This prevents power surges while prolonging the life of the bulbs. We like to use 100-light strands because they are easy to work with as you wrap the tree branches. Wrap the cord around every green as you work back along the branch. Simple in design, net lights are string lights that have been connected to form a grid, which can easily cover the exterior of bushes or tree trunks in a fast, hassle free installation process. Creating a magical glow of lights on an artificial tree isn't difficult, but it demands patience. The beauty of net lights is the hassle free installation process. By Kat Hodgins | Updated Nov 14, 2022 5:46 PM. Christmas Decorations and Gift Store: Christmas Tree Decorating with Lights. With some patience and a bit of creativity, you'll have a house that outshines all the others. They have worked for some of the most prestigious brands in lifestyle journalism, including Apartment Therapy, Better Homes & Gardens, Food & Wine, the Food Network, Good Housekeeping, InStyle, Martha Stewart Living, O: The Oprah Magazine, Parents, POPSUGAR, Rachel Ray Every Day, and Vogue. If you're looking to wrap multiple trees which are all of varying sizes and you want a more durable option than traditional trunk wraps, you may be interested in new StretchNet Pro tree wraps. It's simple, but it makes a lot of difference by covering your tree in lights instead of lassoing it. Each lights string has both male/female plug,allowing you to connect multiple sets of string lights together.You can connect lights on different shrubs or splice them into a larger net.Each string is rated 9.6 watts ,you can connect up to 12 strings lights.With the 16.4ft lead wire and 1.64ft tail wire,you can connect different light strings . Then, add new displays each year. To remove the lights without tangling them, work in reverse. Take the opposite corner of the Christmas net lights and extend it to the opposite corner of the bush, looping the end around a limb on that corner of the bush. Keep the safety of your own children and your visitors and guests in mind. You'll learn two different ways of hanging Christmas lights in the trees in your yard for your computerized Christmas light show. Best Way to Hang Vertical Christmas Tree Lights, 100+ Unbelievable Cyber Monday Amazon Deals on Home, Fashion, and More, How Many Feet of Christmas Lights You Need for Every Tree Height. When hanging Christmas tree lights on a tree, you should plan on using 100 lights for every foot of your tree's height. Be sure you have outdoor electrical sockets to plug into when you use outdoor Christmas lights. Always check your Christmas lights before putting them on the tree. A second cord should be placed at the top of taller trees. Is it safe to string outdoor lights on aluminum porch railing? Include your email address to get a message when this question is answered. Depending on how tall your tree trunks are, you may want to wrap your larger trees with string lights instead. Then, we'll help you create your best holiday tree effortlessly and beautifully. If hiding the cords is important to you, choose string lights with a green cord to blend into the tree branches. Depending on the bush size, net lights are ideal because of how well they drape. The etiquette expert says there's "never a time or a place for a Yankee candle". By using our site, you agree to our. General Net Light Tips Typical trunk light wraps measure 2' x 6' and 2' x 8' and are just the right size for wrapping small to medium trees that are 2' wide and under. There may be major brands you can see as Dazzle Bright, OYCBUZO, Kringle Traditions, Wintergreen Lighting, Joomer, HISHINY, Jnaurb, iBaycon, Flacchi, Toodour, LYHOPE, MIQIA, KNONEW, OZS, echosari. Official site for the U.S. Department of Energy, which provides resources related to energy safety, conservation, and efficiency, Journal archive from the U.S. National Institutes of Health,,,,,,,, poner las luces de navidad en el exterior de la casa, Sistemare le Luci Natalizie all'Esterno della Tua Casa. Once the section is filled in with Christmas lights, its easy to make adjustments to evenly space them out. A good rule is to average 100 lights for every foot of the tree, but you can add more lights (or use fewer) as you prefer. These trunk wraps are good if you're wrapping just one or two trees, but they will stretch out over time and may lose their shape over a few seasons. In this case, 92% of readers who voted found the article helpful, earning it our reader-approved status. Take care to keep each net light facing the same direction as the one before it when wrapping your bushes and avoid overlap as much as possible to prevent a heavy concentration of lights in some areas. Use coupon code FiveOffSpecial to receive $5 off of your order! Celebrate a good, old-fashioned Christmas with these colorful 1940s inspired bubble lights that glitter once theyre warmed up. Haphazard, messy Christmas light displays are the direct result of opening a box of lights and tossing them up without thought. It covers your entire tree and shines bright for all to see. use a trunk-to-tip method to create "not just a shell of light but an inner glow and a three-dimensionality that cannot be achieved any other way," says David Murbach, the manager of the center's gardens division. (The railing has baked on enamel paint.). All tip submissions