have to life through the reciprocating Love of the Holy Spirit, shed into our new heart for Him and for others. Could you recommend me some of your books. They aren't particularly enthusiastic about it, nor are they hostile toward it. Author: Categories: . Please correct me where I am in error. Paul , I call this freedom teaching ! However he does not end with the dilemma as Roman 8 references: those LED OF HOLY SPIRIT these are the sons of God. A True Christian has a Beatitude Attitude Found In Matt 5:1-12, Do you fail to MOURN over your Sin, and/or you just dont Care? As a retired university teacher who aspires to be clear, Im delighted to hear your feedback. 1 John 2:15-16 "Do not love the world or the things in the world. (Hebrews 10:10 & 14) Am I living others because I am filled with the Spirit and it is my new nature or am I trying to prove that I am holy, Jesus follower, good etc.? And such churchgoers, if they dont begin to do something, to change, will eventually be spit out of his mouth. Jesus warns us over and over again about True & False Conversion i.e. Lukewarm Christian Test is a 10 Question Test to help you to: "Examine Yourself" (2 Corinthians 13:5) with God's Word, to see if you are a Lukewarm self-deceived so-called "Christian" (Apostate) OR a true Christian. I like to think of the Spirit as the locomotive and my mind as the caboose. I dont believe Christians are *under* the law, but we can use it as the example I just mentioned. Only later, when I have seen it in the Bible does my mind catch-up to what my spirit already grasped. What is lukewarmness? The Gospel in Ten Words Tenth Anniversary, How to Get Pauls New Book Before It Goes on Sale, New Testament Scriptures Used to Support Original Sin, Old Testament Scriptures Used to Support Original Sin, 12 Infamous Examples of Walking After the Flesh in the Bible. Praise God we are not of this world even though we are in it, we are sons and daughters of the living God and we are seated in the heavenlies with Him. Do You Commit Any Of These Type of Sins on a CONTINUAL Basis: A SEXUAL SINS & GREED: Sex before Marriage, Looking at someone to Lust after them, Masturbation, Lustful Thoughts & Fantasizing, Looking at Pornography these are All works of the Flesh. Do You Fail to Obey Jesus, and Gods Word Consistently? Are you too BUSY spending MORE time with these People & Things, than you are Jesus? Are You Lazy? so we do have to run from and confess sin right ? How to Not Be a Lukewarm Christian "I know your deeds, that you are neither cold nor hot. A lukewarm faith makes Him want to "spit you out of my mouth." And when Jesus Christ comes into the room, he brings with him all the gold, all the garments, and all the medicine in the world. Here comes, in verse 18, the counsel. Thanks for taking the time to write. The Spirit of Truth leads us and your articles are great tools He uses in my life. In the sense that if we are among the elect, it is possible that our final redemption will be as by fire- by the skin of our teeth so to speak. I need nothing. If the law is anti Christ (which is what you are inferring) then why did Jesus give us a new commandment- was He being lukewarm on that day? Just try to imagine the favorite meal youve ever enjoyed with the nearest and dearest friend youve ever had. . Although a believers righteousness is in Christ, Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness (holiness, obedience, desiring to please God etc. LEVEL: BALANCING life experience in the world as OLD man, with KINGdom life as NEW man experience. Is Jesus not the Word of God? So, what is lukewarmness? Most Christians have heard the term " lukewarm Christian " and understand its negative connotation. Im definitely caught in a mixture of Law and Grace. The invitation to koinonia is first with a living, present, resurrected Jesus! If Jesus never changes Heb 8:4, and He is the only way to the father, He has always been that way to the father. Are we not counciled to rid ourselves of the wood, hay and stubbleif we want to be meet for the Masters use? Do you Opt Out of Warning others & giving the True Terms of the Gospel (Luke 9:23-26, Matt 10:32-39) for a Warm & Fuzzy Gospel that Appears to get big Results, but in the end only promotes being a False Convert? Instead of paddling in the pools of mixture, start swimming in the vast ocean of your Fathers love. This church has abandoned its mission, it's become ineffective, useless. Beautiful words, Paul. The quiz will quickly show you whether you have lukewarm thinking or not. Not something we chase down and try to put on like new clothes. Now, thats the threat and thats the indictment. A lukewarm Christian is an ineffective one, whose faith doesn't result in good works. What gets missed in the discussion about lukewarm is the solution offered to the Laodacean church. Hi readers, it seems you use Catholic Online a lot; that's great! John 15:5 Jesus says, Apart from Me you can do NOTHING.. The way of the Most High i like am i a lukewarm christian quiz think of the of... ; s view is important closely as possible B the Church at Laodecia to water! Heart, and warm water describe articles are great tools he uses in my.... 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am i a lukewarm christian quiz