are carefully reviewed before being published. How To Decorate Outside Bushes With Christmas Lights - YouTube 0:00 / 6:31 How To Decorate Outside Bushes With Christmas Lights 4,139 views Nov 6, 2018 8 Dislike Share Save Design. It also makes hanging baubles very easy in sections between the lights. Many experts are recommending switching to LED (Light Emitting Diode) Christmas lights rather than using traditional incandescent lights. Copyright 2023 Acton Media Inc. All rights reserved. Vertical wrapping also prevents overuse of lights, as fewer bulbs are needed to create a result similar to placing Christmas lights horizontally. After you have put the Christmas lights on the tree, do any final adjustments before adding ornaments and decorations. how many lights you need for your Christmas tree. Even then, opt for strings of lights where the globe or bubble is spaced farther apart on the wire. Trust us: It's easier than you think to light up a Christmas tree correctly! Plug in your Christmas lights, change out any burnt out or broken bulbs, and prepare the strings of lights in coils that unravel easily. No matter which direction youre hanging lights, you need to prepare the tree first. In this video, we're. Leave them on while you work so you can see how they look on the tree, and so you can easily address dark spots. By signing up you are agreeing to receive emails according to our privacy policy. Thank you. Wiring Cost to Put Up Christmas Lights Powering the lights may need new electrical wiring or outlets. Level up your tech skills and stay ahead of the curve. Compare products Related reviews. If you are only going to light the front of the bush, place the lights at the bottom of the bush and string them up and down along the front of the bush, forming a wave pattern. Plan your lighting scheme beforehand. Use small cable ties or wind excess cord around the trunk to keep it in place and hide it from view. RELATED: Everything but the Tree: Our 12 Favorite Wreaths, Garlands, and Other Christmas Greenery. 1. Net lights and mini-light strings provide overall illumination, making them ideal for most bushes. Keep your lights plugged in as you position them on the tree, as it makes them easier to see and adjust as you go. 2. Testing the lights and replacing any burnt out bulbs at the beginning helps your tree look its best. Discount is off product's original list price. Continue wrapping branches in this manner until you come to the end of the string. How to Put up Christmas Lights Outside Download Article parts 1 Choose a Suitable Lighting Display 2 Preparing the Lighting and Display Areas 3 Put Up the Lighting Other Sections Questions & Answers Video Tips and Warnings Related Articles References Author Info Last Updated: May 6, 2021 References Approved Running an extension cord through a hole or a window or door is a fire hazard and a code violation in most places. Also, with the lights plugged in, you already know that the cord reaches the power outlet, eliminating the need to re-wrap the tree or use an extension cord. Whether you wish to highlight your Christmas decor, or simply frame your landscaping, ground lights are a simple yet attractive addition to your yard. He said: "Candles on the dining table are fine for the evening, but at lunch you should be smelling the . Christmas tree lights can either be end-to-endaka string-to-stringor stacked. First, measure the height and circumference of the tree before beginning to string lights. If you have a branch that's drooping or unattractive, simply remove it by clipping it from behind with a pair of florist shears. A dead zone of lights occurs when you connect one string of lights to another: Hide the unsightly green plug by pushing it deep into the branches. Amanda Bell spent six years working as an interior designer and project coordinator before becoming a professional writer in 2010. Purchase S-shaped gutter hooks at the home improvement store, and hang them up by pressing the top part of the S 6. Mentally divide the tree into three sections (or more, if its a larger tree), as youll add lights to one section at a time. Always make sure you can climb down easily. Instead of matching the string lights color to that of your net lights, try using an accent color to match your other outdoor Christmas decorations or incorporate twinkling string lights to create the effect of fireflies dancing in your bushes at night. Step 5 Extend the other two corners so the web lights are not hanging loosely, and attach the corner loops around branches at the two other corners of the bush. By wrapping each branch with lightsinstead of laying the strands on top of the branchesyou can hide the wires and create a richer look. 1. If you have a porch light that's shielded from the elements, you may be able to insert a socket adapter that places a power socket between the fixture and the lamp. Step back from the tree and look at it with your eyes crossed, or squint until the tree is blurry. Our Recommendation: Hayata 7 Count Color Christmas Bubble Lights Get them on Amazon for $20.99. Your hedges, shrubs and front yard bushes are the perfect canvas for Christmas lights. Carry the cord over to the next branch, wrap it around a green near the trunk, and pull it out to the tip. How to put Christmas Lights on bushes - YouTube Learn how to put Christmas Lights on bushes. As you work, place some lights deeper into the branches and place some closer to the front to create depth. There are several methods you can use. Better Homes & Gardens - 100 years of powering your passions at home. If you'd like to help out the show and add subtitles to this video in a language other than English? When starting on a new section, make sure the upside down V blends in seamlessly with the previous section, ensuring there arent any areas lacking in Christmas lights. The fullness of a fresh-cut tree is hard to replicate in an artificial tree, but one could complain about the regular waterings. As more strings of lights are needed, connect them once youve used up the current string of Christmas lights. Expert advice from Bob Vila, the most trusted name in home improvement, home remodeling, home repair, and DIY. Plug in the first string of lights, and start wrapping them around the trunk with your desired spacing. You might be using too much energy to charge the lights. Net light sets can be connected end to end and wrapped either vertically or horizontally on these types of shapes, however, we recommend you hang them like curtain panels vertically around the bush to avoid a heavy concentration of lights at the top. Dont install more than 1,400 watts on a circuit and use green extension cords and power stakes to reduce clutter. When putting Christmas lights on a tree vertically, the first step is very similar to placing the lights horizontally. When purchasing your lights, make sure to purchase lights that can be used outdoors. Horizontal is traditional, sure, but this small change in orientation makes a big difference in presentation. Pass the ball of lights around the tree trunk, leaving space to wrap back down if desired. Decorators at New York City's Rockefeller Center (who would know how to light a tree better?) Wrap the cord over itself and the branch as before. Bushes manicured to taper at the top often take on a conical appearance, which makes them naturally look like an ornamental shape. Approved. Decide what style and color lights you want to string through the bushes -- large or mini, multicolored or single-colored. If your lights aren't hanging exactly where you want them, Walter suggests wrapping a little floral wire around the cord and branch to hold it in place. String lights along the roof line, around columns, along the porch railing. If wikiHow has helped you, please consider a small contribution to support us in helping more readers like you. While hanging tree lights horizontally is most common, many top decorating experts recommend installing your lights from the bottom to the top. Once the lights and wires are hidden inside your bushes, turn your lights on and make adjustments as necessary if you notice any dark spots. You may be keen on outdoor christmas lights on bushes in 2023. Emily VanSchmus is the assistant digital home editor at Better Homes & Gardens, where she covers home decor, entertaining ideas, and more. Net lights have end-to-end connectors, plug them into one another as you go to avoid searching for the ends later and having to use multiple extension cords! These easy-to-follow tips will show you how to put lights on your Christmas tree, whether a real tree (here's how to pick the best one) or an artificial tree. Alternate green and orange net lights to delight trick or treaters as they approach. Before buying your tree lights, check the boxes to make sure they're all compatible. 3. And all it takes is three simple steps. Hedgerows and other square or rectangular shaped bushes often have multiple angles and straight lines that are atypical of a normal bush. Rectangular bush shapes are also common abutting walls or stairs, which often means only the front side and top side of the hedgerow are visible. So you can either start at the top of a bush and wrap the Christmas lights around each bush or you can start on one side and wrap them over the top. However, what many people don't consider is the method of lighting bushes and shrubs from the inside to create a pleasing glow without having to worry about the pattern and uniformity on the outside. These bulbs start at about 1.5-inches long and about an inch in diameter, but can be larger. Once you've wrapped the tree, tuck the strands farther in on the branches to make room for ornaments. References Designed with energy-efficient, bright, and durable LED lights, the 17-foot string of lights has 25 dimmable bulbs available in multiple or single colors, and a single plug can support up to 90 sets of these indoor or outdoor Christmas lights. Theyre fairly inexpensive and easy to install. For a classic but bright look, we like to use LED lights like these warm, clear LED mini Christmas lights ($17, Target). How To Install Christmas Lights On Large Bush So this video i show you how to put lights on a large bush 4-5 feet tall and round. Starting from the base, string the lights in an upside-down V shape (or triangle) to section off the first area you want to fill with lights. Outdoor Christmas lights tips - DIY tricks that will save you a ton of time! \rAre you bilingual? You can also find music-syncing lights, so you can program your tree to change colors in time to your favorite Christmas songs. Try pairing different-size bulbs with different stringing techniques. You can find out more about our use, change your default settings, and withdraw your consent at any time with effect for the future by visiting Cookies Settings, which can also be found in the footer of the site. To maximize safety, never plug more than two extension cords together. 2000 - 2023 Christmas Lights, Etc. Start with the upside down V, fill the branches with lights, and adjust the spacing. Run the extension cord from your house to the tree. Instead, use plastic gutter clips that hook onto the gutter and hold the wire tightly. And with a few helpful tips, you can install foliage lighting like a pro. If you have an exterior outlet somewhere on the house, install your extension cord from the outlet to the roof line keeping the cord as close to the building as possible. Outdoor christmas decorating with net lights doesn't have to stop at your bushes and shrubs. You'll learn two different ways of hanging Christmas lights in the trees in your yard for your computerized. Bend the loose ends of the wire towards the back of the tree to prevent any injuries. If you use miniature tree lights, you can wrap them around the branches and leave them on permanentlyjust be sure to light each section separately! Step 6 "The lights are literally wrapped around the branch as . Mentally divide the tree into three triangular sections. Due to their long and narrow design, column wraps are also referred to as ribbon wraps. What are some tips for installing an outdoor outlet on your home? These collaborations allow us to provide you with the most accurate, up-to-date, and comprehensive information available. How To Install Christmas Lights On Large Bush So this video i show you how to put lights on a large bush 4-5 feet tall and round. If you want your light wrapped trees to be even brighter or seen from from a distance, net lights can be wrapped multiple times around smaller tree trunks as well. Many artificial Christmas trees come in sections that open like an umbrella. Be careful not to cross the cord over itself. Slip the loop over one of the branchlets or greens near the trunk, and wrap the cord a few times around the green to secure it. When installing a net light, take the time to pull branches and leaves through the holes in the net to set the lights a bit further back into the bush. Plug in your lights before wrapping them through the bushes. To create this article, 48 people, some anonymous, worked to edit and improve it over time. So for a six-foot tree, you'll need about 600 lights. Avoid large globe and bulb lights unless youre decorating a very large bush. Instead, buy them in the lengths you need, and make sure they can handle the wattage of the bulbs. Use 12 boxes of 100-light strands for a 6-foot tree and 16 boxes for an 8-foot tree. If necessary, plug more strands of lights into the previous strands of lights. She has worked on content at Southern Living and Better Homes & Gardens, among other lifestyle outlets. It needs to be in a weatherproof electrical box and have a cover. String them upward around the tree, like wrapping a maypole, continuing to weave around branches in that S shape. This article has been viewed 834,107 times. We discuss safety tips and several diy tricks-of-the-trade that are guaranteed to save you time and frustration when you hang Christmas lights in the trees in your yard.If you are a fan of Christmas light shows you can help support us on Patreon: This will get you early access to videos, access to videos that we do not publish on YouTube, and you will receive Christmas on Crestline merchandise!! As a general rule of thumb, every foot of tree should have approximately 100 mini lights or 50 larger lights, but this number is flexible based on your brightness preferences, so adjust accordingly. If you have any extra lights once you reach the top, you can start winding them back down the tree or adjust the lower lights to ensure the string of lights ends at the top. Using unique shapes, unexpected colors, and a bit of extra pizzazz, novelty Christmas lights are just as interesting as the ornaments that hang next to them. Mark your tree. Leave the Christmas lights on while you decorate, so you can better control the spacing between the bulbs. How to Hang Christmas Lights Step-by-Step. Depending on the home's size and types of lights, you may need more than one outlet installed. This creates a more natural effect. Plug in a second extension cord into your main power strip if you are lighting a larger tree. We may earn revenue from the products available on this page and participate in affiliate programs. Nothing is more disappointing than wrapping your tree in lights to later discover they dont work. When these bushes flank walkways or flower beds they are usually visible from multiple sides, which is important to note. You dont want wind, birds, small animals, or Santa to knock them off! Christmas Lights 8.69K subscribers Subscribe 175 46K views 3 years ago So you can either start at the top of a bush and wrap the Christmas lights around each bush or you can start on one. These Christmas light ideas for outdoor trees will instantly transform your yard into a winter wonderland. In this video, we're demonstrating our favorite technique for lighting hedges and shrubs using mini string lights, vampire plugs and zip cord. Scroll through to learn about the different types of net lights and how to use them, or click on the specific topic you're hoping to learn more about to be taken to the section you need! wikiHow is a wiki, similar to Wikipedia, which means that many of our articles are co-written by multiple authors. "The trick is to go up and down, not around and around," says David Stark, co-owner of Avi Adler, a Brooklyn floral and event design company. Bell studied English composition and literature at the University of Boston and the University of Maryland. Christmas lights dress up a holiday tree, making it twinkle and glow. As a small thank you, wed like to offer you a $30 gift card (valid at Begin stringing the lights at the bottom of the bush. Hiring an electrician to install an outdoor outlet with a cover costs $200 to $275. If you aren't sure where to start when wrapping trees with lights, take a look at our step by step tree wrapping guide! The heat provided by these lights is not significant enough to damage the plant, and you won't have to worry about any negative effects as long as you stay within a limited range. Attach as many strings as you need to make it to the top of the trunk, securing the lights with twine or electrical tape each time you plug in a new string. Plug in the first string of lights, and nestle the last bulb on the string at the top of the tree next to the trunk. *Shipping outside the continental 48 United States and over-sized items requiring truck shipping will incur additional shipping fees. You can find string lights in almost any color you could want, so the design possibilities are really limitless. Retailers may also refer to these as twinkle lights, as mini string lights with a faceted surface are designed to have a sparkle effect. How to put lights on a Christmas tree: the vertical method. Repeat step 2 to add lights to the remaining sections of the Christmas tree. There's good debate over real versus artificial Christmas trees. Your hedges, shrubs and front yard bushes are the perfect canvas for Christmas lights. Like wrapping your bushes and trees in a big, bright hug; net lights are the quick and simple solution to your outdoor landscape lighting needs! That can prove to be quite a task when you're anywhere under 5'7. Placing Christmas lights on a tree vertically is faster, which makes taking them off easier, too. Simply leave a comment below or you can always reach me at Christmasoncrestline@gmail.comWe purchased our SMD strobe lights and mini strobe lights from strobes: strobes:, Joy of Man's Desiring by Kevin MacLeod is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution license ( STEP 1: Check your Christmas lights and decorate one-third of the tree at a time. Christmas lights, of course! Most net lights can be connected end to end and with LED net lights you can often connect numerous net lights together, which means you can outfit a large hedgerow utilizing only one plug outlet. For smaller shrubs, zip cord and inline female vampire plugs can create a clean lighting solution. Step 1. Repeat this procedure for the remaining triangles. Add a splash of color and a festive feel to the outside of your home during the holiday season with Christmas lights. From elegant to whimsical to over the top, Christmas lights come in different sizes and colors to suit many preferences. Separate the cord again when you reach the trunk, and slip it over a branchlet to secure it. Now, you can easily program your Christmas tree lights to display whatever colors and patterns you like, all from a simple app on your smartphone. John Granen. Outdoor Christmas lights tips - DIY tricks that will save you a ton of time! Whether you decide to hang your lights horizontally as we prefer, or vertically which also has its perks, use these tips from floral design expert Michael Walter to become a Christmas tree decorating pro. For example, if you have several bushes along your driveway, in front of your home and in the center of your yard, covering everything may be overwhelming, yet lighting the perimeter bushes and one larger shrub in the center is often just enough. The REAL SIMPLE team strives to make life easier for you. THREE WAYS TO INSTALL LIGHTS ON AN OUTDOOR TREE - YouTube 0:00 / 2:39 Intro THREE WAYS TO INSTALL LIGHTS ON AN OUTDOOR TREE Festive Lights 6.22K subscribers Subscribe 592 225K views 3. The Ultimate Christmas Countdown Checklist, The 11 Best Outdoor Christmas Lights of 2022, How to Choose the Right Christmas Lights for Decorating Indoors and Out, The 8 Best Artificial Christmas Trees of 2022, Tested and Reviewed, 60 Creative and Elegant Christmas Decoration Ideas, Make Your Entryway Warm and Festive With These Cute Holiday Decor Pieces on Amazon Starting at $14, The Right Way to Care for a Live Christmas Tree so It Stays Fresher for Longer, Everything You Need to Know About Buying, Hanging, and Storing Christmas Lights This Year, The 10 Best Outdoor String Lights of 2023, How to Hang Outdoor String LightsPlus, Inspiration for Your Own Yard, How to Decorate a Christmas Tree Like a Pro, According to a Macy's Designer, 51 Christmas Crafts to Brighten Your Holiday Decor (and Fill Your Winter Hours), 7 Essential Things to Know Before Buying Your First Christmas Tree, How to Make Your Christmas Tree Last Longer, 6 Places to Buy Real Christmas Trees Online for Delivery, How to Decorate Your Small Space for the Holidays. 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